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Posts posted by Darkwings83

  1. It's not just the chat, the whole coop system seems to be bugged.


    Sometimes if you select repeat mission, even if it's an invasion and you pick the correct side, you end up in the standard mission for that planet.


    I guess the chat not even loading is the most evident symptom but the problem is bigger than that.

  2. To be fair to the OP, you can almost always safely disable AA in a game and still override the settings in your drivers to apply whatever it's at your disposal.



    Just a brief info on my system

    1920 x 1080 res / borderless fullscreen

    i5 cpu / gtx 760

    color correction / bloom / depth of field  ALL OFF

    Disabled in-game anti aliasing and applied sweetFX from : https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/113390-using-injectors-sweetfx/


    As you can see it shouldn't have any problems in running warframe. However, I see lots of broken lines especially when looking at vertical or tilted objects, plates...etc.


    Emphasis mine.


    Why exactly do you need a third party tool for the game? I never had any problem of aliasing or anything else (well, except for the FOV which I'd like to increase a bit and be able to see actual numbers on the slider).


    I suggest you to disable any overrides in your drivers settings, disable any third parties and allow the game to apply its own settings.


    I have a far weaker card than you (HD 7770, same CPU) and never had any problem with filters nor performance.


    Also, AA isn't "adding pixels". It's not a magical tool that enhances whatever you feed it.


    The function simply "smears" the colors of the pixel in a determined small region by interpolating the values, so that the variance between closeby pixels isn't too big (hence the blurred effect).

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