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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. On 2020-06-04 at 10:00 PM, stormy505 said:

    There really isn't a logical reason to invest development time into pvp content in Warframe. Imagine a vegan restaurant trying to design a burger to sell to it's consumer base. Regardless of how amazing the burger is, because the consumer base is made up of 99.9% vegans, they won't have any interest in the burger.

    I don’t know if you have heard of the impossible burger but it’s quite popular, this is a reach but if DE wanted and the player base was willing to try it I believe Conclave can become the impossible burger of warframe. We’ve discussed the problems of conclave in this thread but I guess I can list some, first of all the skill gap between dedicated pvp players and new PvP players in warframe is like night and day, it needs to be lowered also there is a lot of lag & sever issues in conclave . But honestly any kind of work towards conclave would be appreciated at this point . 

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  2. 5 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    call it virtue signalling if you wish - maybe in some cases it is - but you won't see a major AAA Developer (and CERTAINLY not a Publisher) supporting causes like DE does. I've never once seen anyone else in the videogame industry even try to acknowledge real life issues like Cancer, the Australian Wildfires, #BlackLivesMatter and more. their heart is in the right place, and while it's usually easy to be cynical and say it's all done for their own benefit, I don't believe that's the case here. not all the time at least, since I'm sure DE understand the potential for backlash every time they take a stance on something.

    of course, there are some subjects that are gonna be Taboo due to circumstance. as an example, I highly doubt DE would ever dream of saying anything bad about China since they are effectively owned by a Chinese company, and if Leyou pulled out, DE would most likely go under. you don't bite the hand that feeds you, as the saying goes.





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  3. 2 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Wow... crazy idea... how come DE didn't think about that?

    I'm amazed that people even make such threads. Do people think they are the first one to come up with stuff like that?

    DE said they are looking into cross-save. So aside from all the logistics this means they figure out if it's worth the effort.
    And if it's not worth their time, this thread's idea won't change it.
    Just wait what DE comes up with.

    Yikes this is general discussion is it not, I don’t see any harm discussing a topic. 

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  4. 21 hours ago, -BG-MagicalAbyss said:

    In short, yes!

    PVP can be successful along side with PVE even if it is warframe's core focus, what better than 1 option? More options! Feeling that content drought hit deep into you? Well try PVPVE, indirect PVP where tenno can compete within PVE environment. Or just go straight into direct PVP actions. Not only you can play those while waiting for new contents in PVE, those exist as options to enjoy warframe.

    Just giving out example here, you are not force or required to do PVP contents to progress, having more options within a game always better than none. Now imagine full on PVP/PVPVE between clan and alliance, not only will it bring in more tenno, it make clan and alliance to have a better purpose, thus more contents/options for player to enjoy warframe.

    So refreshing, I completely agree with everything said in this post. PVP doesn’t have to take away from PVE, instead it should compliment it by giving players an alternative when the drought is rough or you are just bored of the core gameplay. 

    • Like 4
  5. On 2020-05-17 at 7:29 PM, (PS4)Xx-Ribbium-xX said:

    just to note that this thread is a couple months out of date

    but the biggest thing that actually made me want to reply is this


    this buffed enough for you mate? 800 total damage. that good enough?

    Yeah I assumed they didn’t change the meta, haven’t played in awhile . & uhh wow , is it the most popular gun right now ? 

  6. 22 minutes ago, KitMeHarder said:

    No personal offence, but I think it's really bad. 

    • We have no PvP
    • The power fantasy and pace is much faster
    • When I watched Destiny 1 raids all they did was spam their equivalent of ammo pads when they ran out, and it's what we'd end up doing too.
    • And largely burst damage weapons are for bossing. A vast majority of the community uses something like the Ignis Wraith over the Rubico while mobbing.
    • Even with weapons like the Lenz or Kuva Seer where that is a balancing factor, all you have to do is slap an ammo mutation in the exilus slot, problem solved. But to the extent of 2-3 rounds is quite frankly bullS#&$.

    Oh I’m talking about conclave man .

  7. 3 hours ago, Aldain said:

    You know my problem with Warframe's PvP?

    It has an obtuse skill floor and the difference between new, medium and high skilled players is like the freaking Grand Canyon.

    Even now I could go play trash tier casual in CS:GO and have marginal amounts of fun assuming I know how a keyboard and mouse work.

    Sure if I wanted to play ranked I'd get flicked and wrecked by every pro with insane twitch reflexes but I can still play at trash tier casual too.

    However due to the sheer INSANE mobility Warframe has you literally cannot "just play it" without getting run over, even high-skill freaking fighting games have a better "Pick up and play" nature than Warframe's PvP.

    Spam "Casual Scum" at me all you like, but don't praise a high skill floor and then turn around and wonder "WHY IS NOBODY PLAYING THIS" in the same breath.

    I agree !! This is why I think stamina should return in warframe conclave, the skill ceiling is wayyy to high. Like you said to encourage people to play conclave they need to improve the ability to “pick up and play” Without feeling like utter garbage. Majority of people will always be casuals , I’m not saying turn this into a slow poke game but the skill ceiling needs to be lowered. 

