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Posts posted by MythBringer

  1. The real problem is not the grinding existence, but the lack of anything else besides grinding/farming as the game objective. Because even when you take the time to get every mod, weapon, warframe, there isn't a "veteran" system/map that can be played with all those items we farmed. On top of that, the community no longer wishes to get their hands dirty, in almost all topics where someone presents something new, and inovating, they are automatically shutdown by negative comments.

    Any way, I think you should focus in what is lacking because grinding will never end?:

    - New content should not be all about "new mods, weapons, warframes". If this continues, it will only grow the already existing problem, to much grinding/farming. Instead re-think what else can be added to the game.

    - Worthy Boss encounters. Similar to dungeons or raids, with good mechanics. You have the weapons/warframes/mods upgraded, now the gameplay should be all about skill. ( pls end the immunty to dmg phases, it's so broken.)

    - PvP servers. Hosting games don't work very well in pvp. Community servers or dedicated servers would be awsome. Some extra maps could be added if this problem is solved, even some moba style, who knows.

    Changes are hard. Sometimes not everyone likes it cause it destroyes old mechanics, that people got used to. However, new navigation systems can be created as "beta test realms", where different mechanics could be designed. (ex: eliminate 100% immunity to all damage, increase defensive stats, decrease damage done from enemies, eliminate complete map lockdowns by using resilience, warframes gain more abilities, augmented mods are consumable, etc). This way, the old and the new, can co-exist....


  2. Mas prontos, é a tua opinião, e a minha é minha. Já vamos nesta discussão há algum tempo. - Diz-me é uma coisa, estás em algum clã?

    Sim. Tenho.



    I don't see DE setting up dedicated servers so you can enjoy your game. Sorry I just don't see that happening anytime soon. I've personally lodged this complaint a million times and it is now my firm belief that unless someone here can perform miracles it isn't happening anytime soon.

    That is why I suggested community servers. At least we could organize ourselfs and provide a good service if they allowed it.... :\ well, good intentions are murdered early.

  3. I'm also speaking out of experience. I never really had problems with official servers, although it depends whether the developer/publishers knows what they're doing. However, games such as WoW are large in numbers. It's a massively multiplayer online game, unlike Warframe, where it's mostly instance based with squads of players of up to 8, maximum.


    Counter-Strike servers are all dedicated. It's obvious that playing a game from, say, somewhere in the United States from Europe would be extremely unpleasant. It wouldn't be the same. Same goes with official servers. That's why a server in a continent accommodates European player needs, while one located in North America suits theirs. That's why there's one for each of the most dense populated regions, not just a single server for every player in the entire world that has access to Warframe.


    Although you do raise a good point when it comes to latency, but even then, it wouldn't be much a problem.


    "Answering to lines in bold and underlined":


    Warframe squads of 4 to 8, multiplied by 100-1000 instances... Gives a number similar to wow. Because it's only one to two servers providing the service....


    The server located in that "dense populated area" will provide a way better service to those who are arround it.... Neglecting (I am now using the same word as before) the players who are further from that dense populated area where more warframe clients are.


    You prefer to play on official servers, fine by me. I "hope" DE launch them, when they have time, resources, money, more people, etc.... It's up to them. They can be really good and perfect, or they can be the same as most games out there.


    I in the other hand would rather have an opportunity to have servers close to me. Where the quality of that server would depend more of us (community) rather than something (official servers) we have no control or saying about it.

  4. I'm pretty sure a server in Germany would suffice for everyone in Europe, as it does for many games I have played before. There will be no one neglected, trust me, and it will fix a lot of peer-to-peer related problems (e.g.: host migration; desynchronization; etc.). Not to mention that they already have servers set-up, though they were built with the idea of providing updates for the game, storing player's data, etc..


    It's neither. I simply believe that Digital Extremes have the resources to take it up to themselves to host servers for a part of the game. It wouldn't take long, just a lot of resources and some patience. Dedicated servers are mostly useful to host large servers with different settings.


    I am from Portugal. I played a few games where servers are placed in germany, england, etc. Such as Neverwinter, Blade and Soul, even WoW had a significant improvement when they gave us a dedicated server for us (Aggra).


