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Posts posted by Mathstudent

  1. So, last night I was doing some T4 interception missions with my buddies. After round 4, there was some confusion and eventually host and one squad member decided to extract while other member and me decided to battle. Instead of continuing to round 5, mission ended immediately after voting and and two of us who decided to battle got a message "Mission failed". We didn't get any rewards while host and the other squad member did.


    Somehow, I find it hard to believe that I should be punished for choosing to stay and battle. Also, if I am already forced to finish the mission (probably because host decided to extract), then I should also automatically extract with rewards or at least I should be able to continue fighting. I rarely play interception mission so I don't really know if this is a bug or something that DE wants this mission type to behave but I hope something will be done about this thing.


  2. I can also confirm that Scattering Inferno drops on Rosalind, Uranus. Also, in one of the runs, got there a T4 Sabotage key. I played the mission maybe 5 times only, guess RNGesus blessed me.




    EDIT: I have a screenshot for Scattering Inferno but can't seem to find the option to add pictures. I would be glad if someone could explain that to me.


    EDIT2: Nevermind, I googled a bit and found out how I can add them.

    • Fixed players being kicked from Missions they are unqualified to join, instead of just preventing them from joining in the first place.


    So, no more taxing to locked nodes? Or I misunderstood this?

  3. TLDR;


    Vay Hek now spawns on Earth so no more beacons and triangulators required to grind for Hydroid parts.


    Syndicate standing cap has been reduced to half of its previous values in non-syndicate missions meaning even more grinding for rep.

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