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Posts posted by Juuyon

  1. 2 hours ago, Geviin_Dovah said:

    Jade eximuses should be removed honestly. lore wise it makes no sense they are still there after the event.

    Or just restrict them to Ascension game mode. Seriously, these things are ruining my enjoyment of Warframe. Just tried to exit a public Survival mission, and had to repeatedly jump out of the exit volume to dodge Jade Eximus lasers, which kept resetting my exit timer – these things are just intrisicly counter to the way the game works.

  2. 7 hours ago, SpicyDinosaur said:

    what did you want them to do, exactly? It's a metaphor. They couldn't rightly show you her legs spread apart wide and the baby crowning could they?

    What the actual love makes your mind go there? All I said is that the rhythm game comes as a jarring disruption. No need to change anything else, the cutscene works just as well without the mini-game (time-stamped video):


    • Like 3
  3. 30 minutes ago, Kuroi_Aurgnet said:

    But if an AFK friendly, slow game, it isn't a multiple player, high paced, looter shooter game like warframe. If your friends quit literally over this, then they probably weren't that invested in the game anyways?

    If playing the game for many years and reaching MR L4 without having any serious issue in this regard before counts as "not being invested in the game"? Sure. And you're probably right, we're better off playing some other game – I'm certain that's what DE wanted to convey to large parts of the community with this update. ... Apologize the snark, but as a group of players with thousands of hours in Warframe each, being told "Maybe Warframe isn't for you?" comes off as slightly condescending.

    There are other posts on this forum from people complaining about Jade Light Eximus triggering their stress disorder, so unless DE is willing to lose part of their audience, they might want to reconsider changing up the expected play style in such a disruptive way.

    • Like 7
  4. 2 hours ago, LudwigTheMad said:

    So much this. 9 years in, have never used Loadouts.

    Same here, down to the years.

    2 hours ago, Itz2Cat said:

    Cant this just be fixed by having a custom loadout with this exact propose? Like i have one called "random". I just stick whatever i want for the current moment onto that one without needing to screw up any of my actual loadouts.

    Whenever i want to play; e.g: my excal, i just select the "Excalibur" loadout and have my excal build ready to go. With all guns, mods and pets. When i want to change something, i can just use excal with another gun, i switch to the random one or copy my excal onto that one and change what i want to without screwing my "Excalibur" one up.

    Unless im misunderstanding the issue. 

    The issue is you have to actively switch away from the loadout in question in order not to change it.

    As it stands: You load a loadout, use it, decide after the mission to change some detail for the next mission, and overlook that you actually changed the loadout itself (particularly those of us suffering from ADHD).

    As I'd love it to work: You load your loadout, use it, decide after the mission to change some detail for the next mission, and the game automatically switches to the "Default" loadout that can be freely changed, leaving the pre-defined loadout unchanged.

    So just give us the option to "lock" loadouts, automatically switching to the default loadout in case you change something about a locked loadout.

    • Like 1
  5. After letting this sit for a bit, I do feel the need to talk about it.

    So yeah, from what I can gather among my circle of Warframe-playing friends, reception of this update has been "controversial" at best. The writing has been bashed all over, but for me, I mostly feel the need to talk about... well, the rhythm game in the room.

    You have this emotionally laden sequence of fighting for a pregnant loved one's life, only for it to culminate in... a rhythm game? And since we can't have the game throw a "MISSION FAILED!" screen at you in this vulnerable moment, it of course can't even be failed. So... why is it even there in the first place? That moment felt so tasteless, it actually reminded me of loss.jpg.

    And to add insult to injury, upon completion of the quest you're rewarded with the "blueprint" for the deceased pregnant Warframe, only so you can clone it in a permanently pregnant stage and field it as an instrument of war? ... yeah, I'm usually quite jaded when it comes to stuff like this, but this is about the worst tonal mismatch this game has ever landed.

    I'm also left with the question: Going forward, how will you handle people who decided not to play the quest after the initial content warning? Will you make sure the quest is never going to be a requisite for anything in the future? Will the ability to purchase her blueprint from Ordis (and access to the Ascension game mode to earn the necessary Motes) be independent from completing the quest? Or do you plan to lock content behind "passing a content warning"?

    • Like 16
  6. 2 hours ago, Alpha_Tango said:

    Make a habit of reviving teammates using your Operator while in Void mode apart from maybe using Vazarin.

    Actually, a post on another thread reminded me of something that happened to me today: I had switched into Operator Void Mode to heal my Warframe using Magus Repair, and while sticking to that, a Jade Light targeted my Warframe. A few seconds later my Operator was disintegrated while in Void Mode, I was thrown back into the frame, and even though I dodged the Jade Light as quickly as I could, the DoT still killed me. These things are borked beyond belief and should be removed ASAP.

    • Like 5
  7. 34 minutes ago, Kuroi_Aurgnet said:

    Warframe isn't meant to be a game where you sit still and do nothing for 40 minutes.

    ... which is why we got AFK Detection in the first place.

