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Posts posted by Kutsus

  1. A detail that i'd like to point out about Defense missions, in Sorties and Arbitrations the defense target is an NPC rather than a stationary pod, the difficulty is supposed to come from having to manage a moving target but in reality it just becomes easier because you can just revive the NPC over and over again, and it also becomes more bullS#&$ because sometimes the NPC gltiches and just instantly dies, or walks into an area where its impossible to protect (Kuva fortress defense poison corridors).

    And yeah why is there still not a game mode that just starts enemies at high level and scales quickly, with no bullS#&$ gimmicks.

  2. Well first of all add Serration, Split Chamber, Heavy Caliber, Point Strike and Vital Sense.

    For the last 3 mods you have several options, Hunter's Munitions, Primed Shred, Primed Cryo Rounds and all the 60/60 and 90% Elemental Mods.

    Malignant Force, Rime Rounds and Hunter's Munitions will alow you to proc Slash and Viral, this would most likely be the highest scaling DPS build for Index, but i am not sure.

    Malignant Force, High Voltage and Primed Shred would be very effective at proccing Corrosive.

    Primed Shred, Infected Clip and Stormbringer/Primed Cryo Rounds would achieve the highest raw damage against the appropriate targets, but this is generally niche.

  3. For excal i use Primed Flow and Quick Thinking, i would never use those gladiator mods for defense, they're way too weak by themselves and if u have other defense mods then u dont wanna equip them either cuz then ur sacrificing too many slots that could be used for ability boosting mods instead.

    For reference, PFlow+QT results in 1445 "Health" at max energy, and if u didn't know armor works for this as well.
    Excal's base armor provides something like 42% dmg reduction so considering the base 300 health and shields ud have 2777 EHP (i think), and then consider shields healing from sentinel if u have it and energy replenishment from zenurik and energy orbs which acts as heals.

  4. The point is still that the mod doesn't apply when u need it aka when ur on the ground and not moving very quickly because thats when enemies hit you, do you jump every time you shoot at an enemy? Do you only do jump attacks with melee lol? We have plenty of abilities that can only be used on the ground, the only times when we're in the air is when we're moving, which means bullet jump and double jump and stuff, which means u ain't gonna get hit unless ur going directly into a group of enemies that are already shooting in your direction.

  5. This buff would undoubtedly make the Burston Prime have considerably higher DPS potential than Soma Prime, but the ammo economy will still be rly bad, and Soma Prime or any other auto/semi/burst rifles aren't even very strong in the first place when compared to the best shotguns, melee, snipers, lenz and opticor, not to mention Akstilletto Prime, Pandero and Sicarus Prime outperforms all of the primary equivalents.

    My point is, it wouldn't rly matter how they changed it, ppl wouldnt use it much more anyway.

  6. Nothing about this needed a fix in the first place, Harrow being able to sustain his crit buff forever is fine, i mean look at max str mirage and chroma, throw rhino into the mix as well, they can effectively sustain their buffs forever, and thats completely fine, just like Harrow sustaining his.

  7. I'd say the biggest issue is the objective markers being confusing, imo the markers need to specifically be placed on the appropriate door within the current tile, rather than the marker just guiding u in the general direction of the objective, because the current system often leads u around in circles when tiles have verticality or aren't non-linear.

  8. 3 minutes ago, TheGoodDarius said:

    if I see correctly, you are in the Hydron tileset on Sedna, which has the pod on an elevator.

    If that's the case, I think the enemies are simply jumping inside as the glass is not in their way

    To put it simply, it's like if you put a box on a ground level vs if you dig a hole and put the box inside. In the first, the walls of the box are an obtacole, in the second, they are not because you are already over them

    I hope it's clear what I mean

    The wall is clearly in their way as i casted it high up... Watch the video again.

  9. > Actually liking dark souls invasions


    Implementing this would do more harm than good to the community, and most ppl would just run away from the invader and extract or jsut straight up abort the mission since u dont rly lose much, not to mention it would be way too hard to balance, the invader vs 4 players would mean the invader would have to be stronger than 1 player, which means that if u get invaded while ur away from the group you basically auto-die, sounds like fun amirite.

    Warframe has always been about repetition with small variations, that's just how the game is and changing it would upset everyone who actually likes warframe for what it has always been, if u find yourself bored, play a different game until u feel like grinding again, warframe isn't meant to please everyone in every way, no game is.

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