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How To Fix The Glaring Issue:


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MASSIVE WALL OF TEXT INCOMING! Unless someone tells me how to add the spoiler thing! EDIT: Figured it out!


I suppose technically the title is flawed as there should be an 's' after issue. Because this game has a lot of issues that really need fixes and soon. Let's not beat around the bush (avoid the subject, ignore the elephant in the room, take your pick) This game has several glaring problems and players are beginning to catch on. We've already lost a moderator who got sick of this and I'm starting to get the little voice in my head claiming that he's right. Now my solutions aren't programming ideas since other than knowing a few basic Ctrl + commands, where the power button is, and that the keyboard should not be eaten, I generally suck at computers. 


Anyways here's the first big glaring issue, the RNG:


Yes, RNG is a bitter mule, stubborn, unyielding, and is liked less than that one kid on your street who always invited you over to watch him play video games. (Yes we all know that little bastard.) But of course we cannot blame RNG. It's not RNG's fault that it's more broken than Chernobyl. It's the items in RNG. Now this might just be me but RNG in this refers to drop rates as well unless specifically stated because the two go hand in hand.


First off Warframe BP RnG: 


 For instance: I ran Themisto over 40 times just to get volt. I ended up with 6 helmets, 11 chassis, and 1 systems. The other times, nothing dropped and I ended up simply quitting when I got no BP. This of course was repeated for Mag, Nyx, Ash, and the second volt. (I sold the first). This is an issue. I get having to work hard for items. It makes the reward all the more valuable. But having to run the same mission 40 times is like forcing Spielberg and Zaillian to make Schindlers List 40 times just for a single academy award! Long story short, RNG works about as well as my metaphors.


But here's your great solution which you already showed is capable through the great and wondrous Lephantis! Yes this boos is fantastic, good job DE. He's a true multistage boss which was challenging enough that the reward was a fistpump and an exhale of YES! But not so hard that you were chewing on your monitor hoping the mercury would delude you that you got it. (do monitors still have mercury in them? did they ever?) Anyways, he was a fantastic boss and the best part about him was that he dropped his reward (which was guaranteed) at the end of the mission! 


This. This right here. Dropping the reward when you complete the mission. Getting paid for your work. This is a good idea and has been for a couple thousand years. DE seriously, do this for every boss. I didn't mind not always getting the piece i needed but the fact that I always got a piece was nice. Really damn nice. Also he was a cool looking boss with three heads which is awesome like the prostitute from Total Recall but in a different way. This forces players to complete the mission so we don't have any quitting scumbags like me, and it will drastically drop the grind. 


Second, the void drops:


 Yes people have moaned a groaned and phoned all about this one. But even though it uses the same drop system as Lephantis, it's flawed because of its use of RNG. However this one has a slightly more elaborate solution. Look, right now it works in that each key type has 3-10 (give or take) different items than can be dropped as a reward. Each item has a certain percentage drop which varies from 11% to 0.67% (which is possibly rarer then that chicken event from Runescape and 8 years ago, I never got that.) But I digress, back to the solution. So here what ya do, you simply assign each item to a specific key and only that item. Survival keys only drop mag. Defense Keys only Drop Frost Prime. Exterminate Keys only drop Latron prime.


But hey I know what you're saying right now. "Hey Anunymau5! What about all the other Prime weapons? The Paris, Boar, Reaper, etc??? What about them Anunymau5? Are you a Prime Racist? What about Forma? Don't tell me you hate forma?"


And yes I see why you would ask that. To be honest, it did stump me and still to some extent does. The Easiest solution would be to add more mission types but that requires work, time, and effort which should be put into fixing the holes instead of shooting more bullets through the planking. 


However what if instead of the keys throwing us to a random chunk of space, they threw us into another "planet map" The planet map being various void ships instead of planets with each key sending us to a different planet. Then we could have Orokin Cruiser Syndael drops Bronco Prime, while Orokin Cruiser Verona drops Paris Prime. This would allow for a new map set to keep players occupied, remove some of the more drastic key grinding, and fix the RnG drop issues. DE already has a model for the Orokin ships so its clear that they know what they should look like so arrange a bunch in a spiral and make them clickable. Problem solved. (At least to some extent). 




Ok next issue: Mods.


 This is kind of a bittersweet situation except the bitter part is a man clubbing your legs with a 9 iron and the sweet part is lying in the centre of a mountain of happy, sleepy, kittens. (I mentioned cats which means you can't be angry at me anymore). Mods are awesome. The system is awesome. The drops are.. tolerable. However the mods themselves are the bittersweet part. Some of them are great like Constitution and the new glaive one that turns my melee into a second miter. Some are essential like Flow or Serration/Hornet Strike and some are useless. Quite useless. Hell some mods are stuff that should already be on your character like Handspring! DE your current solution to any Warframe issue is to add a mod that fixes it. Except we really only have 6 slots available. I mean everyone usually ends up slotting all four of their abilities because as useless as freeze might be, we will end up having to use it at one point.


