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Posts posted by Fire_Ashes

  1. Hello, my name is corpus missions. Have we met before?

    I'm talking about manned guns that you need to take out not those corpus pea shooters

  2. I think that an obstacle that should be overcome is turrets... Randomly placed around the map and there are 3 kinds a mini turret that takes 2 enemies to operate one enemy feeds the other shoots... Then the other two are 1 man operated a swiveling turret that goes 360 degrees it has shields in the front and the back so you have to make quick decisions also the last turret that I mentioned should have a rocket form! And also make things like when ou are spotted a grineer or corpus runs to one of these guns

  3. IMO Less than 10% of the story content needed has been implemented. Ultimately, the story will be the deciding factor in the success of warframe. If done improperly, it will doom the game to a future of mediocrity. Either way, DE has almost no choice but to add some sort of story with assorted cut scenes.

    Unfortunately this i fact. Just watched the video and if the story is like this i will be playing this over 1 hour a day ( i can't get on the cpu a lot)

  4. it would be nice to have a little indepth story for this game. perhaps for the different warframes as well. is it one tenno controlling all these different frames? or perhaps each frame has a different tenno? who knows? the game says its the tenno vs the grineer and corpus. but perhaps there are more tenno then we think? all those rescue missions? who knows? so many ways to spin this thing.

    Yeah like a story behind all the frames and weapons



    Apart from the little secrets and lore behind whatever else you can spot, the recent trailer for PS4 in the E3 shows a lot more.

    I don't pay attention to Sony and its play stations i am a Xbox fan personally but thanx for the vid :D

  5. I would love to have a system that gives different types of rewards for different types of kills. Maybe headshots give more exp. Maybe melee kills give more credits. Maybe melee headshots give more exp and credits. Maybe power-based kills give bonus resources. Things along those lines. This is in no way thought out much, just a passing thought.

    i want to see some sort of skill that you can upgrade through doing certain things that will get an extra chance for mod drops or loot drops... maybe those can be artifacts?

  6. You have to pay attention to all the little messages and dialog, plus I like a little mystery in a story.  Also keep in mind DLC could be made for origin stories.

    But the dialog never connects to each boss it's like all grineer bosses don't care about one another

  7. I agree like awards you achieve other then the 500 xp it would be good to have credit rewards and maybe forma if things get good enough but challenges that the game starts with  and as you do them you unlock more and ern more things maybe a medal system where the Lotus honors you for doing things.

  8. In The story section of this website it  makes things sound cool and suspensful. Things like "They will find you" and "come tenno you must join the war" this makes me feel like there should be some kind of story and some sort of connection to each boss... The bosses are basically oh he committed a crime die... also there should be some sort of mission where the grineer attack a tennoship on its way to a planet and you need to repel enemies getting inside maybe space battles as well. But right now the story isn't as compelling  as it could be i realize it's still in beta but you can at least give us a little story lineand some Tenno AI that you meet along the way. Love this game to death but i really want a story if it can ever happen.


    Thank you for reading my rant.

  9. Just let them be. You aren't special, you don't have any more right to be heard than anyone else. If you wanna shout louder then everyone else will want to shout louder and all we get is more noise.

    I do not understand who you are talking to. If it is me here.

    I never thought I was being a pest

    I know I am not special but that does not mean I must stop pushing what I believe is good. I can argue all day and night but i would rather not. I will keep pushing what i would like to be put into the game but if you really want I won't start anymore threads about it

    Thanks a lot for the swift kick to the nads

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