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(XBOX)CFE Vulari

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Posts posted by (XBOX)CFE Vulari

  1. A clan should not be allowed to "attack" a rail owned by their alliance or a clan in their alliance.

    You are not allowed to launch a rail on your alliance or clan apart of the alliance. lol. Is this "I have never played PvP but feel my opinion matters" moment?

    . lol no one here is a Warlord are they.... lmao

  2.    The Order had an uneven hold across all platforms. The community as a whole banded together to fight them. The more active, better trained, and most successful of these clans came together with a common goal. To rid the system of the Order, and to evenly split the nodes between these alliances, who fought to do so. Thus enabling us to host wars between ourselves with exactly as you said, "enough battle pay" to make every member of the community who participates a great deal of money. Only people who have never fought in our wars complain about money. I walked away with 4.5mil our last war... Me...Personally. The battle pay is the same for everyone, so the measure of your worth is a measure of your skill. I have said this before, and I guess I just keep having to say it. DO NOT TAKE MY WORD FOR IT. Download the PC version of this game and play on their Dark Sectors.   

       You can complain all you like, the FACT, is that our nodes have low credit taxes and virtually NO resource tax! When we take the nodes WAYYYY over 100mil gets put into battle pay. Do not comment on that which you have no idea of. The clans and alliances who broke cease-fire during the Eyes of Blight event have not brought upon them such hatred, but the alliances who rid the system of high taxes and unplayable battle pay, seem to draw your fury. The alliance who's clans littered every aspect of that event's leaderboards, proving that we fought to save the relays FOR YOU! Perhaps that is because you are unblooded still, and have no real PvP experience.

        I know how this came to happen. You logged on, looked at your nav and saw 6 nodes controlled by AoW and figured that those nodes were not earned with blood sweat and teabags.. Guess what lil' man, more training, thought, and time went into one of those nodes, then went into your entire career. How do I know? Add someone as a friend. Go to their profile and check their stats. You can see exactly how many tenno have been killed by that player. So here's looking to you, kid....


    Vulari Batman

    The Dark One

    Founder of Caduceus Fawkes Elite

  3. This alliance is a shining example of what happens when collaberated adults work together, with the firm goal of making XBox1 a fun and exciting gaming experience. Low taxes, high battle pay, and experienced PvP battles makes for a completely different PvP experience. Please do not take my word for it. Download the PC version of this game and play on their Dark Sectors. If you or your clan feels ready to step up to the next plateau of PvP, consider this alliance.

    Join us in protecting our tenno community from the tyranny of greedy children. Join me if you want a clan who doesn't do it for the creds. I get mine like a vampire. IN BLOOD!!

    Vulari Batman

    The Dark One

    Founder of Caduceus Fawkes Elite

  4.    ATTENTION!! New players! Please first look to yourself when finding a clan. Ask yourself, does this clan have an amazing dojo? Does this clan have a Warlord that maintains and funds his clan/events. Does this clan make it to any of the leaderboards? Does this clan control nodes that allow me to farm with no tax? Does this clan have active, helpful, experienced, and professional training available to me?

          The answer to those questions, in regards to this clan, is YES! Even DE Megan has noticed this clan's potential. Thus making this a good place to reach your own.


    Vulari Batman

    Founder of Caduceus Fawkes Elite

    The Dark One


  5. Hello! Welcome to Warframe! Caduceus Fawkes Elite would be more than willing to help introduce you to our community. We are apart of the Art of War alliance, and you can read more about us on our clan forum page. PM "Greatikillyou" or "A Night of Fate" right now to get an immediate invite. The level of communication in our clan allows me to let them know about you even away from console. The level of training and assistance you will receive will help accelerate your warfare experience to the next level. Our fully researched dojo allows for all the clan weapons. Even the new arch-wing, weapon, and colors are finished. 




    check us out, and to enjoy it fully view with the dark theme

  6. Welcome to Xbox! As you know the next update unleashes new PvP, and as you can see on our forum page, Caduceus Fawkes Elite stands alone. Controlling six nodes allows for tax free farming. Check out our forum. Also if you feel you are not interested in a PvPp clan. Still contact us to get in touch with other warlords throughout the Art of War alliance.

