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Curiae Radioactivity/ Technocyte Mutation Frame


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Technocyte/Radioactivity frame

possibly just mutation frame?



Health - 125 base - 375 max

Shields - 125 base -375 max

armor - 100

Sprint speed - .95

Polarities - 1 utility 1 defensive 4 ability

Aura polarity - utility


power 1 - Mutation bolt - fire's a straight line bolt of radioactive technocyte cells toward the targeting reticle enemies within 2/4/6 meters of the bolt are struck by smaller bolts that peel off of the original shot, total number of targets is 3/6/9 depending on the fusion level of mutation bolt, any enemies struck are afflicted with one of three mutations randomly 


Mutation 1 - technocyte tumors form inside the targets joints impeding all movement by 20/30/40%


Mutation 2 - the target's eye's or optical device's are partially recessed into the target's skull or body and they are now less accurate by 20/30/40% and have their reaction times slowed by the same amount


Mutation 3 - the target's begins to form explosive cysts all across there body stunning them for 2 seconds before they begin a series of chain explosions (2/2/4/6) explosions each dealing 200 damage to all enemies nearby the afflicted 


(cost 50, range 20 meters , mod cost 3/4/5/6)


power 2 - Mass mutation - Curiae causes the armor of all nearby enemies to being a series of skin mutations causing them to all emit a lethal radioactive field, the field deals 100/200/300 damage per second to all enemies nearby the afflicted enemies for the next 4/6/8 seconds 

(cost 50, range 10/15/20 meters,mods cost 5/6/7/8)


Power 3 - T-Cell cyst mines - Curiae directs her T-cells to create a Cyst mine hive, this hive slowly fills the area with floating Cyst mines, this hive can be destroyed by enemy fire and will produce 2/4/6 mines every second for the next 10 seconds, mines will deal 250/400/550 damage in a small Aoe when they explode

(cost 50, range at her feet, mod cost 5/6/7/8)


Power 4 - Lethal mutation - Curiae mutates the shoulders of all nearby tenno's warframes causing them to form two semi-organic autonimous turrets, these turrets last 15/15/25/35 seconds and have a range similar to a sentinel, they fire small Aoe explosive cysts at anything that threatens the host warframe, damage is 250/250/500/750 a shot, they are single shot and have a reload of 5/5/3.5/2 seconds between shots

(Cost 100, range all allied tenno, mod cost 10/11/12/13)  


Apperance - dark green mottled skin as the base, white bone like structures with a porous texture as armor cowlings over her shoulders and hips, small black more geometric metal/crystaline covers for her boot's and forearms, a single black metal structure containing a glowing energy reactor and technocyte"swarm" effects nestled in between her shoulder blades, her head would have bone structures wrapping over the front and arcing off the back, the actual face of the frame would have a smooth appearance with only a few running lights in a mostly organic placement to give the appearance of multiple eye's 4-6 total, the base of the skull would be another smooth geometric piece mainly black with a few tubes running down into the generator on her back. every so often a small technocyte "swarm" would leave one of the porous bone structures on her arms and travel around her body and down into the leg structure. ( a picture if i can manage it to come) generally a more curvy frame then most other female frames, somewhat in the same vein as Saryn


General purpose - Crowd control and disable while remaining "tanky" to allow this frame to help take control of situations from right in the thickest parts of combat.

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my only problem is that he has better health than a tank and the shield of one as well. his stats just seem OP but I like the idea of a technocyte frame.

actually Saryn has 450 max health, and the other tanks have 450 max shields, this is more of a balance with a lower max, Curiae is female

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I'll try to draw you one (not good at computer rendering at all) because I had a similar idea about a radioactive frame. Stats need to take a hit in certain places though. Will she be a tank... I wouldn't recommend that because then she seems OP, but the choice is yours I'll post the picture later.

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