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Posts posted by (PSN)CoolD2108

  1. Am 16.6.2019 um 00:55 schrieb ES-Flinter:

    Use her forth Augment mod in combination with a max Range build. On this way she becomes a good CC-frame.

    Sorry for the bad Joke. Just wanted to post something in here so that this topic is again on the Top and hopefully more will read this.😬😬😬

    Why use the augument though. Even without it, any fire procc sets panic Cc. Round it up with accelerant and you have permanent Cc without much to any effort.

  2. Am 10.6.2019 um 04:16 schrieb (PS4)x_SegaGenesis:

    So I've been using Ash for the past couple of days and was thinking about his first ability (Shuriken). It's nice and all but what if we were able to charge the shuriken to create a giant one that deals more slash damage to one enemy, or maybe have it explode like the Rasen Shuriken from Naruto and it deals more slash damage as an AoE. As for the drawback, it would obviously consume more energy like maybe 45 base energy instead of 25 base energy and it would take more time to charge it. Just throwing this idea out there lol. 

    Make them as power-efficient as possible, add a little strength & get yourself rage or something similar.

    The fact that they're A) tracking enemies and B) set slash proccs makes them to a pretty decent source of scaling AoE damage. No "big shuriken" necessary.


    I've had runs where i've been nr1 on the damage chart an hour in into survivals doing nothing but spamming shurikens.

  3. Am 20.3.2019 um 16:41 schrieb Makemap:

    Ya, have you been using Nekros on Fortuna? And Arcane Guardian? Try without Arcane Guardian on lvl 70+ fortuna mobs. That is how high it went on Bounty 4. They seem to shoot through the 90% reduction with 100% accuracy even when moving around and linked to shadow of the dead. The planet missions are easy right now. Open world not so much. They got some insane damage buff with 100% accuracy. Just let the 4 alert rods stay with an okayish gun. Nothing to kill mobs super fast.

    Doesn't really matter. Armor only carried you to like 94% too and that's been chroma before his nerf exclusive with no shadows pulling aggro for him. He's still one of the if not THE tankiest frame in the game. That arcane guardian stacks that strong with his reduction is only a bonus.

  4. vor 2 Stunden schrieb Birdframe_Prime:

    I could be wrong, but I've been fine with the ability and melee so far.

    Can't say i've been but i'm used to trickery and tanky frames to begin with... i'll definitly give it a shot 🤷🏻‍♂️

  5. vor 2 Stunden schrieb (PS4)ForNoPurpose:


    Ever combined a max range bubble with avalances min duration/ice waves high duration slow?

    Stacked health and armor on top of his icy avalance shields?


    Between stacking slows, stunlocks and regenerating health, hardly anything can harm you. He sure ain't no high profile nuker and the bubbles kinda lost theyr value when infinite defenses where gone but don't you make the misstake to assume that his age harmed him in any way. He's still one of the most supportive tanks in the game with his current moveset, what's a role allmost exclusive to him.

  6. vor 6 Stunden schrieb Birdframe_Prime:

    It's not so much new, as boosted. There's videos of the usual positive Range (not even max) Saryn having enemies targeting the Molt as soon as they walk in the room, and only re-targeting to Saryn once she attacks or walks directly into line of sight.

    From behind or up front too? Does it get priority over saryn when she casts it? Cause simply beeing a target doesn't mean that it generates aggro and is consequently a worthy defense for a frame that's set to such high levels.

    The mechanic for that is technically in the game allready, nekros shadows and Atlas augumented golem use it but DE didn't attach it to saryns molt in the rework...

    That's somewhat of an important detail cause she's but a low level nuker without the defense to back it up outside of this missleading speedrun sheme that's essencially showcasing the one run in a thousand. Looking forward to the melee change honestly. Curious how the auto-block will affect her.

  7. Am 11.3.2019 um 12:15 schrieb Birdframe_Prime:

     Molt is far from a clone ability. Molt is a scaling damage mitigation tool. Cast it and between yourself and enemies to get out of line-of-sight because the Aggro draw on it is actually pretty insane.

    I've been away from the game for a while so i gotta ask... is the aggro a newly addet feature? Cause last time i've checked it didn't draw aggro at all aside from the usuall "closest target aggro", what's worth nothing on scaling enemies when you use a melee weapon (as recommendet by yourself)

  8. Giving his rumblers ANYTHING other then theyr sheer nonexistant tankiness would help honestly... so eather scaling damage (together with landslide) or pertifying it gotta be.


    I personally don't really care about anything else but one up from me for that.

  9. vor 16 Stunden schrieb justin0620:

    Any Frost player gave up on him? Is there a rework in the near future?

    Nope. I like his globe for the sheer Cc of it. Who needs a wall when you can have a slow-field that stacks with cold proccs?


    It doesn't prevent enemies from entering like limbo or Vauban do and its Cc is lore reliable then anything wukong or inaros could do. That's good Cc right there that still allows some kind of interaction... the only issue i got with him is that his ward is comedically low, what's in conflict with his entire theme (above average health and armor he can ideally never use)


    He'd be perfect if they'd change it for a armor buff, be it only a percentuall one.

  10. vor 21 Stunden schrieb Loza03:

    Sniper Gas Saryn was, to my knowledge, aiming at spores placed on your molt decoy. Also hence my comment about shooting 'one thing'.

    Nah that was another meta entirely. The lazy a** quantity over quality kind really since toxic didn't really work on molt. Shooting at it did nothing but literally popping them so you had unamplified spores.

    Gas sniper saryn abused the toxic scaling of the spores what, even if only for a small percentage, spread the damage of a headshot amplified sniper over all enemies.. you had high level aoe off the bat with no wind up attached.

    You sure had to shoot at enemies but it was pretty much a shortcut to what it is now, thus pretty much broken.