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  8. I think high burst damage weapons such as snipers and the opticor shouldn’t have to much ammo on spawn, maybe like 2-3 shots & then require players to pick up a new ammo resource that is timed, to replenish high burst damage weapons. Idk completely about this idea, just let me know what you think. This idea is based off how some weapons in destiny like shotguns/snipers don’t give you to much ammo on spawn. Like I said I’m not completely sold but I think it would reign in the meta weapons, but without taking away their potency. Also you might as well buff shotguns in conclave and make them part of these high burst damage weapons category

  9. 18 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

    Take out the rewards, take out the leader boards and add in dedicated servers for PVP here.


    Then it will work. Since there is no score recorded at least I learn how other individuals managed their skill set. I learn something new. 

    Supposedly there is dedicated servers , at least according to someone in this thread. It would be cool to be able to inspect others load outs tho . 

  10. Just now, SneakyErvin said:

    It isnt opinion though. It is grammatical rules so should not need an explaination of the statement in question.

    Oh so you now agree it’s a statement. If I were to say a MOBA FPS and a FPS MOBA are not the same thing, that would be a statement & I should be inclined to explain because we can’t read your mind, because to others it might be the same thing. Also no this isn’t about “grammatical rules” because using Co-op as a noun or an adjective doesn’t suddenly change its meaning. Co-op as a noun means a game genre where players work together to achieve a common objective, while Co-op as an adjective means having Co-op features, but guess what they are still both Co-op.

  11. 32 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    What statement?


    3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    "PvE co-op" is not the same as "Co-op PvE". 

    Is that not a statement ? 

    Also see how easy that was explaining your opinion, that they are NOT the same thing. Because I and a few others agree they are . You don’t have to be rude and throw around insults to have a constructive conversation. 

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  12. 14 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Why should I explain it?

    Because you are the one who claims they are different. Why make a statement but not explain your statement for example. PVE is dead, so warframe is dead. If I were to stop my argument there is it really an argument? Anyway I think you understand since you have basic comprehension skills or something 

  13. 1 hour ago, SneakyErvin said:

    No he didnt, the way he wrote it the meaning is different if you have the slightest reading comprehension skills. "PvE co-op" is not the same as "Co-op PvE". 


    They mean different things the way they are written. It is just plain old simple english, grammar and structure.

    I love how not only did you insult him in a very rude way, you also didn’t explain the difference between Co-op PVE and PVE Co-op. 😂

    Like why are you people like this ? Can’t have a simple constructive conversation without 1. Insulting people and 2. Explaining what you’re trying to say . Toxic

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  14. On 2020-05-15 at 11:06 AM, Sevek7 said:

    I mean, not everybody has the time to check the forums every single day, the situation you describe seems pretty common to me.

    I want to make a point about some of your earlier posts, I've skimmed the entire thread but may have missed if someone already pointed this out, so I apologize if this is a repetition!

    You mentioned that every time DE have tried to make PvP a thing, it has failed. This is correct, of course. But perhaps instead of saying "It's always failed therefore don't try again," maybe we should ask why it failed? PvP is generally popular in many games, including the typical Looter-shooter games. So what has warframe done differently? Perhaps if we can find the differences, we can isolate the reason for failure. 

    I'm not sure how many differences there are. But there is one glaring one that I think is probably the main reason: DE does not punish or ban exploiters and cheaters. This is a radically different approach to the other games. I suspect this is the reason why PvP has failed in Warframe. Let me know if you think there is another reason that might contribute more than this.

    Wow another smart person , love this response but you won’t see a lot of this thoughtfulness on the forums mate 

  15. 2 minutes ago, khazlol said:

    if i remember right the learning curve was a bit high and good players would just 20-0 everyone.

    i think thats the real problem of conclave. Games with high skill gaps are great for "better" gamers but for casuals who mind you are the majority of gamers, a high skill gap makes people run away.  

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  16. 37 minutes ago, WhiteMarker said:

    Fair enough. And then we have what came after that statement: "We don't want to make promises", and "We are internally confliected, about the return and investment. [...] We have been investigating it".
    So sure, it's not wrong to say they are working on it. But you have to bring up everything they said about this matter.
    And what they said is basically what they always said: They want to make it happen, but they are still unsure if it will ever happen.
    As of right now it's rather pointless to wait for it to happen. Especially with Corona surely delaying any progress they made to achieving cross progress. And then there are the next gen consoles, a way more pressing matter...

    So again, I'm giving you that they said they are working on it. But you made it sound as if it will happen for sure. And DE is still far from confirming if it will ever happen.

    all I was doing was correcting the people who said "100 times no" and "Very unlikely" when that is misinformation. I don't know why pc players are so against cross save but if it something DE wants to try suck it up.


    On 2020-04-16 at 12:56 AM, WhiteMarker said:

    Do you have a source to back this up?
    DE said they are looking into it. Steve got a rather long paper on this matter (How to approach it. If it's even worth the time and money. And all that stuff)
    So far I can't remember them saying that they are actively working on it.
    But again, I'm sure you can provide a source to back up your statement.

    19 hours ago, (PS4)WetPollito said:

    devstream 131... was that..132-133-,,,282 nothing about it.... we are good! lol


    time stamp: 34:02 

    well then you feel a little silly now don't you? i quote  "we have a programmer thats very slowly unfortunately working on it."

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