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Posts posted by SumBoady

  1. 7 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    I think he gets that bit :P

    I figured as much too, but maybe I just misunderstood what you were saying because I thought I was correcting you lol

    Edit: Yep, I must have misread what you wrote. My bad ^ ^


  2. 21 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    Neither slash nor toxin will increase base damage, but toxin will increase toxin and gas proc damage, as will fire increase fire proc damage (slash doesn't increase slash proc damage, but will increase the chances of it happening).

    Really, all the math you need is here:http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Status_Effect

    Slash damage won't increase bleed damage, but damage increasing mods WILL. So serration, pressure point, etc.

  3. 16 minutes ago, mr_razorite said:

    you can do normal for a lk 2% higher chance and even then you have two competing warframe parts in the same drop table. I don't know how anyone can feel the way you do, applauding warframe for making frames more annoying to farm, its an obvious way of getting people salty enough to spend money, at least that's how it feels. (and they already do this with every frame having one hard part to farm, but this is one step to far.) 


    Let's do the math on this...

    If you're running easy, the lowest chance for a part, which is also on rotation C (meaning one chance per run), is a tie for her BP and Systems at 5.64%.
    Having them both in the same rotation does not matter because the chance is overall...

        2.5 minutes per portal
        x 8 portals per run        
        = 20 minutes per run
        or 22 minutes if you want leeway.

    5.6% chance means on average 18 runs to get all parts, we'll make it 20 runs for more leeway.

        20 runs
        x 22 minutes    
        = 440 minutes (or 7.3 hours)

    So on average it will only take 7.3 hours to get Khora.
    This is WITH added leeway.

    I'm sorry, but if you can't farm for 7 hours for a frame in a FREE game... idk what to tell you.

  4. Want HDR? (You don't get 144hz)

    Want 144hz? (You don't get HDR)

    ^Ignore this

    Edit: Looks like you aren't getting 144hz with 4k let alone HDR. Soon though, apparently AnandTech is releasing one this year.

    Keep your eyes peeled for this: Acer Predator XB272-HDR

  5. 4 minutes ago, Slayer116 said:

    I don't know this will actually happen and how long it will take to do so, do I just try to get plat to buy these or wait for a possible way to get these frames back an alternate way?

    I wouldn't get your hopes up.
    It's been asked for for years.
    Platinum is still the only way.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Kyryo said:

    Strange, when the plains came out i remember being able to kill them with powers, maybe i remember wrong ?


    Surely they die with a Tigris shot tho, did it yesterday to annoy my brother :D

    Yep, shot one with my bow while I was there, they died, no catch tho :(

  7. 1 minute ago, Kyryo said:

    i do not know what would happen with a fishing spear equipped, but if you go around with Equinox Maim or Any other skill (even Oberon smite) you annihilate those poor fishes.

    I just tried it with Equinox Maim and it didn't deal any damage to the fish at all.

  8. 12 minutes ago, ironfirefist said:

    Going further on what SumBoady said,

    Warframe abilities with an AoE would kill the fish too, meaning you wouldn't be able to catch them.

    I believe that the fish is caught when it's health reaches 0 or after a certain amount of damage is dealt to it.

    So they wouldn't die, you would just catch all fish within your AoE.


    Edit: Tested and it looks like direct damage abilities don't affect the fish. So I'm not sure why they aren't allowed.

  9. My assumption is because the way they have it coded.

    I imagine AoE damage abilities would result in you "catching" a bunch of fish.

    Edit: Tested and it looks like direct damage abilities don't affect the fish. So I'm not sure why they aren't allowed.

  10. Sometime recently you changed stance previews to hide weapons when previewing a stance.

    This was a really poor decision in my eyes.

    Most of the time when you are seeing a stance, you are seeing it either moving around or with a weapon in your hands. The only time you can see
    the current preview animations is when you are on your ship, relay, or you have a codex scanner in your hands. From what I've seen this just doesn't
    happen in your day to day gameplay. You see yourself and others with weapons.

    Currently, in order to check what each stance looks like with a weapon I need to do the following:

    1. Own all frames
    2. Swap to each frame
    3. Swap between both stances
    4. Wait for the animation to trigger
    5. Repeat 2-4

    As you can see, this is extremely tedious to preview stances that you will see with said weapons for the vast majority of your play time.

    Please either set it back to the default way of having your weapon drawn, or add a button which you can toggle to hide and show weapons.

  11. 9 hours ago, Krhymez said:

    While it may not be the solution you are looking for... I find if I set Ping limit to the lowest it goes.  I am the host.  I will get the "Wait for players" option. Which makes me the host 9/10 times. 

    This doesn't work at all for me. I get paired with bad hosts regardless of that setting.

    When it DOES work (I think) I can't find a squad at all.

  12. 1 minute ago, Rognarok said:


    Hmm .. yesterday I was testing this as I mentioned before, I use the correct iron charge, I use the iron skin, I get 100k this I check the abilities in the game, I go back to check and it goes down in seconds for the 8k ie without removing the iron skin

    I already tested it in all ways and nothing.

    Anyone can test this to confirm if it is a bug or if it is anyway ????


    The skill description shows how much armor you would get if you used it at that moment.

    Once locked in, iron skins armor doesn't change.

  13. If I recall correctly, DE seems to think that if we had the options, everyone would choose "Never Host" and it would cause lots of issues with matchmaking.

    When I first heard this, I thought that's strange because me and some others thought the exact opposite.

    Which would you use?

    Since there seems to a be a trend forming, still not a ton of data, I don't see why (excluding OTFSerenity's comment) they shouldn't add "Never Host."

    Having both "Always Host" and "Never Host" from this data would cause problems with too many players looking to be host.
    However, adding "Never Host" by itself should only work to help with connections.

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