This is the issue where there's really only three Warframe mod types. There's hyper agile McGee with his max Rush, Quick Rest, Handspring, Marathon, Constitution, and Maglev. There's the never ending supply of insta kill powers set with max Flow, Continuity, Focus, Stretch, Streamline, and again Constitution. Then finally, there's the never dead bastard with max Vitality, Fast Deflection, Redirection, etc etc. I got tired of typing mod names. But after that, theres some good mods like Heavy Impact (which I've never seen anyone use except myself) and there's the really useless mods. Stuff like Warm coat. No one is ever gonna want 12% ice resistance when they can slot a high tiered redirection in its place and just have slightly less shields but still a ton!


Anyways here's the issue. There's a ton of useless mods which DE should either build into the existing frames, or remove. I get that some are there to help the new players but I'm never gonna need more hacking time. If it ever somehow gets hard enough that I'm low on time, I can just move my mouse an inch down and use a cipher. Remove the useless mods.


Now for the mod droprate, I would like some things tweaked like less damn silencer mods in the void. I have enough by this point to build a second void. But I mean other than that, the mod drop rate seems relatively stable right now. Although more faction specific mods would be nice. 


Next up we got weapons:


 Now most of the weapons seem fine except for a few pointers involving buffs and melee. Lets start with melee because it is easier to segway into buffs and its the longer of the two issues. Melee right now feels nice, but anticlimactic. Yes I just swung a giant scythe into a Grineer and split him into two and then spent the better part of a minute trying to cut that chunk into smaller chunks. However when I'm done my visceral bloodletting, I just toss the melee onto my back which feels... lame. I'm holding a giant two bladed gold scythe! I should be dragging that thing behind me with a spray of sparks as I charge towards a cowering Grineer and then rip him to shreds! In short I want to be able to hold my melee. You could set E as quick melee but allow us to hold it as well with left click being attack and right click being block/parry. This could also add some cool stuff in the animation department with Rhino carrying the scythe with one hand while a frame like Nekros or Volt has to drag it behind them. Then slot it onto their back and pull their rifle out again by pressing F. Maybe it's just me but I want to run holding my long sword like a true samurai and just kick all kinds of &#!. Which is a flawed segway into my next weapons point (yes I lied earlier) some of the melee weapons really suck. I'm talking about the Pangolin Sword (EDIT: Was DUal Cleavers but turns out they're not bad), Jaw Sword, Ceramic Dagger, etc. These weapons look awesome but do nothing! DE please buff them!


Alright now I don't have much left to rant about. Thank you for sticking around so far. If you have of course. 


The last issue with this game is the maps. This one is really easy to solve. Like it could probably be done in a hotfix. 


 The maps are kinda boring. I don't want to run the same Grineer galleon tileset 11 times with an asteroid base mixed in when theres the Void and Derelict tilesets out there or even Phobos which seems to have detached itself from mars or maybe just grown. The biggest issue with this is Mercury. Sometimes when I'm bored, I run through mercury and help new players with some of the parkour techniques, modding, etc. It just makes me feel like a good person. But like many delusions, it turns out to be a waste of time because I've seen player again and again get bored of the planet because the first 7 maps are a Grineer ship and it seems to be the same ship each time. Which I get because of tilesets and what not. But DE, you have the Derelicts which are confirmed to be within the solar system and the phobos tileset. Mercury would work perfect for the desert ruins and you could mix in a bit of derelict for the infested mission on mercury. This would spice up each of the planets and make the map a lot more appealing. It would also remove grinding for derelict keys which is dull. You guys did say you want to minimize grinding after all. 


Ok I think I'm done ranting. Anyways DE, you've made a fantastic game! Except you stopped following up on your promises and here's a way to fix that! Syanadana's are awesome! Lephantis is awesome! The Derelict tileset is awesome! So yeah sorry for the broken metaphors and Atlas Shrugged of posts. Oh and I do get the redundancy of my post because other people have said similar things. But then again redundancy is well redundant.


Besides I had like 11 more things I was gonna go over. But that's for another time.


And so like the third finale of Return of the King, I will simply say DE, I love your game. Please tell the little voice in the back of my head that he's wrong by fixing it.


Player Suggestions:




Someone else posted this idea but I think it's great. Tokens. You complete the void missions and receive tokens based on how much of the map you  explored, how many of the enemies you defeated (if not in exterminate) and other actions such as the first two. Then you can use the tokens within a market to purchase items from the void that you want. I personally think this to be a good system.