    Yes, either one of the solutions will fix the host migration and may fix desynchronization. But one regional server will not serve all clients the same way. A person who lives in germany will not have the same latency as me living in Portugal. If you believe that, you are daydreaming.


    I am speaking out of experience, not hope or trust. Allowing the community to contribute creates new opportunities and ideas.

    But sure, I wouldn't mind if they launched some of those servers you are talking about. But it won't be the same thing.... We are talking about PvP, every ms counts.


    Note: you can try it yourself. Play any game, for example CS, pick a server with a 2000+km distance from your house, and then tell me if the "service" is the same ^^

  5. And if they decide to put regional servers only on germany and england (for europe), because they have more clients there? It won't fix the problem for every one, and once again the minority is neglected.

    You don't trust the community to come up with servers or you trust DE to solve all problems?


    Remember that time matters too. I also believe DE could give us the servers, but it may take 2, 3 or even more years.

  6. Every one that plays pvp has suffered from huge lag, seeing enemy players disapear in front of you eyes, "changing Host" every [2-10] mins, etc. In PvP, every ms counts...


    Is there a possibility of having self sustained servers across countrys? Same system as CS. Servers are paid and managed by the community.


  7. You can already do that, as you said. Offeres nothing new. Cannot really support your idea.

    Take a look at this instead:



    This is just an example. There are way more out there, players just don't care about new chalenging content...

    they just want more items to farm! :\ and complain about other stuff.

    It's really hard to get positive and constructive feedback on new content for veterans.

  8. Warframe isn't nearly as grindy as people would have you believe.


    I agree with what you write after that. But Saying warframe isn't a grinding game, you are just delusional.

    Everything about this game is about constant farm. Even Formas are meant to keep you playing over and over again, with out purpose, because of it's reset.

    There is no "late game" content, or veteran content. There is just farm, aquire more items, more mods.

    Totally agree with a change of course. This is no longer the way.

  9. Warframe already has 2 cosmetic armor that you can equip arcane enchancements (helmet and syandana). It's not a unique mod, but I am not suggesting nothing out of the ordinary here. So the same way the syandanas can be aquiered through Sorties and faction reputation, so could the armor. Allowing all players to get their hands on them with out spending platinum.


    But you are right. They were initially tought as "cosmetic" items only. Which would cause low level players to feel descriminated because those items would become an upgrade instead of just "stylish", however this would only apply if this content was meant for them, which is not! This is meant for players who are still waiting for another "Trial" (hoping that it will be better than LoR) but it never comes. [for veterans].


    The unique mods on a slot "similar to Exilus" obviously is a good alternative. However the mods would only affect that type of weapon. So the mods that change/alter warframes would have no place to be equipped, or you would have to "Substitute/Replace" for others. For example: if you want to gain stacks for more damage every time you cast an ability, you would have to sacrifice a "vitality" or other relevant mod.



    The other problem is the no cap on certain mods. As it would serve no purpose. They are there to primarily counter that of the enemy leveling. So in a fashion they only negate the effect of facing higher level enemies resulting in a net loss or gain of nothing, it would only end in splitting the community by those with level 1 mods or those that have reached 100+ mod level. And i feel that this would be a terrible idea. So all they will achieve is a higher gap between new players, and give you the impression of becoming stronger. Even if this occur in a none linear fashion one way or another it will break the system even more eventually. Either by splitting the game community or making the foes we face to strong anyway resorting in people finding a way to cheese the game type.


    You play "Trials and Sorties" with level 5 accounts or rank mastery. Is that what you fear breaking?! A system of leechers? :\

    There is a reason for the first mission of the system being a "Test". It's to separate the ones who are ready, and those who aren't, so the "spliting community" makes no sense to me....


    What you have forgoten or missed. Infinite or:

    -endless CC,

    -endless energy regeneration,

    -endless heals,

    -endless immunity damage,

    -endless enemy scale in level, damage and health.


    The first 4 points are the rules which your warframe is built uppon, in order to succeed in the game. You say the enemy scalling is the problem of the game mechanics/system. However those 5 are the problem. As they are now, they don't work because only a few warframes benefit from it. You can check other Posts, I am not the only one who thinks this way.


