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Posts posted by EmptyDevil

  1. uhm they have a really harsh damage scaling, making them quickly oneshot anyone. i agree that the shield itself is fine (for the most part), my issue is the weapon he was given

    I agree with this. They just need to have their damage lowered for the most part because it is way too high for a defensive unit. They also need to be looked at because they bypass the quick thinking mod with their shots. Blocking powers and shots with the shield is fine but having extremely high damage and ignoring a useful mod effect too is not ok.

  2. Not sure if anyone else experienced this or noticed this but nullifiers seem to bypass the quick thinking mod and kill you regardless of having it on. Hoping this is a bug that needs fixing because as they are now, they have very high damage, block powers/immunity, and ignore a life saving mod when shooting. Nullifiers need their damage toned down and their quick thinking bug fixed.

  3. Why do people take what Vor said so literally? It. Is. A. Metaphor. People.


    Tenno are most likely orokin people that were imbue with energies from the void and managed to survived. Warframes are most likely a techno-organic suit of armor made from something similar to the infested. Infested and Warframes both have glowing odd dots on them. They are both somewhat organic and mechanical in appearance. The infested even ask the player something along the lines of "Why do you destroy us? We are your flesh." This is most likely directed at the Warframe and not the Tenno wearing it. Also note that infested Mesa was simply a Warframe suit wearing alad's control collar with possible infested flesh inside the suit piloting it or the infested controlling alad to control that suit with his tech. Why? because if Warframes are also derived from technocyte then it would make sense that it can't exactly be infected and controlled the same way the infested do to other lifeforms and machines. The Tenno and Warframe relationship is probably very similar to Bio-Booster Armor Guyver as i have linked before. It is a techno-organic suit that is somewhat symbiotic with it's host and is capable of changing the host's physiology because of it. An example would be Limbo when he removes his hat, as this would be similar to a normal person removing part of their skull if you look at him closely. Why is the Tenno wearing Limbo able to do this? It would be because Warframes most likely become integrated and meshed with their host while active. This would explain a lot of wear helmets and shapes for many Warframes.



    Countless dialog and instances support Tenno NOT being energy beings as people seem to so desperately want them to be for some reason.

  4. Nyx and Nemesis have nothing in common besides that decorative bit on the helmet and having a female wearer (if Tenno have actual sexes, but not even go there).

    Nemesis also has a male looking body and moved masculine. So it would just look wrong on Nyx. It's like bringing the Blaze design back as skin for Ember.

    Nemesis only power was the energy shield, which would point more towards Volt and the massive blade arm which would also require an overhaul of the model to be a skin for a Warframe.


    So sadly the only way i could see Nemesis in the game would be as bonus boss.

    All of the stuff regarding Nemesis, masculinity and such are irrelevant since Nemesis is still a female. We can already change the idles of our warframes now too if you wanted it to match the look. As for the blade arm, that could be a special weapon that you farm from orokin derelict maybe? 

  5. It breeds elitism.....which affects the main game. For example people using the cheapest tactics in pvp and then feeling like they are so much better than anyone else.


    Then people try to find what cheap tactics they can use to get ahead in PVE content(excals mashing 4s without moving).

    Then we have series of nerfs that affect pve for everyone, sure pvp-ers won't care but it hurts pve guys who weren't even abusing x,y,z.


    Just the whole pvp crowd has a different attitude and outlook from normal pve-only players. I don't like pvpers, i'll be honest. I started playing this game for co-op and pve. Not so i can see how pvp-er boating how badass they are at x,y, z and how pve guys are filthy casuals.

    Elitism does not exclusively come from pvp though. It can come simply from people believing mastery rank = better player. We all know that is not the case. Most times people learn these cheap tactics through experimenting in pve first. They want to find the most efficient way to take on enemy AIs at the lowest risk possible. After that if they are curious about pvp or already a participant in pvp, they will wonder if their cheap tactic will work against something smarter than an AI like a player. Again, simply people having items forma'd many times, max rank mods, or high mastery rank can breed elitism in people who despise pvp or simply do not want to touch it.

  6. why is there so much hate on the pvp side.


    Well there's a whole list of thing that this game have wrong in the pvp side. Thing like, the one shot weapon, unfair proc, warframe ability that kill you 1 shot (mesa peace maker), the weapon balance a load of them are just plain useless or over kill.


    If you want to see a pvp similar to this go play destiny it have the same problem. One-shot shot gun, fusion riffle, power, there's the map that encourage those use of weapon (here in warframe its sniper and explosive weapon) everymap is close in.


    I must said that i am not a pvp fan but i don't despise it i just don't find running after 2 or 8 people to kill them for ever and ever until the match end. For me that is boring, i prefer having to face thousand of enemies and wreck havok. I do love the battlefeild 3 and M.A.G those were fun when the map were full those were good time

    I often wonder why there is so much hate as well. I can't help but think it is them just being sore losers or butthurt babies. That or they are observing the pvp attitude of another community e.g. LoL and decide to apply it to this one. I'm not a fan of pvp myself but i can see that pvp isn't a problem. It is made a problem by the community complaining, instead of providing constructive criticism to a team willing to act on that criticism. 



    My gripe with pvp are pvpers that WANT the pvp stat changes to effect pve and dont care if pve power gets nerfed to hell for the sake of pvp balance. They justify this view by claiming that stuff overpowered in pvp is also overpowered in pve. They don't care about the differing contexts of pve and pvp that can mean something overpowered in pvp can be perfectly appropriate and acceptable in pve contexts. They dont want pvp and pve modes to have separate stats. They want to put their chocolate in our peanut butter and by chocolate i mean Poo.

    Most pvpers do not expect some kind of nerf that crosses into the pve side from my knowledge. Even when they suggest some kind of separate system people still whine about pvp existing period.

  7. Maybe he will, maybe he'll come back with Mutalist Zanuka by his side.


    If the dude could survive being tossed out a window down into the depths of Jupiter, whilst not possessing any equipment needed for survival, I bet he could survive an assassination when he's already half Infested. He'll probably become one with the Infestation, control the Hivemind, and personally control the Proxy as it chases after you.

    Alad has already been assimilated by the infested. He does not command or control them in any way as stated by the quests and mesa assassination mission. They are simply using him to further their own goals. I imagine they used his knowledge of corpus machinery and warframes to infect machines and that mesa you fight.

  8. Pretty sure Tenno are organic and that people are just misinterpreting the way Vor was speaking. Not to mention when alad sliced open a warframe, it was done with a high heat instrument from what it looked like. So of course you aren't going to see blood and bones because it was cauterized by the machine. If anything i'd say the Tenno relation to warframes work similar to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bio_Booster_Armor_Guyver#The_Guyver_Units.

  9. Is there no writers?


    Obviously Corpus killed Stalker and stole their technology.

    After they gave this technology to its weakest soldiers, then they were launched into the VOID.


    See? is not hard to write.

    Corpus wouldn't be able to kill stalker at all. 


    It would also have to damage + stagger the Tenno and have an infinite range if they stole it from stalker. The void part of your post doesn't really make sense. 

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