Void Drops: IMO, the weapon parts should drop from containers like nav coordinates, while the actual blueprints remain the end of mission reward.  That way there is significantly less clutter from all the 3-4 parts you need for every individual weapon and it also gives players more incentive to seek out bonus rooms, not to mention you have a chance at getting more than more weapon part per mission this way. Binding specific blueprints to certain missions/tiers would probably be the best way to reduce the randomness of the rewards to be more reasonable, though I imagine it'll be a pain on behalf of the players if the item they want is bound to a mission type they don't like (but I still agree it'd be better than the current state of rewards).


Mr. Wux


That bonus on hacking should be made that it delays Intrusion detection by 1 sec (+mod rank) of current time (and in that case it would be much more viable to use it in a stealth play).


ADDED PART II: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/120682-more-glaring-issues/#entry1417720

Edited by Anunymau5
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Warframe BP as end of mission rewards: Agreed.


Void Drops: IMO, the weapon parts should drop from containers like nav coordinates, while the actual blueprints remain the end of mission reward.  That way there is significantly less clutter from all the 3-4 parts you need for every individual weapon and it also gives players more incentive to seek out bonus rooms, not to mention you have a chance at getting more than more weapon part per mission this way. Binding specific blueprints to certain missions/tiers would probably be the best way to reduce the randomness of the rewards to be more reasonable, though I imagine it'll be a pain on behalf of the players if the item they want is bound to a mission type they don't like (but I still agree it'd be better than the current state of rewards).


Mod System: Agreed that there is definitely too many situational mods and not enough room/incentive to have them when you need the limited space for ability cards and core survival/energy mods. I personally think that the mod system needs an entire overhaul, maybe some kind of hybrid of a skill tree for core upgrades and the current mod systems for the more situational stuff. Unfortunately I doubt DE would make such a drastic change so late in development, so I'm honestly not sure what else could be done to improve the current system.


Melee: I think this needs a bit of an overhaul as well. Maybe not some fancy DMC combo system, but at the very least the ability to hold our weapons (as you said) and a serious buff to damage to improve their scaling. Also parrying needs to be a core mechanic, not some % chance mod. It would be interesting if continuous hits against a target cause the damage dealt to increase with each strike, to create some sort of pseudo-combo system type mechanic. I could probably think of a whole list for this, but that's for an entirely separate thread.


Maps: I'll be honest, since the description of Mercury says there are hidden derelicts patrolled by the Grineer, I was under the impression that DE was going to add derelict maps to Mercury to replace a few of those repetitive ship tile-sets. Needless to say, I was a bit disappointed that they were essentially "extension pack" maps when the main game is still lacking in mission/location variety. I am still kind of hoping that Derelict tile-sets make it into the main map eventually, because that would make an awesome first level.



So in short I pretty much agree with you. There are definitely some things that need a bit of attention, and others that need a lot of work, so hopefully DE will pay some mind to this thread. Thankfully it's still a great game all and all, it just needs some more fine tuning for its retail release.

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Really good points there OP. Finally constructive criticism about flaws of the game. Thank you.


Especially stuff about Mercury... they need to show new players some of the cool stuff to keep them interested.


Would be smart to put at least one void mission near the beginning of the game if not for any other reason than for showing it off.

It is kinda sad how that most of the people that start and quit the game don't even get to see them :/


Also I took couple of newbies to Lephantis and showed it to them and the game sold itself right there - just something to think about... :P

Edited by Jahas
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Every single one of your points is perfect except for one thing. Dual Cleavers are actually pretty good as far as melee weapons go. They have Flat higher DPS than the dual zorens and with crit and damage can one-shot a lot of the low-mid range enemies. Jaw sword and ceramic dagger are on the money though.

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Every single one of your points is perfect except for one thing. Dual Cleavers are actually pretty good as far as melee weapons go. They have Flat higher DPS than the dual zorens and with crit and damage can one-shot a lot of the low-mid range enemies. Jaw sword and ceramic dagger are on the money though.

Had no idea about the dual cleavers, never tried them myself but thanks!

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Good read. I agree with all the points except the void. Someone else posted this idea but I think it's great. Tokens. You complete the void missions and receive tokens based on how much of the map you  explored, how many of the enemies you defeated (if not in exterminate) and other actions such as the first two. Then you can use the tokens within a market to purchase items from the void that you want. I personally think this to be a good system. Aside from that +1 from me! :)

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warframe BP issues: yes, very valid, I'm having the same issue getting saryn. I feel that we could assassinate the boss for their "tenno experiment room" key, since depending on the lore, the boss either kills (implied) a tenno operative, or they're....war heros and possibly conquered a specific tenno before, and we could do a minigame in the said room to either save the tenno operative, or harvest/destroy their frames so the secret doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
Orokin void BP's: I would LOVE to not be dissappointed when I'm hunting for a prime weapon but ended up having frost prime helmet show up again (I already capped my frost prime warframe, you don't have to keep telling me to get another one...what is this, adopt a tenno?). With this issue, I feel it wouldn't fit to the lore very well, at this current stage. We could just modify the method we get to and from the void though, make it so that we, the players are trying to unlock the orokin space via....mind teleportation through the use of the key for lotus to...do what lotus do, and the neuro sentry would be able to recreate enemies based on our tenno experiences (which would still leave the enemies as corrupted) and try to stop us this way. when we finally clear the objective, we could be prompted by the lotus to choose a weapon cache, warframe cache, or supply cache so we can TRY to get the BPs we want. I donno, in my mind, this way fits better.


