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Posts posted by (PSN)Bowjangelz

  1. On 6/5/2016 at 5:20 PM, VoidNomade said:

    Pretty much.

    I don´t even understand that such an enemy/tech still exist in the lore.

    Just imagine for a moment Warframe and Lotus getting notes of this technology.

    She would release the heaven and the hell, would order ALL Tennos, even side with grineers and all other factions.. TO DESTROY THIS TECHNOLOGY.. *heavy breathing*

    Sounds like a great idea for an event that ends with them being gone or at least reworked in some way

  2. Can all of the well modded players who like their powerful things just accept that nerfers, and players that are only one more annoyance away from asking for nerfs, exist in all corners of the game and stop taking overly powerful gear to public games? It risks breeding hate against those weapons/frames. Powerful builds may be fun to show it off in public, but don't go overboard. You have no idea how annoying you may be to others. Maybe your awesomeness will inspire other players to get that gun or frame, but not everyone will have that perspective and that doesn't make them wrong or bad people. If you know you are going into a game to take most or all of the kills, just solo and spare us all an extra "nerf x" thread. 


  3. On 6/3/2016 at 2:29 PM, LegionCynex said:

    I'm sorry but, do you really think they will NOT give you the passive or changes, just for consoles?, I don't think..so 

    You get what we get

    Just for consoles? Not at all. But they often wait to fix up a lot of issues before picking what build to give us. My comments are things I'd hoped PC would have seen before they picked what build to send to consoles - I was hoping more of the fixes would be in before they'd drop it on us. Just doesn't feel like they are quite done with the reworks. But I'm sure they've already submitted our build for our Friday update. Hopefully PC will get some more tweaks soon that address the many issues being brought up in the threads, but since we are getting a big update on consoles this week any fixes may take months to get to us. 


  4. I wish the community would get over this whole key sharing idiocy. There are no set rules for it. Plenty of people will "scam" and plenty of people will have real life happen and get accused of scamming. 

    Can't we all just run keys without the need for something in return? Yeah, some are rare, but not enough to justify how bad the key share trend has taken off in the past year imo.

    All that being said, I am sorry that happened to you Tenno. Many out there will not follow the "rules" of key sharing because there are no real rules. Always go in knowing this may happen. 

    BUT, also realize that it's people like you reporting other players for things that aren't against any rules that are helping to clog up support and keep them from having more time to fix real problems

  5. I was really hoping the rework/nerfs would get a little more polished before we got them. 

    Also, please give us a way to turn passives off, Nyx's is terrible and will be a nerf to her usefulness and fun with how I play her. Maybe I want to cast mind control on that target again (and have them still have their weapon)? How am I supposed to see how a fight between a bombard and a heavy gunner ends when there is a chance of one or both losing their weapon when chaos ends and I recast? 

  6. 26 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    lol, yep. when I use Frost I never leave the pod, because I know that I'm the last line of defense against enemies who pass the other players, either through flanking or just not being killed right away by Bladestorm or some other skill.

    not many frost know that you can also stack globes to create a more durable one, very handy on T4.

    So much this. And sorry, other players, if you got in a fight you couldn't handle in the middle of a higher wave waaaay down the hallway, as Frost, I will not be leaving the pod unprotected to revive you just in time to fail the mission. Die closer to the pod, silly. 

    18 minutes ago, HEVCaliber said:

    Fair enough. How about this:

    Don't choose Frost if ALL you can do is spamming globes all over the place, keeping your teammates from shooting the enemies. If you see a Vauban in an infestation mission then just let him handle the pod. Your 4 is there for a reason.

    Yup. Blocked shots make sad Tenno. 

    12 minutes ago, morningstar999 said:

    pfff chilling globe is still worth putting up in defensive areas for the freeze chance/ last line of defense if you vauban fails you.. 


    Maybe. But sometimes this just blocks people from shooting down the enemies at the perfect choke points to efficiently kill them. You could instead use your 4th to slow the hoard and put up a oh sh* globe only if needed to kick the enemies out of an area, followed by using freeze to take it down once the situation is under control. Just my 2p. 

  7. I know I'm a console peasant who hasn't had a chance to try these, but usually by the time we get changes, no one seems as interested in feedback or tweaking changes. 

    1. Please do not give Nyx that passive. I would so much rather have no passive. I don't care if it doesn't disarm until my ability ends. Do you have any idea how often we might recast Chaos or Mind Control and still want our victims to have their guns? If you absolutely have to do this, please give us a way to turn off passives. 

    2. Trin....To me the latest change looks like a quick band aid to quell some of the DR complaints while you guys go back and figure out the real blessing rework. This cannot be it. Flat damage reduction takes away what made blessing great - it rewarded thinking and perfect timing. It still seems to me that healing should be global even if DR has to stay 50m. She has no real cc or aoe, so please let her at least be really good at the support role she has. It may be a good idea to go back to the previous equation where DR was the square of the teams average health and tweak that but still have a cap. I'm playing around with an idea using power strength, but I need to work out a few more calculations before I decide if it looks right to me. 

