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Posts posted by Unktena

  1. I like where she is and I don't really want to see her changed. I felt like I should point out that the issues the other person had with Saryn, mostly the competing issues, are issues that are bigger than just Saryn. I feel she is a good DPS option with a good self buff and sustain that is now guaranteed to at least give you 2 tics of healing. I place more value on Corrosive procs than Viral procs. I have a mixed build with Str as the Priority a mixed build with range as priority and a range build with efficiency and duration. I prefer the str focused one most of the time because it's bigger heals and a better buff. It would be nice if spores were easier to spread, but that seems like a hard balancing point and it is a facet of the kit. One that has been recently emphasized.

  2. Sorry, I like the new Saryn.
    I prefer that her 1 has corrosive procs, I like that her 3 applies to all weapons, I prefer her 4 doing Viral, I like the fact that her 2 survives for at least 2 seconds. I thought I had that in the post somewhere.
    My first bit of text goes over that. (Edit)

  3. 1 hour ago, SyBuhr said:

    But what about the people who loved her as a Debuff support frame? Well, tough S#&$ lad, because the only miniscule debuff she has (corrosive on spores), is practically the most used Aura and Element on weapons. Viral at 75 base energy isn't even worth it at that point, just put it on your Ignis Wraith, because why wouldn't you use that weapon (and only that) on Saryn at this point. Only purpose for Miasma is those last second spore spreads, that's it. 

    Just pointing things out as I see them.
    When there is CPs. People should be bringing Viral. Just simple math. Saryn 2.0 "Debuff" frame was just Viral Procs. Sure that's great and all, but nothing too fancy viral procs aren't too hard to get and you only need one every 6 seconds. I personally prefer the Corrosive proc because people don't always bring 4 CPs and armor is a lot of DR. I can generally feel when I'm the only CP even in level 40 or 50 missions. Also it lets me run different Auras. The rework as a whole I prefer a lot. The molt is guaranteed to last for a couple of seconds which makes regenerative molt be usable past level 40. Like I said earlier Viral procs only need one every 6 seconds and you need a good deal of Corrosive procs to strip armor, so I prefer the elements as they are.Her Toxic Lash applying to all weapons is also a nice change I didn't like feeling "restricted" in my weapon use.

    Another of your points was how Saryns compete with other frames, and other Saryns. I have 2 points for this: The First is that Saryn 2.0 conflicted, maybe there was a change that I missed but if another Saryn had spores on an enemy you couldn't apply spores to them. Nova has a similar issue with her molecular prime. The Second point is that all kill frames reduce the effectiveness of other kill frames people just don't seem to say anything. If you have 2 Mesas in a room one of them is going have less kills. In fact that works just shooting.

    I'm probably losing coherency, but I felt like I should address the viral issue. You need 1 energy orb every 2 casts of Miasma 112m Diameter the proc is going to last for 18 seconds per cast. Doesn't seem too hard to pull off.

    Closing Issues with your post:
    Saryn 1.0(?) Negative Duration increasing Miasma's damage I haven't seen spam anywhere near that tier from any frame, other than old nekros and desecrate.
    Viral while nice, isn't anywhere near the end all be all and I see plenty of people who don't use CP.
    I still have a Debuff Saryn build. Well, Range and Duration.
    They changed launchers (Ignis included) to need to be aimed at a spore. So it still uses Lash.
    People like DPS frames, when was the last time you saw a Debuff Equinox.
    Anyone can decide not to revive you, "I could lose my bloodrush stacks."
    Maybe I'm lucky, but I haven't had a group disband because I was Saryn.
    Nidus is worse off than Saryn. If you can't build spores don't. I generally have no troubles reaching about 600 or 700 damage and while that isn't very high it is almost instantly killing things. But . . . I'm not always trying to spread them.
    This might sound weird, but good frames trivialize content. I can AFK if I see a loki in many missions, same with mesa or frost in defense. I've even solo'd defenses and the like as Excal.

    TL:DR DPS Frames compete for kills; there is no way around that. You can choose to only care about spores, but you still have a good kit and very little was taken away from the first rework to this iteration (Mostly just the elemental swap on 1&4). Saryns competing for spores is an old issue, maybe it wasn't noticed because no one was playing Saryn.
    Hopefully the things I said made some sense.
    I originally came here to see if there was any confirmation on how things like Energy Conversion work with her longer Duration abilities, but I felt like I needed to give an opinion as someone who likes the new Saryn

  4. 24 minutes ago, Archwizard said:

    Hysteria no longer makes Valkyr invulnerable or deals damage to the player when it ends, but instead causes damage taken to be staggered into damage-over-time, at a maximum rate of damage per-second reduced by Duration, and lasting until all damage is dealt or the player dies.

    This is probably my favorite comment in this thread. I much prefer the idea of delaying the pain and using her lifesteal to fight through it, over just being immune.

    I also second the Idea of just getting rid of the wave for Excalibur. Maybe giving it a 5m or so cone (effected by power range, then reach) and letting it use the shadow debt mods. I can red crit enemies for 50k from 20m with the Mios.

    Also like everyone else, mirage's changes were necessary, kind of sad there wasn't a tweak to her 3 (like Ivara/Vauban) to let her switch forms. As opposed to hoping this spot in the middle of the room with god rays shining down is actually a spot where I can deal increased damage.

    Also removing self damage would be a good first check on trin since that seems to be and integral part of the build.

  5. She needs the Atlas treatment - vast buffs to all the numbers throughout her kit, with additional scaling elements.  The damage bonuses for toxin and miasma, for instance, should scale with power strength.  Or, Miasma should get a bonus to damage to ALL enemies in range based on how many enemies in range have toxin or viral on them.  Frankly, you can only move through most packs as fast as you kill the last enemy, so needed to literally apply toxin and viral to EVERY enemy to clear a pack is a non-starter.  If the bonus applied to everything, based on how many enemies you had tagged with toxin and viral, that would feel way better and you'd have innate scaling with enemy density and power range (hit more enemies -> bigger miasma bonus).


    I think the kit has potential, but it's gutter tier with the current numbers and scaling.  Don't pretend that's not a nerf from old Saryn. 

    The ability to scale with multiple enemies would make the entire kit seem much more useful. Other than the toggle on toxic lash, where it procs sort of like a channeled attack, this is by far my favorite suggestion. I mean getting 500% more damage to all targets in range after spreading toxin to 5 of them or 1000% if there is toxin and Viral sounds like something that is worth doing. Especially since if you missed an enemy with a proc they likely didn't take enough damage to be killed.


    Side note she really does need a bit too much of everything right now. Hard to find a place to put in survivability, when you need efficiency, range, duration, and strength. Hopefully the changes above could ease the need for strength, and efficiency. Spores spreading on death is also something that would be very appreciated.

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