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Posts posted by Immortal

  1. I would have to say no to mechs in Warframe just cause then it would feel like the game was taking an idea directly from a different game such as MechWarrior/MechAssault. For me Warframe has been a unique and different Sci-Fi adventure in and of its own and while mechs might seem like a cool thing to add, it can be seen as trying to be a Sci-Fi game that already exists. So inclusion only kinda mech/mechs that would be ok and interesting to see and fight would be if is they added different Corpus Mech Bosses/Encounters/Leaders.

  2. Ok so you ever been wondering around in your Clan's Dojo of awesomeness and you bring up the map and your like; "where the heck am I this map is just so big...", and then you just end up spinning around in a panic going, "AHHHH WHERE AM I!!!!!!".


    Well I can tell you my fellow Warframe Clan and Clan Dojo enthusiasts I have been there. You end up running around in circles for hours before you end up where you spawned into the Clan Dojo and then you swear to yourself that you passed that decoration twice. So my concept that I think would help you and myself figure out just what room we are currently in or trying to get to is:

    -Adding a feature to the Dojo Room Option for each room of the Clan's Dojo rooms that allows Clan Decorators to set a short room message stating what that room is. This message would then appear briefly at the upper left hand corner of the in-game UI and/or in the center of the screen.
    -Another tool that would prevent Clan Members from getting lost would be when they bring up their map for the Clan Dojo using the default "M" key or the default button on their controller they would see a small text over each room area based on the room that was created.

    Well there you have it, my suggestion for Clan Dojo's. Let me know what you guys think and if you have any comments please feel free to leave a reply below and i'll make sure to try to read every last one.

    -Thanks guys for taking the time to read everything, Take care.^-^

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