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Posts posted by TunaMayo

  1. 1600 hours on steam, played the game before I had it on Steam a bunch though, plus Steam registers time open as hours played so not quite legit.

    But I have been playing since around U6/U7.

    Before the mod system rework anyhow, when xini was the bomb and frames could be modded to be plain silly.

  2. 2 hours ago, jRazz said:

    Oh dear.. is that really what you think? Just cause you don't see the dmg reducing at any range that you test doesn't mean it doesn't have damage fall off anymore. It only appears as if it doesn't, but in fact the damage has fallen off the moment the pellets left the barrel. Your -101.6% flight speed has  reduced the range at which the dmg falls off to 0m, instead of the default 15m. You can test this by adding fatal acceleration and you will see that you will deal more damage than without fatal acceleration, on targets within 6m range.

    Unless, there is a bug because the negative is greater than 100% (or less than 100, you know what I mean). Test with Fatal Acceleration to see if your damage does increase. If it doesn't, then it's a bug that will eventually get patched. There have been numerous bugs related to negatives of greater than 100%, and they get patched soon after being discovered.

    Don't need to be a be like that about it.

    The -101.6% flight speed reduces the default range to -.2 to -.4m, which causes the game to calculate the pellets as never moving and therefore the damage fall off doesn't apply.

    Tested with and without fatal acceleration. 0 Damage falloff with the Riven without fatal acceleration, 529 per pellet regardless of distance. About half that damage with fatal acceleration on until I get pretty much point blank, within 6m.

    I know it's technically a bug, but it also makes sense.

  3. Not a Visican, but I've got a Kohm Geli-satitron (129.9% cold, 171.1% multishot, 63.8% damage to corpus, -101.6% flight speed). 

    Worth noting it has no damage fall off thanks to the -100% flightspeed so it's a kohm sniper.

  4. 1 minute ago, Xekrin said:

    Thanks for clarifying, I wasn't 100% on that, though I imagine a few weapons with really high reload times would be worth it? 

    Yeah on the likes of Sobek reload speed can be a decent roll, Multishot/status chance/reload speed would be a very worth Riven on that gun.

    On the Lanka though you want more Crit or damage/multishot and Fire rate or even status chance, it's pretty a Bow with good status chance in terms of riven rolls.

  5. I dont think that many people use the lanka which drops the value of the mod then you have + reload and - status duration.


    Personally as one of the few people who use the lanka, I think you'd be hard pushed to get 200 plat for that riven simply because no one uses the weapon.


    You may be better off either keep rolling for three decent positives or trading it to someone for a more common weapon riven or one that you personally like.

  6. Arcane Vanguard Helmet (Rhino)

    Arcane Essence Helmet (Loki)

    Arcane Locust Helmet (Ash)

    Opticor Riven : +Damage + Electricity Damage + Magazine Capacity - Damage to Corpus

    Lanka Riven : + Electricity Damage + Toxin Damage + Zoom - Status Chance

    Kohm, Atomos, Aksomati Unrolled Rivens

  7. I kinda hope that this is the path they take towards "gender swapped" frames.

    Banshee the female sound frame, xx the male music frame. Similar themes but different takes on them with new abilities, kinda how they said they might approach it in the past.

    Like I could see them going for a Lava frame to compliment Ember kinda thing.

  8. I get what you're trying to say here, but i kinda disagree.

    I agree that nullifiers are a bad implementation of a good concept. I always wanted enemies that you had to treat differently and couldn't just AoE or that at least caused you to pause in your onslaught; but there is quite a lot wrong with how they are implemented:

    * The fact that single shot, slow firing weapons aren't as effective as the spam weapons against nullifiers. I want to bring bows and snipers to maps, but all versions of nullifiers ruin that experience for me as I would be better off bringing an unranked akstiletto to deal with a nullifier bubble than I would a 4 forma Lanka, because that makes sense.

    * The fact that they can get you through walls. This is extremely frustrating, particularly on the smaller interception or defence maps where you are happy that you just managed to get a 30k iron skin, only for a nullifier to have spawned in the room 2 feet under you and his bubble expand and pop your iron skin for good, making you vulnerable having had no warning or counterplay available.

    * The fact that they completely remove abilities. This one may be an opinion that not many share, but I don't like the fact that it completely removes abilities. I personally feel like abilities should not be active or possible to activate whilst in the bubble, so your iron skin would be ineffective whilst you are inside the bubble, but returns after you leave the bubble. It is particularly annoying to permanently lose an ability that you may have invested a fair amount of energy in only to lose that completely because your toe touched the bubble through a wall that you couldn't hear spawn.