    Along with the new "no cap" mods, all changes were suggested accordingly. Changes to CC, energy, heals, immunity and scale. So the mods that you hate so much should only be implemented, if the other changes were made as well. Otherwise, it doesn't really matter if you have more mods or not, because you would still be Unkillable, the enemy will continue to be 100% blinded/in vortex, you would always have energy and could recast over and over all your spells due to lack of CDs.....


    What I tried in the original post is to offer some suggestions in how to balance ALL the rules of the game, so that more warframes, weapons and general items can be played and enjoyed.

  10. It is not that the arcanes are not good. It's just that Immunity, and CC are better. (trinity, vauban, mirage are too OP).

    Making the arcanes you want to rework not as efficient as the others, because all of those increase defensive stats.


    I would rather see LoR raid (Trial) drop some sort of emblem. With that emblem you could choose to exchange/buy what ever arcane you want from a vendor.


    Still, the arcanes you suggested are not bad. Maybe they could be added to the pool.

  11. Syandanas and armor, can always drop somewhere else. Sorties, new type of missions, new assassination raids.

    Those who don't like the looks of it: an option of "not making them visible", the same way weapons are not visible when holstered, can also be added.


    The important is the actual gain on unique abilities, and since this is more for late gamers than new players. I thought there was potential here:\

  12. Suggestion to community and developers to improve certain type of weapons, by giving them unique abilities, powers or improvements. The changes are similar to augmented mods, however the mods are equipped in the cosmetic armor (currently just being used to “look cool”).


    Why more mods and more arcanes?! Immunity to all damage, infinite energy regeneration and healing, endless CC and no long cooldowns are broken and may be changed in the future (fingers crossed). This is a suggestion in how to improve our offensive and defensive stats if that happens (I personally hope for a major change, soon).


    For more details or reasons about the why, check this topic:


    It is worth it, if you are a veteran player and you are looking for something different. New content.



    - Use of cosmetic armor to equip additional mods and arcane enhancements (shoulders, chest, legs).

    - Each piece of cosmetic armor is able to equip one arcane enhancement, and one mod.

    - Certain new mods, used on the armor, have a maximum level associated with your best result (for competitive players only, that play for ladder. For scaling).

    - New mods when equipped with certain weapons, give new unique abilities, that do not depend on the warframe equipped.

    The objective is to give players fun and useful abilities, outside the four options of the chosen warframe. The damage abilities should do a percentage of the weapon in question, instead of power strength of the warframe.


    Alternatives to use this type of abilities/changes without the cosmetic armor:

    I am a flexible person. I already know some people will not agree with adding cosmetic armor as a solution. So these are a few alternative notes:

    NOTE1: some of this attacks could be included in the Melee auras combo, allowing the use of the ability. The only reason I suggested the mods to be equipped in the cosmetic armor it’s because this suggestions affect more than just melee weapons.

    NOTE2: The same goes for main and secondary weapons, that could gain an extra slot with “exilus adapter”, allowing more optional changes to the weapons.

    NOTE3: You can always suggest something new yourself. Give it a try, it won't hurt you.


    Unique mods to be added:

    New mods that affect different type of weapons:

    These mods, when used with specific weapons can grant new abilities or improve existing ones.


    Shield:  When you block, you create a shield in front of you that lasts 10 seconds. Ability has a 25 seconds cooldown. (Similar to volt electric shield, however if you turn in another direction, the shield will remain in front of you, so it’s a dynamic shield, not static. )


    1 dagger: Specific Combo, teleports you to the back of the target. If the target is a enemy, it will also stab the enemy for “+X” damage. Ability has a 25 seconds cooldown.


    2 daggers: Specific Combo, jumps into the air and causes shadow daggers to drop as rain for 5 seconds in a medium range radius. Deals "x %" damage and slows enemies. Ability has a 25 seconds cooldown.


    Blast weapon: Blast weapons now cause you to rocket jump, instead of damage you. (Makes all blast weapons similar to tonkor.)

    2 handed Mace/Axe (Heavy weapon): Specific Combo, causes a wave of force that travels in a straight lane redirecting all projectiles and knocking down all enemies it hits.  Ability has a 25 seconds cooldown.


    Whip: when it hits terrain it pulls the warframe to the terrain (Similar to Valkyr ripline). Also gains more effective range, in order to become reliable in pulling himself to the terrain.