    Vulari Batman

    Caduceus Fawkes Elite Founder

  7. The hair stands on end, making your shirt collar chafe, brows furrow, and teeth grind. Sweat begins to bead on your forehead, slowly inching it's way down the side of your black-head infested nose. The salt trails promise a stinging end when they reach your beady little eyes, and you know if you take your attention away from the screen for just a second( just a second is all you'd need to release yourself from your agony), and I will put a bullet between your eyes....


        My name is Vulari Batman, and I had, as of yet, forgotten to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste.  HA! I am also the founder of Caduceus Fawkes Elite. Perhaps you have not seen my name, nor have ever cared to see it, but I promise you this; My enemies will see my name. My enemies will feel my oncoming storm! MY ENEMIES SHALL CURSE THEIR MOTHERS FOR BRINGING THEM INTO A WORLD FILLED WITH THE SUFFERING I SHALL BRING DOWN UPON THEIR HEADS! And those who did not care to see my name, will care not to...




    Founder of Caduceus Fawkes Elite
    The Dark One
    Diarmuid Ua Duibhne
    Ol' Scratch
     I have slaughtered sixteen hundred and counting tenno in two months. Walking. Talking. Living. Breathing...... 
  8.      The hair stands on end, making your shirt collar chafe, brows furrow, and teeth grind. Sweat begins to bead on your forehead, slowing inching it's way down the side of your black-head infested nose. The salt trails promise a stinging end when they reach your beady little eyes, and you know if you take your attention away from the screen for just a second( just a second is all you'd need to release yourself from your agony), and I will put a bullet between your eyes....


        My name is Vulari Batman, and I had, as of yet, forgotten to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste.  HA! I am also the founder of Caduceus Fawkes Elite. Perhaps you have not seen my name, nor have ever cared to see it, but I promise you this; My enemies will see my name. My enemies will feel my oncoming storm! MY ENEMIES SHALL CURSE THEIR MOTHERS FOR BRINGING THEM INTO A WORLD FILLED WITH THE SUFFERING I SHALL BRING DOWN UPON THEIR HEADS! And those who did not care to see my name, will care not to...




  9.    PvE is an essential part of any clan, although my clan is PvP based, we offer weekly rewards for the clan member with the most overall kills. Called, of course, our weekly killer. Prizes start at 20p but increase every week won consistently. This new update is adding a lot of new PvP elements to our community, and that should also be taken into consideration when choosing a new clan. We are apart of a world record holding rail team, hit top ten in our first event ever, and now I would love to see us bring dedicated PvE players to our clan. However; wars may not be mandatory in our clan, but contributing to the war effort is. To excuse yourself from a rail war is 200k, and must be done prior to railwar. Of course, there are exceptions regarding changing battle plans, but the main point is that last war i walked away with 4.5 million credits in my pocket. That seems a lot nicer than paying 200k. 

      We would welcome you into our clan, and challenge you to not give up PvP. The game is always evolving, shouldn't you?

  10.   CFE is a pvp based clan, weekend warriors are welcome. Message Greatikillyou ( you can pm me but it might take me a day or so to get back to you) "Death To Fear & Ignorance!" The fully researched dojo helps gain you mastery rank, as well as give you awesome Warframes, weapons, sentinels, and the new Arching. 

  11.    I wanted to thank LnL for giving the community AoW. If you are interested in joining a massive clan, with skilled, dedicated leadership, LnL stands alone. Of course i need say nothing. Leaderboards speak for themselves.

  12.        I am in the middle of trying to take over Europa's solarrail. Not only did my schema fail to attach, but every time I launch a support misson with my clan we touch down, and immedately get kicked to the loading screen, saying changes detected. At which point we are stuck in the loading screen n forced to restart our ' surprise attack'. This is broke a lot of ppl grinded to make this happen. Oh yeah,and the two timesw e got through n won are not counting!!! Mod!!!!!helpppp


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