    * How easy they are to kill. Perhaps another unpopular opinion, but it's kinda a let down that this high priority target with this bubble that can pretty much ruin a tenno's day, dies just as easily as the trash mob next to him once you poop on the bubble. I feel like they should atleast be on eximus levels of tankiness. This brings me to my next point:

    * The frequency of nullifiers at higher levelled content. This is a particular problem in fissures if you are facing corpus, as you face the regular nullifer spawns from corpus and the regular nullifer spawns of the corrupted, meaning double nullifers. Personally, I would much prefer to face less nullifiers, but that they were much more of a threat. Tankier, dealt more damage, perhaps different versions of them (some super fast, some with abilities?), but that they were more of a mini-boss than just a "keep throwing bubbles at them to slow them down" kinda thing.

    * The fact that there are 2 better implementations of the concept in isolator bursas and scrambus. Perhaps people would disagree with me, but you get verbally warned that a bursa is on its way, and you have to be pretty close to get grenaded without being able to avoid it, plus despite being annoying to kill you can still use abilities to counter the bursa. Scrambus is faster, more likely to mess up your day but a lot easier to kill than an isolator bursa.

    I think a part of the problem is that either DE cannot quite work out how to create difficult content without being complete bullS#&$, or that they will not devote the time to testing or outsourcing information as to fix this problem. This is also very apparent in other bullS#&$ enemies within the game:

    * Scorch. Like what even is that damage through a wall from insane range that can shred through all defences.

    * Sapping osprey. Because being one shot by a grenade that takes two shots from a maxed out tigris whilst you are 4 feet in the air above it is fun. Not to mention when there is a corridor filled with 5 of these grenades.

    * Mutalist osprey. So any non tank frame is completely screwed if this thing manages to sneak up on your squad. You can't even play the "you should have seen it coming" card because in certain sorties there is a constant stream of enemies from all directions and some inevitably get to you. Having flying, hard to hit, hard to dodge enemies with an ability that ignores shields and directly attacks health of squishy frames with no other option than to play a tank frame or have a healer in the squad is not good game design.

    There are others but I think this just outlines the fact that DE need to do an "enemies 2.0" if they want the game to stop stagnating in terms of gameplay. A good idea would be to do surveys and ask for ideas from the community as they do for many other aspects of the game which have all been rather successful so far in my opinion (perhaps apart from nova's release).

    On a tangent here though, something needs to be done about shields at high levelled content. It's simply poor game design that vitality is simply a must at high level content for all frames unless you have a cheese strat because the enemy status procs will just ignore your 1-2k shields and go straight for your poor health pool and armour stat.

    An example of a good implementation of difficulty is the Juggernaut, it was an idea from a fan that was implemented fairly  successfully. You don't see it that often, you get verbally warned about its arrival, it's hard to kill, it can kill your squad. But it doesn't feel like too much bull, it can be affected by abilities, but can't remove yours, it's a threat and a danger without feeling like complete bull as it has readable attacks and usually requires the focus of the full squad. It just kind of works, not perfect, but it works.

    There need to be more enemies like this that cause you to go "oh hell, we need to deal with that now as a group before it wipes us" and not so many "oh great I died to this bull again". Make the high threat level enemies feel high threat level and more like mini-bosses, just don't make them so frequent that doing endless missions feels like such a chore or that you are playing a bubble wrap simulator. Heck, on the note of mini-bosses, why is it only the stalker who chooses to have a dig at the tenno for completing assassinations? Why aren't the bosses themselves or their underlings pissed? You could either have bosses like Kela or Raptor turn up in your missions or have versions of them under a different name (different raptor version/kela clone) randomly appear in certain missions a bit like the stalker.

    An example of a miniboss (unnecessary but throwing my idea out there) is a shielded unit a bit like Reinhardt from overwatch who slowly progresses with an unkillable shield and immune to warframe powers but without being able to debuff the tenno. Would allow enemy units to progress from behind the shield and the only way to deal with the unit is to either let them approach on your turtle position, or break the turtle position to get behind the unit. Just rather than having the unit feel more like a miniboss and have it react to the tenno trying to counter it.

    As for the Tenno power creep, yeah it's boring as sin. They have to keep making new weapons that hit harder, crit more often and proc more often in order to keep players coming back or keep playing in order to get the new hotness. I get that, but can we maybe start focusing more on sidegrades that straight up upgrades?

    Look at the Sancti Tigris and Tigris Prime. It's not the perfect example of a sidegrade as the Prime probably has too much base damage to call it that, but it's definitely better than the Galatine Prime compared to every other melee weapon.

