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Posts posted by Dolomaticus

  1. To make a point on the shooting thru thing: All allies cannot be shot thru. Neither Warframes or the decoy cannot be shot thru at all, so you need to be careful on where you place the Decoy so that it dosen't act like a shield for the enemies....that rule applies to players too since they jump in front of targets forgetting that they are shielding the target too if the area is tight and not many places to get a clear shot.


      The game mechanics are pretty well thought out, and the bugs, well lets be honest on this: They work on as many bugs as they humanly possible. I have seen them put out over a dozen patches to fix what is pointed out. But to say they have no inclination to fix the bugs? You sir are being a bit to dramatic on your protests, Keep highlighting the bugs, cause they can't fix what they don't know, but be constructive on how you do it.

  2. There always is one, good sir. However I believe that the downside to such a system, if done well, would be lesser than the dowinside we must currently endure.


      But for.....lets say the next couple of weeks...We see how this develops and get back to this discussion. Cause I am pretty certain that things will change and the whole system is as fluid as water right now. But hey, I am hoping they can hit one out of the park and find that happy medium that can work for most of us((cause you can't remotely try to make everybody happy, that just leads to madness)).

  3. Don't agree with the fear of larger clans exploiting the system. Having a small branch break off to start the building projects would mean that the same small branch would have to scrounge up the resources together. It would take them the same amount of time to collect fewer resources with fewer people as it would to collect more resources with more people. Nothing would change through this "exploit" at all if the scaling was properly balanced.


       I said this cause I have see this same type of system put in use and completly abused and worked over by Clans cause Devs underestimated how crafty people can be and how fast they can gank the system. Oh and it also hit me how would they track how much the costs go up and down...by each person? by certain numbers you have to hit with people in the clan? If they can pulll it off then more power to them, but someone has to state the downside to such a system, cause no matter what there is one,

  4. No love for small clans? The build costs on dojo rooms are extravagent, and the clan that my small group of friends and I put together will have a hard time meeting the requirements for a single addition, let alone getting all the research rooms (and who knows what it will take to research the newly added weapons). I get that the dojo is alpha, but I'm curious to know if there are any plans on scaling resource costs based on the number of people in a clan?

     I think the resouce costs you saw may have been just a place holder while they was testing out the new system. The scaling thing is a bad idea cause that would just encourage large clans to have a branch breakoff from it and get around the higher costs for a large clan by having the smaller group do the work cause of the cheaper costs. Then when the add on is finished, everybody jumps back into the clan and BLAM!! Dojo on the cheap, and the smaller clans still get screwed cause the larger clans would abuse the sysytem. 


       I play in STO in a smaller fleet (( About 12 memebers)) and all of us accepeted that our fleet was going to not have everything as fast as the larger fleets just by sheer numbers. We pick and choose what we want to research and have in our Fleet base and just focus on that one thing for the month and that system works out fine for us. If I want all the stuff then I would have to just join a large Fleet/Clan, but that is what I am not intrested in. I want to play with people I like to play with/get to know and that is more important. Having the Dojo gives your friends and you something to work towards and have fun with building it together, NOT trying to match what the other clans have. I think they will work on adjusting the values over the next couple of patches to see what is  a good balance and stick with that, which is cool cause I rather just have a flat cost that everybody has to deal with than a system that can be EASILY manipulated.

  5. Well, this is a worst update so far.

    Rhino - ded, Banshee - pretty much ded. Ember still ded.

    And great way to deal with credit inflation. I can imagine how unappealing game will be for a new player. Especially when there is no one to tell you what's what, without lurking on forums and wiki. And those materials you need to craft basic stuff, i want some of what you guys smoking.

    Should've buy them avatar packs when That's fine i guess, TF2 doing great selling cosmetic items.


    Yeah, I'm mad.


    But lets be honest: The Rhino didn't need armor upgrades cause of Iron Skin, heck you didn't shield mod adjustments cause of Iron Skin....Banshee was broken when you go into a defense and one joins half way thru and kills at least 2 times more enemies than you and almost your whole team....unless there was another banshee. Ember go fig.

  6. Good one DEvs This game is becoming less free to play and way more pay to win -.- you are screwing the game up so STOP.

    And the Rhino nerf was s**t -.-

    other than that its a average update


    If you REALLY think this game is coming close to Pay to win, you dear sir have no idea of a true PTW game is. I have played several PTW games and this would have to work hard to approach that level. Stop blustering and look at it for what it is: IF you make it too easy to get what you want, why play the game much less put money into it. This is pay for convience and that is ALL it is, don't squak PTW! PTW! like a parrot when you are not even close to being right.

  7. I just use my Dash attacks for my Rinho and Excalibur and line them up. A lot of times  I watched people get shredded by them and they forget to use their powers to just kill them. Heck Radial blind actually stops them in their tracks((Funny you can 'Blind" a rollling ball)). Look every game has THAT enemy, one who just annoys you....not really kill you, but drives you crazy till you finallly get tired of it and just beat it down. Once you actually learn how to beat it, you kinda wonder how it ever really annoyed you in the first place.


    Look if the rollers actually was killing Tenno left and right and was the enemy to be dreaded when seen, I would be behind this, but they are not, not even close to being that. I downvote this idea cause "annoyance" is not really something to be bringing up as a serious concern. There are more pressing problems that need to be taken care of. As of right now this is not a serious problem...heck it's barely a concern.

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