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Posts posted by Feldgrep

  1. Guys, we, over here in germany, want the Vauban too. Those alerts were in a good position for us in the oposite to many other alerts, that are on a better time for You.


    So keep on praying to the RNG-God :)


    Best regards from germany :)


    We rarely get good alerts while we are awake and home from school/work. What alerts are good for us? The night time ones?


    Global game, not everyone is in your time-zone.


    That said, Alert RNG is pretty cruel at times.

    It's for vampires that don't go to school and have not jobs.
  2. I like the idea, but its a little to low tech. For corpus at least. They should have turrets that shoot bullets, or rocket mike bullets, like one at a time, that disrupt your shield for a certain amount of time.

  3. sounds like you arent moving fast enough. they even took out the ability to rush the missions as quickly, this solved the issue for most slow people, meaning you're still to slow

    Nope. People still easily rush. A lot. I'm more of the guy who runs in, pops a few ults, and leaves the few remaining for my teammates so they get some kills.

  4. So if your earnings are saved every 5 levels in endless defense, why not in mobile defense. Every time you finish a hack, or a defense, that should be a "5 waves" and save your mods and bps. Kinda annoying when you find despair bp finally, then one grineer gets past your god squad, farts on the pod, and the pod instantly dies. And you lose the bp.

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