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My Opinions On Gram Vs Plasma Comparison Dps Wise


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I've lvled a Gram to rank 30 and super charged it, and already had a super charged Plasma.

While the stats on Gram looks nice on paper, in actual application, it's not all that it's cranked up to be.

Lets lay out some numbers for now, I used both swords in a test on multiple bosses and various maps.

Tested both swords on Lith Defense mission

Charged attacks

I do 767 dmg +13? ice dmg? per charge hit for Gram 1.4k+ if I use smoke screen and abuse the crits, same dmg on The napalm grineers.

I do 467 dmg + 13? ice dmg? on the same mobs in Lith and 800+ dmg in smoke screen mode, same dmg on the napalm grineers, with Plasma.

In smoke screen I basically 2 hit Napalm Grineers WITH BOTH Plasma and Gram. Full shields and health.

no point to use Gram if I can kill it in the same amount of time and faster with Plasma.

Now even though it seems strong with these numbers, it's not.

In the time it takes me to charge Gram up to do one of its charged attacks, I can spam 3 charge attacks from Plasma and outdps it. Before anyone asks, yes I used the same mods on both swords, 3 heavy charge speed mods and 4 charge dmg mods, and they're top grade mods, anyways that's not all, Plasma seems to have a LONGER range than Gram's hitbox, eithat that or Gram's model design is just messing with me.

I feel as if Gram needs a fix, in order for it to be viable as oppose to the other heavy weapons like Scindo and Fragor. To fix it, DE should:

no, not asking for any fancy dmg buff just simple buffs/fixes.

Buff the hitbox range on Gram to hit longer than it's model length

Buff the charge speed/animation charge stance speed where it matters and take away the 1.2 fire rate.

At this point, Scindo may do better than Gram, so there would be no reason for ppl to switch to Gram other than for looks, because currently Gram is not viable nor a upgrade even from a sword like Plasma.

Edited by BushidoCode
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But Gram can hit multiple targets while Plasma can only hit one. Plasma would be pointless if Gram outdpsed it on a single target.

I plan to stick rate mods in mine and use it to cleave through swarms of infested melee while 'almost' being as fast as the heat sword. My scindo was good but it just wasn't quite fast enough for my liking.

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But Gram can hit multiple targets while Plasma can only hit one. Plasma would be pointless if Gram outdpsed it on a single target.

I plan to stick rate mods in mine and use it to cleave through swarms of infested melee while 'almost' being as fast as the heat sword. My scindo was good but it just wasn't quite fast enough for my liking.

That's Gram only redeeming quality is its multi hit factor, which I hear scindo and fragor can also do(They also have higher base dmg than Gram).

Trust me I even went the melee dmg route and stacked fire rate mods and melee dmg mods on my warframe and gram, it's still absurdly weak or slow considering Gram base dmg is 35 and Scindo/fragor's is 50.

Not to mention the fact Gram hitbox length range is short, so you can't even take advantage of its multi hit.

Gram is suppose to boost strength and dmg, It is a greatsword, it's suppose to outdps the plasma in my opinion. While yes Gram holds the multi hit properties, how ever the chances are a Plasma will kill say... all 3 targets you were aiming for, before you even got the chance to one off, then again these are my mods Im basing my opinions on, since my mods are pretty fast.

Also by the off chance I get red crit hits, which I do alot, on bosses idk why o.O I can hit 1k-1.4k with plasma sword in red hit crits.

Edited by BushidoCode
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Oh well. I decided to sit on my catalyst! Guess I'll just save it for the next super awesome weapon or a rebalance patch! Thanks for taking the plunge and spending one and informing the rest of us <3

Honestly I want to like the Gram because it's a greatsword, Hell I just tested it again, Plasma Sword is DEFINITELY longer than Gram, I can hit air and still hit enemies with Plasma, I try to cleave enemies with the edge or tip of my Gram, it misses.

All Gram really needs is a faster animation or charge speed time, and a longer range hitbox like Plasma, probably even longer, to make up for its current state.

Oh apparently I can do 1k+ crit yellow dmg on grineers without smoke screen with my Plasma.

Edited by BushidoCode
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Clearly plasma is the one with too long reach D:

they should make Gram longer then! =D

Oh yah, I didn't mention Dual Heatswords because the charge dmg is so crappy right now, either that or bugged. 50 charged dmg on normal grineers on the Mercury maps is just to much facepalm, when it says 150 charge dmg.

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