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Khrono - Time Manipulating Warframe


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Since most warframes are based on a single theme, fire, ice, sound, etc. I've got an idea of a theme that could work well with a warframe. We could have new warframe that could manipulate time itself, but to certain level. It has to be unique, not generic press 4 and aoe kill everything, with fun to use abilities, and balanced abilities set. So I present you Khrono.


Khrono - Time Manipulating Warframe


His name is based on Khronos, personification of time in Greco-Roman times. Often referred as god of time, he was usually portrayed as old man with long grey beard and hair. How does that has to do anything with this warframe? Well, his looks are based on it. Since I am not artist and can't really draw him, I will simply explain, my vision of him.


Skinny body type, with spiky metallic hair and beard like features on him. Rest of the body looks gray and silver, old, battered, and ancient. On his back just bellow his neck there is a energy core that's shining bright and from it, energy flows in spiral lines around his arms, torso and legs. As to why his looks are important, well that comes into play when we get to his abilities.


Now, the important part, Khrono's abilities. These are by no chance the final values and set in stone abilities, these are just ideas of how this kind of warframe could work and be awesome and fun as well. :)


1. Discontinuity - Khrono will try to rip the target in close range from the time continuum, making it stop existing in the present.


Deals 100, 200, 300, 400 damage, and makes the target fade. Fade makes the target transparent, allowing it to be punctured with bullets while still receiving 75%, 65%, 55%, 45% less damage from range weapons and also stunning it in place for 4, 5, 6, 7 second. Energy core will flash with bright light every time this ability is used and if target is killed, it will simply disappear, leaving no body on the ground. Costs 25 energy and has short use range.


2. Fade - Khrono will fade himself allowing him to move faster and run through enemies.


Fades Khrono, making him transparent, allowing him to run through enemies and increases his movement speed by 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, and receiving  less damage from range sources by 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%. Use of any range weapon breaks fade effects, while use of abilities doesn't. Lasts for 14, 16, 18, 20 seconds or until interrupted. Costs 50 energy.


3. Rewind - Khrono will return himself through time, disappearing and appearing where he was few moments ago.


Teleports Khrono to a position where he was 1 ,2 ,3, 4, seconds ago. When he use it, energy core on his back will create vortex around him before he disappears. Use time is 1 second. His health and shields will return to values which they were 1, 2, 3, 4 seconds ago. Costs 75 energy.


4.  Future Past Self - Khrono will create his past and future images that will attack enemies near him with melee weapons.


Khrono will spawn 2 images of himself next to himself only when enemies are in close range, that will attack nearest enemies in close range with your melee weapon, for 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% base damage of your equipped melee weapon. Images will last for 10, 15, 20, 25 seconds. Images can't be targeted, have no health, and can be visible only if enemy is close to Khrono. Costs 100 energy. While this ability is active, bright beam of light will shine from energy core on the back. from which images will spawn.


All of Khrono's abilities have great synergy, and playing him well would require to use them as combos. For example fade and rewind can help you get to the certain place fast, perform some actions and then rewind back where you where, and continue using range weapons, or rewind, fade and future past self, where you can run into horde of enemies, kill them with melee without worrying about getting killed, since when you get low on health, just rewind and you get back to safety, etc.


You probably by now noticed that Khrono is heavily based melee warframe, which I think lacks at the moment in game, he can also be decent tank as well a bit, by smart use of his abilities. My main concern was to keep him fun to play and most importantly balanced, which I think he is.


Thank you for reading my idea for new warframe, all comments and feedback are welcome, so feel free to discuss about it bellow.

Edited by Razielkh
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I think this is like the 11th warframe who's name is a variant of Chrono. 

Name really doesn't matter that much, base idea does, and before you say, it's just another same old idea, maybe read his abilities 1st, hmm? :)

Edited by Razielkh
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His name is based on Khronos, personification of time in Greco-Roman times. Often referred as god of time, he was usually portrayed as old man with long grey beard and hair. 


Do you mean Cronus? Because he was the first titan not the personification of time. EDIT: never mind turns out theres another greco deity named Chronos who was the personification of time. Wow talk about creative naming during the old times. Then again we did have a god named Ra.

Edited by Anunymau5
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