    Whip: Specific Combo permanently disarms the enemy. Ability has a 25 seconds cooldown.


    Whip or Staffs : Specific Combo, creates a whirlwind around the warframe for 10 seconds that pulls enemies to the center. Does not make him immovable and as long as its not canceled it will deal “x %”  damage (spin attack) every second to everyone near the warframe. Alternative option: creates a tornado similar to Zephyr. Ability has a 25 seconds cooldown.


    One Hand Sword: Specific Combo, creates a slashing strike that travels parallel to the ground (horizon line) which deals “x” damage. Ability has a 25 seconds cooldown.


    All melee: Leap attack gains radial damage equal to the current equipped elemental damage. Reach affects the radius of the attack.

    Sniper: “X %” chance to pierce enemy nullifying globes.


    Rifle (not all rifles): Pressing secondary fire grants you  “X % ” lifesteal (or shield regen) of you current missing health (or shield) for 5 seconds. Ability has a 25 seconds cooldown.


    Some one handed melee: Specific Combo allows you to throw your weapon to an enemy and impale him to a wall. You need to pick it up after you throw it. (Please do not throw the weapon into a endless pit -_-).


    Alternative to throw, Dual wield weapons: Dual wield weapons gain a link between each weapon. Allowing you to throw one of them, and consequently call it back to you.


    No Noise pistols (Silent): As long as you are invisible you will deal “x %” more damage with your secondary weapons.

    Kubrow/Sentinel: New hot key, Enrages your companion increasing its damage by “x %” for 10 seconds. Ability has a 70 seconds cooldown.


    Companions: Your companions are always revived 30 seconds after they die (if they die). Your companions do “x %” more damage and redirect “y %” of the warframe damage to the companions (passive).


    "Cheating Death". ALL: When you take mortal damage, you are instead revived with 50% health, 50% shield, 50% energy. This effect can only occur once every 60 minutes.


    "Marked for death". If you are the first player to attack the target, and you are invisible, the target will take “x” more damage until he dies.


    "Cripple". Enemies suffering from any kind of crowd control suffer “x” more damage by you. (Note: I am considering that CC effects are going to be nurfed very soon, meaning the enemy will no longer be in CC.)


    ALL: Specific mods that empower specific weapon types: 5% more secondary damage or 5% more main weapon damage or 5% more melee damage, etc.


    Affects some warframe abilities: Every time you cast an ability you gain a stack. At 10 stacks, your next ability does “x %” more damage, and lasts “y %” more time.


    ALL: There are 4 physical damage types. Mods reducing one of the types of damage could also be implemented. Or a proc ability.


    ALL: Focus ability (number 5 or “power E”) no longer makes you immune or lose control of your warframe. Instead he becomes a sentinel that follows you and attack the same target as you.


    Existing offensive and defensive mods [improved stats]:

    There are existing mods, that might not be used in the builds, because it forces the player to exchange more important mods, or because of lack of slots. 


    A few suggestions to make use of unused mods:


    All: Resistance mods can be equipped here: Electric, Radiation, Poison, Ice, Heat.


    All: exilus mods can be equipped here, as long as there are no duplicates, example: you cannot equip the Rush mod in the warframe slot, and in the cosmetic armor.


    All: Some defensive mods can be equipped here, as long as there are no duplicates.


    All: augmented mods can be equipped here, as long as there is no duplicates. (Note: in my personal opinion all augmented mods should be consumable, and you should only change the spell in the “abilities” options. Any way, if that is not possible, this is my alternative solution.)


    Existing weapon mods:

    Other mods that could be beneficial to be equipped in the cosmetic armor:



    -Entropy strike and other weapon changing (syndicate mods)

    -Combustion Beam

    -Adhesive Blast

    -Hush, suppress

    -Hawk, eagle eye

    -Soft Hands, speed holster

    -Pistol, Rifle, Sniper, Bow, Shotgun ammo mutation (Primed or normal)

    -Ammo drum, stock

    -Vacuum (This mod should be passive and removed from the game. Anyway, since it still exists in the game… here it is)




    What do you think?

  13. OffTopic: When you mentioned immunity on the topic, I tought you would adress Warframes full immunity or 99% immunity to be replaced by improved defensive stats in all warframes. Was kind of disapointed :P, I really want us (the tenno) to be nurfed, we are too OP.