    DE need to focus more on unique combat or sidegrades than just "put some more crit on it and a gold tinge". When it comes to melee combat there are two perfectly good, but completely un-utilised methods of combat that could be good sidegrades:

    * Channelling - I can't remember the last time I personally channelled a weapon or heard of anyone doing it past mastery rank 5 that wasn't doing it for lifestrike. It's such an easy way for DE to make new weapons that are powerful without just being better than every other weapon. Give us a new weapon with some channelling efficiency and channelling damage, add some new channelling mods and hey presto, a weapon that has worse stats than the Galatine prime but when you mod it properly and throw some energy into the mix you get comparable DPS.

    * Charge attacks - There used to be a disparity between melee weapons when I first started playing warframe, Charge weapons and quick attack weapons. Why can't we get that back, charge attacks on the scindo, gram and fragor used to feel so satisfying when i first started playing with the big windup and the big payoff. But the fast weapons like the dual zoren were equally strong and satisfying. Now all weapons are just basically reskins with differing attack speeds and base damage as long as you have body count and blood lust. Rework the charge attack animation and how it works (no more quick attacks when i start holding E please) to how it used to work, chuck some mods our way that can let us perfect charge damage and then give us some weapons that either act differently or specialise in charge damage. (redeemer/sarpa are exceptions)

    For guns it's harder, you basically have the kill stuff in one shot, kill stuff in a few shots, kill them with crits and kill them with status. I can't really see a way around this right now but I can see alternatives to just bumping the numbers every update. Namely, unique weapons like the Redeemer or the Dual Toxocyst. Both are unique weapons that almost completely change how that style of gameplay is meant to be in order to get the most out of your weapon. It's a shame that the dual toxocyst is so clunky but it's definitely a step in the right direction. I'd love more weapons like that, that reward skill shooting or a different style of playing with higher dps, rather than just having high dps all the time. Likewise the acolyte mods and mods dropped by Kela de Thaym are really cool as well, rather than being a straight up buff to the weapon there has to be a fullfillment of an action for it to be good, like Growing Power or Health conversion. Niche mods that add unique effects that rather than being a straight up all round buff are just sometimes fun to use.

    Which kinda brings me to another point about the mod system. I'd like to see more augment style mods than more "this makes you do more damage or your abilities go further". Mods that require you to sacrifice potential power from your standard build in order to mod more specifically for a certain advantage. This would be a way of essentially sidegrading warframe power without nerfing it and decreasing the tenno power creep. So for example, we have mods like redirection, vitality and streamline that are in pretty much most builds (perhaps redirection less than the others), but without alternatives. Redirection and Vitality have vigor sure, but that's less of a sidegrade and more of a "here's a bit of both", streamline has Fleeting expertise but let's face it they are almost always used together with little detriment when complimented by other mods. It would be nice to see some augment style sidegrades for health, shield, armour, efficiency etc, a bit like growing power or energy conversion.

    I'd rant on a bit about Focus and Arcanes, but I think focus is just a bit of a flopped concept and I have not experimented with arcanes at all to have an informed opinion on them. I will say however that having 2 of the five focus trees actually being used by the community has gotta be a bit of a blow to the gut for whoever spent months designing them all, yet they have barely been altered since they were released which either suggests a lack of care, negligence or a lack of communication to the community as I certainly haven't heard of upcoming changes to the focus system.

    TL;DR (not surprised, i ranted quite a bit) - DE need to learn the difference between difficulty and bullS#&$ and be able to keep the game fresh without slapping better numbers on all the new gear. They have shown the ability to do both but seem apprehensive in applying it to more than just small pockets of the game. I get that new and better content is better for player retention in the short term, but long term player retention has always been a failing point of Warframe and these almost exact same arguments have been spouted for years.

    Edit: Also the nullies are just another band-aid fix that is a quicker solution to solving the problem that DE are getting pretty well known for in Warframe (HANDSPRING!?!?!?!) so that they can hop back on the "shiny new stuff" bandwagon. I'm probably being overly harsh in my criticism here, but it's not the first time I've seen this vein of thread.

  9. Excavation got nerfed massively in terms of Endo/Cores. One Rare 5 core is worth 75 endo and you used to get 5 rare cores as a reward at heiracon. Now you get 5x15 endo, 75 endo. So you essentially get 1/5 of the Endo that we would have got in cores before, even after the "hotfix". 

    So, either this is an honest mistake or you can congratulate Glenn on finally getting those "overly rewarding" excavations nerfed.

    To answer your question, I've been finding that Arenas are currently the best place to get Endo, or Sortie missions. The low level Arena (40-40) can get you 2-400 Endo for each round which can take minutes if you're fast. In comparison a 20 excavate run will get you about 600-700 Endo.

    You can see which is better.

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