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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. They definitely talked about resources alerts, probably in Livestream 6. 


    And I'd rather raid some ships that are clearly specialized for resources transport than just doing a regular alert and having some bonus stuff on the side.

    Yeah, I think the alert objective would be to do something that would lead you to a room sync as I described above.
  2. You know what I'd like? This kind of massive storage room like you described, but on alerts that are about as frequent as the artifact alerts. That would be cool and wouldn't make it THAT unbalanced, as opposed to having it in nearly every missions.

    How about they are in each artifact alert? Or maybe they do this for the material alert they talked about in livestream 6 I believe it was.
  3. I feel like it would be too abused. That's basically what the void is anyways.

      how would it be abused? And the void doesn't give you any resources. If it does, it's a very small amount. Large difference.

    I like it - it would certainly make farming a lot easier

    I imagine some people will hate it though

    I agree completely.
  4. Now I'm sure this will be met with mixed reactions, and when I thought of it, I half loved the idea, and half hated it. But I decided to put it here anyway.

    So here I am, farming on M Prime for ferrite for my clans dojo. And I'm thinking, what if there was a way to make farming faster? So what I came up with, is a new room.

    A material storage room.

    What if in some levels, not all, maybe 3 or 4 out of 10, there is a hidden room that is filled with like 30 or 40 storage containers. With a catch. They each drop only credits and resources. Obviously the numbers can be balanced, but the number of SCs should stay high if

    A: They don't code it so each gives you a resource


    B: They do

    Why? Because it is where the ship stores its materials. It's supposed to help people farm faster.

    This would not be a room hidden in levels, although it could be. It would be an alert mission where the objective is to raid a resource room. O maybe raid multiple rooms, and you keep 10% of the drops. But it would have to be a lot for 10%

    Comments? Thoughts?

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