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Posts posted by Immortal

  1. Front Sigil Primary Color Just Broke from this hotfix, Just a heads up.

    Never Mind guess just had to refresh my front sigil a few times and change warframes to get color working again.

    Thanks for the new back sigil tho, it looks amazing. ^-^

  2. Not sure if this is a bug or not but it seems like can no longer que and join squads in cephalon capture that are already in progress. Everytime I try to que up it makes a 1v1 match. Regardless of how long the match progresses it doesnt add anyone either even if the match completes. It will just get ready for the next map and match and remain a 1v1.


    Is anyone else having this issue?

  3. Did you really get that much capture?  You must be a copter god if you do (4.17s per trip)

    Yup, its as i already stated known issue till a hotfix stop breaking cephalon capture when someone leaves with it, or pvp can be hosted like a server like the relays. But basicly took Sun's cephalon which was still there and just kept running over the moon cephalon pad and it kept telling me i capped it.

  4. The nerf was needed, a little excessive yes, but it was badly needed, there's plenty of other OP sidearms out there like the Brakk or Marelok, will it really kill people to try out different weapons?

    I myself have switched back to the pyrana, yes there is plently of other OP sidearms to switch to and use. The purpose of this thread was to not whine about its nerf but to have a more clear stated note to its nerf. 

  5. Previous damage: 210 and 2 fire rate. 420 damage.


    New damage: 28 at 15 fire rate. 420 damage.


    Yes 28 damage with a fire rate of 15 equals an overal damage of 420 per 15 bullets but thing is the synoid gammacor doesn't fire 15 bullets per click it fires 2 bullets per click unless held.

  6. Ok, I have looked through many threads looking for someone to mention this about the Synoid Gammacor, and barely anyone has mentioned it. Starting from U16-U16.1.2 there has been no note change saying that the damage went from 220 base damage to 28. Example DE_Adam's U16 Thread Post here:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/420448-warframe-sanctuary/


    Weapon Changes:

    • Synoid Gammacor now consumes 7.5x more ammunition.
    • Synoid Gammacor magazine capacity has been reduced.


    Everyone just keeps talking about the ammo consumption. Yes i get the nerf was needed but from 220 base damage down to 28 was a little excessive. I think the weapon nerf needs to be revisited and well noted on the changes.


    Please let me know your thoughts about the Synoid Gammacor nerf and if you feel as well it should be revisited.

  7. This is the Spirit of Fire Clan Recruitment & Info Page.


    We are a casual Ghost Clan that enjoys helping each other with missions and progression through the content of Warframe and ranking up in mastery.

    Our Clan is always fully equipped with all research complete and plenty of rooms to explore.


    Spirit of Fire Clan Dojo Class Ship

    Main Level:



    Sub Level:



    Solar Rail Aurora



    Solar Rail Saber(Under Construction)


    Clan Founder's/ Officers




    If you would like more information or would like to be a part of our clan please don't hesitate to ask in this thread or pm Imortel(Fleet Admiral)*Founder of Clan* or one of the other officers on forums.


    *Current Status of Recruitment*[Status Pending]

  8. It doesn't really feel like a rant to me personally, you went out of your way and got what you wanted in the most inconvenient way - in lack of proper customisation options. And I agree it should be an option, but I also commend you on insisting with the implementation of such a feature even after having spent 800 plats. We need more players like you, trying to better the game rather than ranting over personal losses. :D  +1

    Well, i still actually haven't got blue eyes its roughly 800plat and counting trying to get a kubrow with a pair of blue eyes.

  9. Well with U14.5 i was hoping that we would be able to change the eye color, but that wasn't the case.


    Seems like there is still to big of a layer of Random Generation on Kubrow Eye Colors. I say this because, i have now spent well over 800 platinum trying to get a Kubrow with blue eyes. I'm not sure if other people are having such issue trying to get the eye color of their choice, but i currently only know there are pink, black/grey/white, orange, yellow, blue, and green. Not sure if there is more colors, but seems like pink, black, and orange are the most common out of all those colors. And you could end up with those common colors alot no matter how much platinum you spend. Unless someone else gets lucky themselves and decides to sell you the imprint legitly, but im not even sure if the eye color carries over in imprints.

    *I Do Apologize if this seems like a rant more then feedback, but i do not regret trying my luck and spending my platinum to get blue eyes. I just feel if we can change the colors of our kubrow, we should also be able to change kubrow eye colors.*


    Anyways would be nice if there was a fourth color option in appearance for kubrows to change our kubrow eye colors.


    Thanks for taking the time to read my post. Feel free to leave a comment below if you as well were hoping to be able to change kubrow eye colors. ^-^

  10. Ah, point. I know you can have little text messages at each room's management console, perhaps you could use this to make little direction arrows to which hallways go where?

    I did that already actually, but it seems to small and off to the side in alot of rooms. Feels like people don't pay attention to them and just run past them. But the first concept/idea is the one i would really like to see more then the second;

    "-Adding a feature to the Dojo Room Option for each room of the Clan's Dojo rooms that allows Clan Decorators to set a short room message stating what that room is. This message would then appear briefly at the upper left hand corner of the in-game UI and/or in the center of the screen."

    This only appears for a few of the Research Rooms Currently and the Observatory. Would be nice if each room message did function this way.

  11. I never have any problems navigating my Dojo, but then again it's pretty small and straight-forwardly designed, plus I built most of it myself.


    Personally I'd say any Dojo that you can get lost in is not well-designed and its current Architect needs to have his privileges revoked and handed over to someone else. The example in particular seems almost painfully inefficient. Sure it makes a cool map, but seriously, what purpose do all those redundant pathways actually serve?

    I built my dojo all by myself as well, but its the concept of adding names to the dojo map for the major rooms. To help people identify the more important rooms better. And redundant pathways, that is like telling someone not to be creative with their dojo and forget decorations cause its redundant. 


    Keep in mind new people play this game everyday and not all know right off the bat what each room is in a dojo. Unless they build it themselves or have a friend to show them within the clan and explain every room to them.

  12. Seems like the added;

       • Introducing Rail Parties! Editing a Custom Rail Schema now creates a proper session like the Dojo.


    Has caused this issue, im not sure but maybe im just not finding another way to start editing the solar rail and im missing it? And your not supposed to try to go to the orokin lab anymore to start the editor for the Schema?

  13. Im the warlord of my clan and cannot edit my clan's Schema's anymore in U14.2.0, Keep trying to edit them and then get sent back to the Liset.


    As of Hotfix 14.2.1 this was Hotfixed.

    - Fixed issue where attempting to edit a Solar Rail Schema would result in the player being returned to the Liset.

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