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Revision Of The Archwing System


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Greetings, first of all sorry for my bad english.


Now, about the current archwing system, it's nice that each archwing comes with its own ability set, but this system has a major flaw...it makes only a few warframes viable for archwing missions. The only frames currently viable for archwing are Rhino, Frost and Valkyr due to their high armor, shields and/or health, the frames abilities make no difference since archwings have their own powers. Bringing  Loki or Limbo or any other non tanky frame into an archwing mission is useless.

What I'm proposing is this: add passive bonuses and drawbacks to each archwing, for example: The Odonata is a well-rounded archwing so it should add a slight boost to most stats(shields, speed, armor etc.) without any serious drawbacks. The Elytron is mainly an offensive archwing so it should get a bonus to power strength and range, but gets a penalty to speed and power efficiency, something similar to arcane helmets.

And most importantly: instead of archwings having their own abilities, make them augment existing warframe abilities to be used in space! For example: Loki while using an archwing, his first ability instead of an immobile decoy he gets one that follows him distracting the enemies and preventing missile lock-on on Loki himself, his second and third could stay the same and his ultimate could become an EMP blast that incapacitates affected enemies(similar to Odonatas current ultimate)

This way all warframes will be viable for archwing missions.


What do you guys think about this?


P.S. If someone came up with a similar idea earlier, I'm sincerely sorry.

Was too lazy to search the forum.

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About frames being useful during archwing missions, its true. Rhino, Frost, Valkyr, Zephyr do have the highest health and or shield and or armor rating.

Tried 1 mission with Loki, never again. By 500~ health and shields, you are a pretty meatshield on ceres.

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the problem here is that as you've stated, they have their own ability and mods set. the issue though as i see it is different. taken that both the Archwing and the weapons have their own sets it's basically like starting Warframe all over again. remember what that was like? 2 months just to get a Serration and 200 hours in it's still not maxed, right?


well that's what we have here, only they've done the worst thing possible and added certain frame abilities as multipliers. so that means instead of having us start with a blank slate, the slate can be tipped in our favor from the start if we run a strong frame. this is NOT how Warframe started for anyone, even with the choice of frames and weapons in the tutorial that we have now there is no way to tip it in your favor, everything still has to be leveled up.


so where does that leave the Archwing?


well the mission scaling is terrible, the map is 2D and therefore totally redundant, the mod drop rate is the same as any other mission, which is perma set to Uber-hardcore, and the enemies are so few due to the missions terrible scaling that XP is hard to come by.


but, if you got a Rhino then it's ok right?


that is just bad design. i can't think of a way to 'fix' it, as it can be done if you tank it, so why not just shut up and do it?


well, i just don't do. screw the planets that are now incomplete because of it, i don't care. i'll tank Valkyr or Rhino when i need to for specific missions, not every single mission type that Archwing has, that's BS.

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