    34 minutes ago, Kuroi_Aurgnet said:

    It has always been designed as a high motion game. So when a mechanic comes out that punishes you for sitting still, it's silly to complain about it.

    If I can't sit still for a minute because – heavens forbid – something comes up outside of the game, then the game becomes inconvenient to play. Two of my clanmates (in a clan of four) have already quit Warframe for the moment, waiting for things to be reworked.

    • Like 4
  8. I initially only took issue with them insta-wiping Defense targets, but after playing some more, I have to agree they make a horrible addition to the game. Today, when two members of a pub squad got wiped, I was unable to revive them, as the Jade Lights kept honing in on me while I was doing so. There was also an issue with my voice chat (Discord) which I was unable to fix, because the Jade Lights force you to pay *full* attention to the game at *all* times – which in a game full of time-wasting grind such as Warframe becomes a chore real fast. Also, I only marginally evaded death thanks to Autobreach as I started a hack and a Jade Light popped up on me.

    The Jade Lights might work in a specific game mode, such as Ascension, but please don't extend the presence of Jade Light Eximus beyond that mission, because they just don't match the way the game is usually played (as should be evident from playing the Event Alerts).

    • Like 14
  9. Yeah, just had a solo Void Sabotage fail because a Jade Light spawned behind me where I couldn't see it and it outright destroyed the console. I swear, I feel like every time it goes like this...

    DE: Watch out, these new things can deal A LOT of damage if you're not on your feet!

    Community: Cool. But you've made sure defense targets are immune to it, right?

    DE: ...

    <Mission failed noise echoes in background.>

    • Like 1
  10. I'd be fine with either. I just think it makes sense to scale Speed Nova with Strength positively, as I think right now she's pretty much the only Warframe who has an interest in keeping Ability Strength low, which puts her at odds with any respective buff.

    • Like 2
  11. With Jade bringing in yet another Strength buffing Warframe, I expect another wave of toxicity in public squads from Speed Nova players.

    So why don't we just finally fix the bug that Speed Nova always was and instead introduce an augment (bonus points for fitting into Exilus slot) that makes Molecular Prime speed up enemies, only this time it actually scales positively with Ability Strength? That would provide some actual benefit to Speed Nova players and remove a lot of the potential frustration when interacting with strength-buffing frames.

    • Like 3
  12. 12 hours ago, Steel_Rook said:

    Hardcoded binds are always a bad idea. You interact with your pet with the same button your interact with everything else because you interact with both with your "Interact" key. Insisting that "E isn't bound to anything else" is false on its face. It's bound to Interact FOR ME, because key rebinding exists on PC.

    I obviously mean there should be separate keybinds for this. Putting both on Interact is just causing issues.

    • Like 2
  13. Interacting with your pet on your orbiter used to be bound to E. For whatever reason, this got changed to X a while ago. This has resulted in me and members of my clan regularly accidentally interacting with the pet instead of the Arsenal when we're trying to change something in a hurry and your pet is nearby. This is especially egregious if you're trying to fix something before the start timer counts down.

    • Like 3
  14. 7 hours ago, m0b1us1 said:

    No, they simply gave everyone double the credits they had already gotten.

    As has been stated, the issue you brought up has been adressed in Update 27.3.4. You are thus free to leave and even join another flotilla and will still gain the victory payout once your previous flotilla completes. No reason to clog up flotillas.


    But all in all, this event is structurally flawed. The instancing and time limits both cause issues, that intersect to become even worse. Unless you have at least half an hour left on the clock, there's little point in trying to complete a "full mission", because you are forced to leave mid-mission otherwise. Combined with the 10 minute break, that's a time window of 40 minutes where there's no reason for people to play the event. And that's not even factoring in the futility of completing flotillas for victory payouts towards the end – so the time window for "efficient play" is actually a lot smaller.

    Killcodes should be global, as should the matchmaking. If you start a mission, you shouldn't be forced out of it if the time limit runs out and instead still be able to increase your score. Also make payout for full space and full ground missions the same – as it is the space side is expected to sacrifice their credit gain for the good of the flotilla while being forced to play the less fun mission type.

  15. I once ran a Railjack mission with a clan mate where "Fiery Phoenix" dropped for both of us. After the mission we had all the other avionics that had dropped, but not that one.

    Today I ran a Railjack mission with three clan mates where "Seeker Volley" dropped for all of us. After the mission only one (not the host) had Seeker Volley on the list of her Battle Avionics.

    I have run plenty of Railjack missions, yet my list of Battle Avionics remains completely empty. I get the feeling something is off there...

    Someone just pointed out to me, that the Battle Avionics only work in their particular slots. In my case both avionics only fit in the third slot. There is no indication whatsoever of this, neither on the grid nor on the avionics themselves. This could be improved upon.

  16. I am under the impression there is something bugged here.

    I once picked up a "Phoenix" something with a friend and we couldn't find it in the avionics after.

    Now I ran with three friends and we all picked up "Seeker Volley", but it only shows up in the avionics of one of us. My battle avionics list is completely empty.

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