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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. 9 hours ago, (XB1)Saint Nasim said:

    Didn't that one guy used to be a prominent conclave player who made numerous montages for conclave?


     nope. different guy with a similar name. Still, that one guy has almost as many viewers as all of the people streaming warframe combined.

    That’s amazing ... I think another problem with conclave is that the skill gap is WAY to high, us casuals struggle Fighting people who are this good at parkour . I think a way to bring the skill gap down a little would be to bring back stamina for conclave . So you just don’t get dominated by people who this amazing at parkour 

  2. 4 hours ago, (XB1)COA Altair said:

    Warframe has a reputation, and that reputation is being a PvE game.  I wager most people on the outside looking in don't even know conclave exists and they gauge their interest in this game based on what they see PvE wise.  Most people who buy prime access I wager have never played a single conclave match of any mode, or they played it a few times and then left it behind permanently because the PvP for warframe is awful and if you really want to play a PvP based game you're better off looking at CoD, overwatch, or any number of games that emphasize online PvP before everything else.  

    Those are some big wagers lol I’ve bought  a lot of prime access & I use to play conclave a lot 

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Kontrollo said:

    Sure it could, but there has to be a will for it and some understanding on how to execute it properly.


    It's obvious to anyone who's had a look at the patch notes these past two years that no one is really working on it. Or if they are, not on something that's already in the game.


    They did fix a few things that were clearly bugs, and in March a few unlisted changes happened. But generally, they can't be arsed to have even a cursory glance at the state of balance. It's not really wonder that it has low popularity. A few things to consider:

    • Most stats are based on PvE, so changes in PvE bleed into it. Balance actually matters, but we know that this studio has a poor grasp on that.
    • Ironically, the one mode that is balanced by definition, because everyone has the same fixed stats, got removed at some point -- no reason given. It was called Opticor Variant and was a sort of instagib mode.
    • Rewards structure is stuck in 2016. I thought Forma Blueprints weren't in there, but turns out they are -- with 0.25% end of match chance they're on the level of a Legendary Core. Hilarious.
    • Skill-based matchmaking had been requested as far back as 2015, and at some point in 2016 we got Recruit Conditioning; I'd say it helps, but is clearly flawed.

    I could go on for a bit, but these are probably the biggest issues at the moment.

    I really do think DE has abandoned Conclave just because it isnt popular. On that note, the only way DE will dedicate time to fix conclave is for there to be players like us to want it.


    5 hours ago, Loxyen said:

    Then let me tell you that the tiny Conclave community offers scheduled school-bus sessions and I quote: "...aiming to introduce new players to PvP, equipping them with the knowledge they need to get a foothold and playing some games on a level playing field." Here in this partnered Discord server.

    I would love to play with you when i get on PC. you seem like the kinda players we need to bring life into Conclave.

    • Like 1
  4. So I’ve been around for dark sectors and obviously conclave . Dark sectors/Solar Rail conflicts were pretty well received by the community and people actually enjoyed participating in it back then, but with conclave it’s like 1-5% of the community even play conclave regularly, it’s truly unpopular. So I wanted to discuss so you think PVP in Warframe can ever be successful again in Warframe ? & if so how can it be fixed ? I personally feel like DE should have a team that specifically works on PVP 

    • Like 9
  5. On 2019-11-11 at 1:31 PM, AshenHaze said:

    Problem is, I'm a "Farmer" by salesman profile. When I was still in a sales industry with commission, I would focus more on relationships with my clients and make sure I was tending to my current clients. My growth rate is steady and my loss rate is lower than average.

    Companies definitely prefer "Hunter" profiles. The types of people who will do anything to get a sale. Their growth is insanely high but they also lose a lot, the variance is like a steep roller coaster of ups and downs.

    I'm not sure why, economically, the second is preferred. But I guess that's why in my industry I went from office to office before finally getting frustrated and quitting. This is the world we live in, people prefer sudden numbers with huge drawbacks over consistency. Gives me conniptions.

    Exactly how I feel about DE. People will say it’s because the player base is impatient but it’s really about money and greed

  6. What would you rather do as a company ? 

    A.) Push out half finish content/systems & see quick booms in profit. 

    B.) Fix quality of life problems & complete old incomplete systems? 

    bottomline Warframe has many many things that are incomplete, & you’re asking for the impossible . PvP was left behind for one example. Channeling also left behind 

    • Like 1
  7. this was around the time I started warframe , people use to do this exploit all the time to get the resources they needed. It was dull and boring but it also was satisfying in a way & I wanted to ask the other old heads here, do you miss it at all ? Like honestly. 

    Of course this kind of gameplay is toxic to a games survival & community . I’m not denying that, it’s just that I feel like this was the apex of farming, and it has never been then same since this exploit/method was nerfed.

  8. 6 minutes ago, (XB1)ShadowBlood89 said:

    as novusnova has said pc gets updates first as doesnt have to go through cert at all while the consoles do since they check to make sure any game builds wont cause damage to any console system.

    Yeah I have heard this for years and I honestly think it’s unnecessary. This is the only game with that excuse & this game has been running way to long now for that. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, NovusNova said:

    They are looking into something like this already.

    "Crossplay isn’t on our radar, but cross-progression is. We’re still discussing the best way to approach this."


    DE have previously promised to not hold back PC updates for consoles and releasing on PC first allow them to hotfix major bugs and issues that would likely cause certification on consoles to fail and make consoles wait even longer for content.

    How would they link a console account to a pc, if pc is on a different update ? I just don’t see how it would work , let’s say they do it without waiting for consoles catch up. I go on my Of and gain some gear you couldn’t get on consoles then log into my console what would happen to that gear lol 

  10. Can someone please explain to me why we can’t link our accounts like fortnite does so that we don’t have to start from scratch when we change platforms ? 

    If it’s some kind of contract DE has made with Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo, can’t DE find a way to get out of these contracts?

    or if it’s because all the platforms are on different update versions of the game , hypothetically couldn’t DE just stop the PC updates and wait for console to catch up and then just release all updates at the same time ? I mean if Fortnite can do it why can’t Warframe ?! Honestly that’s a legit question. Warframe has a lot of money now & im sure if they WANTED to do this they could 

  11. Hey guys I use to be a really heavy player , & I kept up with devstreams and things on the forums . But my involvement died off cause I just didn’t like how old things that were introduce in the game were left to die & lots of new systems/game modes/mechanics were being introduced left and right & I’ve come back to see how the current player base feels about the game itself . 

  12. 10 hours ago, Stormdragon said:

    The issue with stamina is that it would be a brand new resource to manage that doesn't exist in PvE, making the learning curve steeper than it already is.

    In other words, since many players don't even bother with learning basic things such as parkour, aiming or energy management because all of these can be easily trivialized in PvE) i don't think that adding a new resource to the list of things that people won't ever bother with learning would be any good for conclave, and even worse since, unlike the rest of the list, it would have no use out of PvP.

    I disagree , there are many things in pvp that are different from pve , abilities , mods, weapons etc it’s something you have to get accustomed too . Also conclave is dead/dying, & I personally would like for it to come alive . It has so much potential 

  13. Because of the super high mobility of war frames , automatic/sustained DPS weapons are underused , that’s why people use snipers so much or shotguns so much . I think stamina should be brought back to stop people from jumping around infinitely. 

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