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Posts posted by Nuko_Miko

  1. NUUU! I don't talk much in council chat but very often you'll find me reading it and laughing bcuz it is SO HILLARIOUS!

    I agree that it is VERY crowded but I don't agree on limiting people from chatting on the council chat. Well if they really want to limit I'd say limit to 1 message every 5 seconds?

  2. PvP is a very sensitive subject in Warframe. If you read through the forums you will see a bazillion posts about it and even the Devs said that this game is mainly PvE atm and that they are not expecting PvP anytime soon.

  3. Hi

    So I upgraded from Hunter to Master yesterday. Got the platinum and the skana prime instantly, also access to the council in game. So I logged on forum just a while ago and I had my Master badge and I got access to the Council sub forum. Just a minute ago my Master badge disappeared and went back to hunter... Can't access Council sub forum anymore and can't see the posts I made there in my history. However when I go to the founder upgrade page it still says I have the Master package and I still have the platinum that I got from the package. Any thoughts on why this happened? :(


    Edit: NVM it's back now... it is kinda weird though

  4. Interesting...

    I always thought of the lotus as an artificial intelligence created by an Orokin ancestor to watch over the tenno in the cryo state and wake them up when they are needed again to save the solar system.

  5. Thanks, but he spawn according to a rule or at random?

    There has to be a rule (random doesn't exist in computers) but we don't know the conditions yet. And probably we won't be able to have any kind of control over it either. But people still say he will stalk you more if you do lots of boss levels.

  6. My rifle damage mod is currently at 75% more damage, but it goes all the way up to 175%. I have a bunch of rank8-10 uncommon fusion cores and with an astronomical 200k credits and a whole lot fusion cores I could max that mod out.


    For that amount of money, it can't really be worth it. But I'm still thinking about it.


    Has anyone a rifle with a maxed out damage mod? If yes: how do you like it? Does it make the rifle into something like the Hek?

    LOL I would like to see a hek with that much more dmg :D

    (175% xtra dmg, 100% fire dmg?, 100% electrical dmg?, 100% frost dmg?, 100% AP?) say hello to 1k hits :D

  7. He attacked me the other day and I beat him easily although he used a smoke bomb to escape so I didn't get to kill him, them he came back today at the worst time while i was solo training up a banshee warframe, it wasn't a one-hit kill but he's much more of a pain for lower levels!

    You can't kill a stalker. He never dies. When he reaches 10% hp he just vanishes in smoke. And he usually keeps coming back until he kills you.

  8. Yeah alloy plates and rubedo are the hardest "common" materials to get...

    I mean seriously, when I farm for rubedo I get 2-3 morphics in a run...

    when I farm for alloy plates I get a S#&$load of neurodones (or whatever they are called)...

    Really feels like drops for common materials is lower than rare materials... except maybe control modules and neural sensors

  9. It is an entity with an unknown origin called the Stalker. Some say he is a tenno gone evil. Since he wields the weapons and shields of the tenno and uses their abilities. We barely know anything about it except that It will find you, and it will kill you :D

    It usually appears after you clear a boss level (usually 10 hours or so after). And it is there to take revenge or something. He used to be harder but he got "the good old-fashioned nerf". If you are on a rank 20+ frame and have a rank15+ wep you can wipe the floor with him but you need to be careful since his melee attacks hurt a lot xD if you have a shotgun you can kill it in 3-4 shots :D

    Well if you were solo on a low rank frame I'd suggest aborting mission (sadly I had to do that yesterday since I was testing out a new frame with a new wep and both were rank zero).


    Anyways, join the space shark clan, we can help you with these stuff :D


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