    3. Please make Mag's polarize do % shield/armor removal, the damage cap could stay if it has to, but changing to a flat value for removing is a serious step backwards in reworks. Same with Volt, cant his 4th do % based damage? Or, if damage needs to stay as is, make it so the enemies cannot come out of the cc from it until the duration ends?

    I have so much more to say, but most of it will mean more once we get our next update with all of this and I can really test some builds. Please take your time to work out some of the many pages of kinks in the current reworks first, though.  

    On a side note, it will be a telling test of the reworks when consoles do get the update since we will be doing the Rathuum event with rework/nerfed frames. When we do, please keep listening to feedback. 

  8. 19 hours ago, HellEnforcer said:

    To be honest this is a terrible idea. It has been ever since I first saw it 3 years ago and still is.

    You are trying to bring down one of the core parts of WarFrame. Namely our inhuman skills. We are playing WarFrame, not WarGun, Gears of War nor Call of Duty: Parkour DLC.

    The same way there is plenty of energy all over the place, there is far more ammo all over the place. You will need 10 orbs to replenish the basic standard of 250 energy pool, and you simply won't find them sitting around unless you haven't picked any for a while. The same way you need 13 rifle ammo packs to replenish the standard 520 rifle ammo pool and you find them as often as the energy considering all the ammo types lying around.

    My point? you use your 4th ability twice and you ran out of energy, while you can keep shooting like mad far longer. Granted, you can use streamline, and the same can be said about ammo mutation. Energy is not a problem, it is good as it is; and people need to get in their heads once and for all that. Some abilities might be unbalanced, but that is entirely another problem. Not picking on you, this topic has been said before and brought down multiple times.


    19 hours ago, HellEnforcer said:

    No, I don't like it, that does not make it a good idea either. I know the difference. I could say the same, that you are assuming that it is a good idea because you either like it or because you came up with it.

    I read it. I might not have understood it correctly tough. You are still limiting the energy gain. This is just slightly better than a cooldown approach since you can spam if you already had the energy. I fail to see how it is possible to cast 15 ults with 250 energy. I will assume you are referring to say Excalibur with 500 a pool since you said some. You are also assuming that starting with full energy is a good offset, which is not. This is hindering the entire mission while being generous with something it only happens once.

    I would like to know who is this everyone you have talked to. These two pages of people discussing this or others in-game? Personally I can't say I have talked with many, as a matter of fact, 5 would be too much most likely, but none of them ever felt the energy was a problem. If anything they were starving for more energy. My only real grasp on how many agree and disagree are from those past posts that tried to suggest this or similar approaches.


    Edit: Changed wording. It seemed a lot more than an attack than a clarification or comparison. I would like to note that I am just trying to bring to your attention this, not trying to attack you in any way. My apologies if that is what it looks like. I'm not good at conveying controversial information and ideas.


    18 hours ago, HellEnforcer said:

    No. I want to keep it press 1/2/3/4 to use. I am not against some power nerft. As a matter of fact, I believe some abilities need to be toned down (perhaps not in the way they just did though). But this way is not the right way to do it. This is limiting usage, not "OPness" or whatever is called.

    Yes, some can. Some. And that is with the Primed Flow and if they are Prime WarFrames. The vast majority struggle and are around and below 450 energy.

    Good to know about the clan. It gives me a better idea on the number of people on each side. Although I was not given approximated or estimated number.

    Also, I edited my previous post right a few seconds before you answered. I tried to clarify a bit.

    Thank you for trying. Can't say it better. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    Chuold someone explain this "Trin nerf" to me please, I don't understand whats been nerfed.


    (If I understand correctly)

    Instead of DR based on lowest health, now is the square of the team's average health%. 

    So, if trin has 1% health left, but the other 3 teammates have 75% health left:

        Previous DR would have been 99%

        New DR is 68.1% 

              (1+75+75+75)/4 = average team health % = 56.5%, squared is 31.9%, so DR is 68.1%


    So, it scales best when the entire team is almost dead. And teammates must be in affinity range (within 50m, will be indicated on hud). 

  10. So... since line of sight works with yet another ability, can you guys put some time into fixing it?

    Currently it does not work reliably. I can be face to face with an enemy, locking eyes with them, and somehow Radial Blind does not work on them...

    Excal has the survivability to usually deal, but Mirage will probably die a lot from this bug. Fix this, and much of the salt from this change will dissipate. 


    As far as the EB spin blind costing energy, can we get a way to not blind when doing a spin attack? 

  11. Volt


    First off, you might want to scrap the “alternative to gun play” line. The rework overall (other than speed) looks like it will help him scale, but with the way that electric damage works, seems like Volt will still be using guns to do a lot of killing. (But maybe his 4th massacres now, I'll have to try it). 

