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Cosmos (Commander Frame)


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((Deciding to take a crack at making a command-style, support frame.))
Name: Cosmos
Gender: Male
Visual Concept: A tall and powerful looking warframe appearing to wear a long coat and a tall hat. Should give off the impression of a highly decorated, futuristic commander. Default colors should be primarily white, with blue-ish black as a secondary and some gold trim.
Flavor Description: A design long-thought lost to the ages, Cosmos revives the idea of a commander among Tenno Forces, guiding his troops not only to victory, but also to safety at all costs.
(Rank 30 stats in parentheses)
Health: 125 (250)
Shield: 100 (200)
Armor: 125
Power: 125 (200)
Speed: 1.0
Stamina: 200
Aura Polarity: Triangle.
Additional Polarities: One Dash, one Triangle, in slots 1 and 5 respectively.
~ Ability-1: Orbit Guardian (25 Energy) ~
Summons 1/2/3/4 spherical drones which circle Cosmos horizontally and open fire with continuous lasers on enemy targets within range. Up to 4 can exist at any time. Recasting the ability when all 4 drones are present will completely heal them. Each Guardian has roughly 25% of Cosmos's health and shields. The Orbit Guardians also draw aggro.
A unique feature with the Orbit Guardians is that if you mark a location with your standard marker, the drones will move to that location and orbit there, allowing you to place them as a stationary turret. They will return to Cosmos if the marker is removed.
Orbit Guardians summoned after a marker is set will move to the marker immediately upon summoning.
Aggro draw, enemy-detection range, Guardian laser-damage and number of Guardians summoned per cast are increased as this ability is levelled up.
~ Ability-2: Priority Target (10 Energy) ~
Marks a selected target as a priority target, which highlights them in an aura of the player's energy color. This "mark" also debuffs the target so they they take bonus damage, which is stacked on top of criticals and headshots. As this ability is ranked up, you are allowed to tag more targets at once. Tagging a new target when you have used up all your available tags will un-tag the earliest marked target.

Infinite targeting rage and duration.
~ Ability-3: V.I.P. (25 Energy) ~
Allows Cosmos to tag an ally as a Very Important Person. The VIP will receive a temporary buff that reduces incoming damage by 75/80/85/90% for up to 8/12/16/20 seconds. In exchange, Cosmos will take the same amount of damage as the VIP whenever the VIP is attacked. At the maximum rank, Cosmos becomes able to use this on up to 2 allies at once.

Infinite targeting range.
~ Ability-4: Stand Together (50 Energy) ~
For a limited time, generates an Area Of Influence around Cosmos. All allies standing within this area of influence will gain increased shield/stamina regen, have increased damage and crit chance, and take reduced damage. Stand Together is a toggle cast, and slowly drains energy while it is in use. The effects of Stand Together are increased the closer allies actually stand to Cosmos, with the effects dimming the farther away they are.
Edited by Soldatto
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UPDATE: Codex Entry has been cobbled together that shows a bit of lore behind the origins of the Cosmos Frame.

~~~~~CODEX ENTRY~~~~~

From the desk of Lieutenant Commander Ark. A speech that was prepared following the death of Squad Commander Cosmos, to be read at his funeral.
I apologize if my message is unclear or poorly delivered. I'm afraid that my mind and heart are not currently in the state of calm to which I'd grown accustomed over the years.
Today, the Tenno cause has lost one of it's greatest. Many of you who served under him are here today. He must be resting peacefully just knowing that, of this I'm certain.
Commander Cosmos was a strong, worthy Tenno. Of this, none can argue. But I think I speak for many here when I say that the Commander demonstrated a concern for his fellow Tenno that was... remarkable, and maybe just a little bit obsessive...
Indeed, many of us would not be here today to mourn him if it were not for his selfless behavior. He has saved our lives on so many occasions that it would be difficult for any one of us to count them on our fingers and toes. To say that he will be missed... this is a tragic understatement.
His loss pains me so greatly that I am desperate to reclaim the memory of him somehow, to recount the precious memories not only I, but all of us, shared in his presence. It was in my pursuit of this that have finalized the designs of his unique warframe for production among our fellow Tenno officers. In honor of his great courage, I have dubbed this... the Cosmos frame.
May those of you who wear this frame remember what he stood for: to protect your brothers and sisters at any personal cost. Never forget the great lesson he taught us: that we are all we have left. We are bound by our honor, and our love.
Do not let his spirit die with him, Tenno.
Edited by Soldatto
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