    Good defensive stats instead of full immunity, no longer inifinite CC, heals with cooldowns and energy regeneration with cooldowns would be a really awsome change. Allowing more teambuilds to be done with different warframes. Back to topic:


     On the other hand, a boss that's completely immune to Warframe Abilities can feel too strong -- almost unfair.  What we want is a good middle ground – we also want things to be consistent.

    The damage abilities will always do damage, that should be enough. To me, any type of CC (slow, freeze, stun, sleep, root, knockback, pushback,...) should not affect a "Boss", otherwise he is a peasant, not a boss. That type of enemy is meant to be completely different from the rest. However, there are still a lot of new players, and these bosses are meant for them, not for us (veteran).


    With this said, I don't really mind some of the changes mentioned by the community, to the general "boss population", because they only affect the new players. So, the changes:




    - Should spwan other enemies that can be killed and are the reason of his immunity. Example: If Tyl Regor wants to "bring down the ocean on us", he first spawns a few minions that point a laser at him, and those lasers give them immunity. In order to break his immunity, we have to kill the minions first, however the reason must be obvious.


    - Otherwise, don't make them immune to damage at all. When they are slowed first, and then get immunity, it is really sad.... Same goes for juggernaut, allow that enemy to be slowed only when he is vulnerable (when he rises his front paws).


    - Should have abilities/spells/attacks that one shot any one (even full immunity damage). They need to be avoided or blocked by a frost globe, volt eletric shield, atlas wall, etc... Example: Getting hit by Lt. Lech Krill gigantic melee weapon..... (this is kind of off topic....)


    - Should have the ability to block abilities (I am not talking about damage) and redirect them to us. This will reward us if we cast the abilities when the boss is not blocking, and punish us when we miss cast the ability). Why: resistance and cc mitigation cannot be the only solution.



    CC in a general way:


    - Since we are talking about CCs. All warframes are Immune to CC when we are casting an ability. I think that is wrong, and should not happen. Enemies must have a way to counter our abilities. When they try to knock us down, it should count as an interrupt. Example: Nekros can cast desecrate to prevent knockdown, it should instead be interrupted and knockdown.


    - However, we can also be constantly knockdown too.... That is annoying. Suggestion: Show on screen a small combination of keys (Example: Left arrow + left arrow + jump) that will allow us to break free from the CC, and become immune to CC for 1-2 seconds so we can have a chance. This way, we are rewarded by playing it right, or punished if we fail to press those keys.



    FOR VETERANS, and I think there should be a really big difference between the bosses from the navigation map, and from the "Raids". (which I am hoping that way more raids (Trials) will be launched, soon :\.... But even by opening full new topics with new Veteran content, ideas and concepts we don't get it... any way, back to topic:)


    Vay hek is not meant for new players. So he should not suffer any type of CC. As well as any other boss that may be part of another future raid. In those raids, some of the changes to resistance and diminishing returns should also be adressed to the normal minions. In order to prevent Total map lockdown.


    Why is Vay Hek and his "trash" different? When you do LoR raid, you must have specific warframes, due to their effectiveness in CC (blind mirage, vauban). However, if the mechanics of the next raids doesn't allow TOTAL map lock down (meaning there are a lot of normal enemies [trash] that cannot be Infinitely CCed) more optional warframes can play the raid, due to the loss of effectiveness in CC.


    I am mentioning this here, because the set of rules can change for experienced players, there shouldn't be new players in Raids. So our "future raid bosses" should not have the same set of EASY rules. Vay hek is my only suggestion to harder set of rules since he is the only one atm. But please, make different libraries for new and veteran bosses.


    Off Topic: Same goes for infinite Energy reg (EV trinity) and 99% immunity damage (blessing Trinity). This forces them to be in the raid, no matter what. Removing the possibility of using different warframes in the raid. Their strength makes them unreplacable. They need to be nurfed.... Even if it's only in certain missions

  14. The companion part is not a bad idea. I like it.

    There are no builds that work arround companions. But honestily I would rather a specific warframe to be changed, or created, that allowed him to have multiple pets (2 for example). With abilities that could enrage and empower the companions.

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