    The change to Speed I’m unsure of. I will need to play it, but it looks like I will wish it had just been a back flip to cancel his speed instead of a pickup.

    The Shield change is interesting. Although I am wondering if the energy drain will cost more than it’s worth since it already has the draw backs of slowing the player and preventing primary weapon use. Does it need to drain energy too?

    Overload looks much better from what I have seen. I look forward to trying it someday. (Console peasants must wait their turn).




    I don’t know what to say about her yet. I’m hopeful, but you guys have broken my heart before with nerfs, so I want to be ready if this sucks. I just hope that in the end I don’t lose that feeling of immense power using her Polarize, even if now it means using several abilities to get to that giant map kill.





    Ash – Wow, you guys really like Ash.

    Banshee – I like this. But, maybe since this removes most of the reason for Silence to exist, Silence could have a longer stun that opens enemies to finishers? Her augment would still increase that damage. Or, Silence could at least be recastable? Silense will now cost 75 energy to stun, and you can't even use it again until way after the stun has ended. 

    Ember – On first glance this seems silly since lower levels we won’t need the damage and at higher levels, well you can;t deal extra damage or use energy while you're dead. But, I will need to test. Maybe I will just enjoy the energy gain on lower levels.

    Hydroid – Situational, vaguely funny passive for situational frame confirmed. Might be fun.

    Limbo – Ok.

    Loki – Maybe I will wall cling more often if I upgrade Aegis. I have no issue with this. Not powerful, but I don’t think passives should be op.

    Mag – Sound nice. Could I trade all other frames’ passives in for this?

    Nekros – Not needed if desecrating, but I suspect that’s the point. No real issue here.

    Nova – Will have to see this in action. I want to ask for 10m, but 6m may be more balanced. 

    Nyx – Please don’t. Really. DON'T. If this is her passive, for the love of Lotus, give me a way to turn it off. If I chaos, I want enemies to shoot each other. Even if the passive only kicks in after any ability is over, that will mess with my next cast of Chaos. No passive would be so much better than this.

    Oberon – Eh. Can we count ospreys as Wildlife? If so, nice. If not… you must really not like Oberon. If he hangs out with Ash more, could he get some love?

    Trinity – This sounds interesting. How far away? How much faster?

    Vauban – Could we get bonus health or shield instead? Armor on such a low armor frame seems silly. Maybe we could be faster or reload more quickly if health or shield are too good. Also, it would be nice if he had a passive that worked for solo players. As others have said, maybe give him a portion of the passive he'd have gotten if 1 player had been within range?

    Volt – Hmm. I’ll need to see this. Could be forgettable or could be amazing. 

    Chroma - The color thing is a mechanic, please give this guy a passive. 




    I’ll have to give her a try when we get the rework. I am still holding out hope to someday be able to move while in Peacemaker, though. Even if it was only at a reduced speed. Thanks for the permanent Shooting Gallery. So good.




    He can be good, but he can be truly terrible. I rarely bring him to groups, and I am always tempted to leave when I see him in a group. To me, some simple changes that would help are:

    1.       Cataclysm puts the whole area in the rift, right? That should mean that pick-ups in that area are also in the rift; let us pick them up. This would finally fix the last Limbo troll tactic of keeping the team from getting any pickups by keeping a huge area constantly in Cataclysm. Also, consoles should be in the rift with us; let us hack them. (Especially since enemies can). Power cores should be in the rift with us, let us hold onto them.

    2.       Rift walk and Banish are pretty much the same. I don’t understand why they are separate abilities. Let him have something to buff his teammates? Anything to make people go, hey it’s a Limbo happily instead of aw man we have Limbo on our team.

    3.       Let us banish consoles if you want it to cost more for us to hack in the rift. This isn’t a deal breaker, but I don’t get why hacking was taken away. Valkyr can hack in Hystaria…

    I get that the rift concept can be used in smart ways to make him extremely powerful. But as he is now, many players would rather go without than to deal with all of the negatives.


    Practical Feedback


    I love Warframe for the powerful feeling it gives the players as they mow down hoards. After having your butt kicked around the star chart as a wee one without many mods, going back to give them hell is pretty amazing. But, once a player is fully geared, it's mostly super easy mode or don’t get shot even once mode unless we self nerf. Not much in the middle. While toning down some of our power may help that, it would also be nice to see if tweaking how armor scales or how the damage enemies deal scales (or the speed at which they scale) to see if that would make it feel like there is a middle ground, where a Tenno could survive without having to hard cc by using skill.

  12. 1 hour ago, Multicom-EN- said:

    Reviving this topic due to the passive Banshee will soon get. 

    "All weapons will be silent". 

    This literally makes Silence a 75 energy cost short stun, unable to be recasted. And it needs an augment to open up to melee finishers. 

    Where is the balance?

    Considering this, I think it should be recastable with a stun each time

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