Mods: I'm glad you brought this up, because I'm honestly never going to use warm coat, any of the damage reduction mods, or whatever. I really hope DE implement specific traits to different warframes, since I don't see why frost should be vulnerable to the ice from the ship when he uses ICE TO SHIELD HIMSELF/HIS ALLIES, or why ember would be burned by the munition fire when she SETS HERSELF ON FIRE....but yeah, totally agree with you on this one.


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Good points.


Dead on with the RNG particularly as, unless they're fiddling it behind the scenes, you don't actually increase your likelihood of getting your needed item with each run. Hence the wonderful experience of getting 2 bps in 10-15 runs and the last one taking closer to 75. A very good way of inducing the grind mentality and rapidly getting your players fatigued.


Anecdotally there was an MMO I used to play where someone had put a decimal in the wrong place, leading to a drop rate of o.x% for an item to get you sorted for the next zone. That last damn tree branch took me 3 weeks to acquire and there was a hilarious player exodus until it got sorted - that sort of thing gets old very quickly indeed.


The amount of redundant mods could do with a jigging too for sure. There are so many where you just go 'meh' and sell/transmute or whatever.


Also I'd love to see the melee fleshed out a bit more and just being able to equip my chosen enemy batterer would be a very welcome addition.


Well done evaluation there mate.

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Good points.


Dead on with the RNG particularly as, unless they're fiddling it behind the scenes, you don't actually increase your likelihood of getting your needed item with each run. Hence the wonderful experience of getting 2 bps in 10-15 runs and the last one taking closer to 75. A very good way of inducing the grind mentality and rapidly getting your players fatigued.


Anecdotally there was an MMO I used to play where someone had put a decimal in the wrong place, leading to a drop rate of o.x% for an item to get you sorted for the next zone. That last damn tree branch took me 3 weeks to acquire and there was a hilarious player exodus until it got sorted - that sort of thing gets old very quickly indeed.


The amount of redundant mods could do with a jigging too for sure. There are so many where you just go 'meh' and sell/transmute or whatever.


Also I'd love to see the melee fleshed out a bit more and just being able to equip my chosen enemy batterer would be a very welcome addition.


Well done evaluation there mate.

Thanks! Good to see people agreeing with my post!

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I honestly hope that this post will get enough attention from other community members and DEvs


and read CJs comment,yeah it would be cool to have the token systems,maybe not to buy whole weapon,to buy parts for that weapon (blade,handles) etc. so u still have to craft it wait for 12hrs and spend that all precious orokin cell... :)

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I honestly hope that this post will get enough attention from other community members and DEvs


and read CJs comment,yeah it would be cool to have the token systems,maybe not to buy whole weapon,to buy parts for that weapon (blade,handles) etc. so u still have to craft it wait for 12hrs and spend that all precious orokin cell... :)

Yeah I have to agree, ill add CJ's comment to the post in some sort of suggestions section.

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Still 1 more thing (somehow i forgot to say all in 1 post :)

That bonus on hacking should be made that it delays Intrusion detection by 1 sec (+mod rank) of current time (and in that case it would be much more viable to use it in a stealth play),


as for cipher goes... i was laughing hard when i first time got it... was like "Hoo dhell uses daf sheet"
maybe they will make harder that hacking consoles or in some Live Stream they said that they will make some other console hacking types like DNA with infested,or stuff like that... or even make a cipher a time based feature in wich ship cant enter into lockdown for about 2-3 minutes

Also that elemental "resistance" mods,im sure that im never ever gonna use any of them... maybe they will come handy in a future if they decide to mess around a bit more with PvP... But so far... HELL NO!!!

And im still not done,il remember something later... Im sure

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I agree with all ecept the Token part......now if I read this right, this person is suggesting that there be a token system, and with these tokens you can buy prime weps off the market place? I hope you realize D.E needs money some how to keep this game going and to pay their employees. I'm not saying....I'm just saying... :I

Edited by RageManT
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I agree with all accept the Token part......now if I read this right, this person is suggesting that there be a token system, and with these tokens you can buy prime weps off the market place? I hope you realize D.E needs money some how to keep this game going and to pay their employees. I'm not saying....I'm just saying... :I

But you cant buy prime weapons with platinum at the current time.

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