  11. Am 24.8.2018 um 12:49 schrieb AnGeL_KRoM:

    Ummmmm.... maybe this idea would be too OP for the game I guess.

    Nah fam. Bubbles are the only aerial abilities in the game that loose theyr entire functionality when coming into contact with those guys..

    that nova casts her molecular prime on them doesn't dispell all affected enemies, nor does it revive fallen enemies when damaging abilities catch them.

    They might as well "ignore them" alltogether when they're within theyr range just the way it's with every other ability and it wouldn't be O.P.... i dare say that making them shrink is probably still not enough given how big of a disadvantage those have to begin with.

  12. vor 5 Stunden schrieb BigPeedge:

    If I get this right you'd have to shoot out cloak arrows around, and then run around with the venka?


    And as for the vectis build, im assuming with the dashwire augment mod right?

    Eather cloak arrows or prowl (the movement penalty doesn't exactly affect melee animations) and for eidolons cloak for the shield phase, rope for damage. 

  13. vor 5 Stunden schrieb Matheoryon:

    He's my current pick, but I believe hydroid or frost has one in a skin or something. Not sure if its prime or not. Any suggestions?

    That's Frost's Deluxe skin. It's combined with plate armor though.

    For hydroid it should probably be his prime skin.

    Saryns and banshees deluxe skins are dresses if that counts too?

  14. Depends on where you play him i guess... it's pretty irrelevant wo max range on most titles and game types. Especially so on the plains and in eidolon runs... and max range restricts you from using narrow mindet and lowers your strength...both beein insanely important stats for him.

    Sad truth is that it's rather a question of not beein able to rather then not wanting to that keeps people from building for it sooo...not really important.

  15. vor 9 Stunden schrieb Soulcharger:


    Not sure about that, use him alot and if anything he is smoother playing now then he has ever been with one exception, setting multiple marks on targets.  Full power strength build also not required if you use augments and dagger, allowing for use of all abilities not just blade storm.

    Yeah, clunky. Don't get me wrong, he is smooth af and while Bladestorm could target more enemies at once (if it's only like 3, optional to that multimark mechanic it has now...it could even get a small reticicle to make it easier for us console folks) but bottom line, it gets the job done... no matter if you swipe past groups, mark them as you pass or aim at them from a distance.

    Teleport is a different story though. It's the only ability in his kit that forces you to aim at enemies, that breaks the flow if you wanna get closer to anything past close/mid range... or is there anyone among us who never had to spam the button just to get somewhere?


    Might as well be something that doesn't break his flow... i mean straight up no-aim teleports are one thing but what if we go a step further? Make it end in a smoke screen that opens to finishers? Make you auto-finish/bladestorm all enemies in range using his clones with the augument equipped? (Would make more sense for its synergy with bladestorm too). That's much requested for smokebomb and Bladestorm and may just find its place on teleport.

  16. vor 2 Stunden schrieb EmissaryOfInfinity:

    Because it would trivialize too many situations, and wouldn't fit his theme.

    Debatable. To kill a target you have to reach it first, that's why many assassins in all kinda games have some kinda dimensional move... ryu from tenchu or corvo from dishonored would be good examples for that.

    It wouldn't go against his theme in any way and just what is it you would trivialize? Those spy mission you can essencially speedrun with a volt after a while?...

    Not trivializing allready trivial content sure sounds like a good reason to keep an assassin in a state where he feels clunky.

  17. vor 14 Stunden schrieb (PS4)UltraKardas:

    . Which is why this exact topic comes up every 2-3 months with people dissatisfied how weak, and redundant her kit is nowadays. 

    Must also be the reason they're argumenting how flawless she has been in higher levels simply because of her range, what's obviously a lie. People hardly make or comment these threads to make her better fit for higher levels when asking for WoF to be reverted, what this allways boils down to. Op himself made it to complain about fire status, what basicly belongs somewhere else since it's more of an issue with damage 2.0.

    I would prefer her alpha ultimate as well, that fire clad ability that had no range whatsoever but a damage reduction and contact damage instead.. but is that what this is about? What any of these threads are?

  18. Am 4.11.2018 um 15:40 schrieb (PS4)purpleskullgamin:

    Nah, just buff the duration to 20 seconds.

    While you're at it buff the reload speed multiplier as well.

    For real though... main issue people may have with that ability is that a volt has to frickin SPAM it to get anything at all.

    It would probably be a little better recieved when people wouldn't have to backflip every 6 seconds.

  19. vor 7 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Equinox21697:


    Both strikes are about equally strong... the keewar is probably works better built for status while the kripath is better with a crit setup. You want to mod both for a hybrid build that has both, crit and status in theyr arsenal with slight differences- 

    The keewar works better utilicing slide crits on a more status focused modding (ideally with 2 elements adding corrusion)

    While the kripath works better with its base elements and mods that amplify combo...

    Been playing with a keewar myself on a status build with combo, blood rush and slide crit on my riven. It's insane. What you choose is personal preference really, you might have a slight dissadvantage with the keewar though if you don't have maiming strike or a riven in a similar spectrum.. and the kripath might fall off once the melee update hits us so keep that in mind when you choose.

    Thanks for the notice btw... pretty sure i'm sitting on some points from the last plague star 😂

  20. vor 3 Stunden schrieb DatDarkOne:

    Venka Primes because of style. 

    It's worth noting that Ivara is also among the stronger damage buffers in the game.. with a vectis prime, on a build that's focused on single bullet damage (crit, damage, no multishot), her focused on Navigator (+Strength, ++duration, quiver augument) you're able to rival the damage of a buffed chroma in eidolon runs(similar/stronger damage buff, additional crit buff)...basicly using similar polarities (just switch overextendet for narrow mindet, mount strength snd replace the prowl augument with quiver) so it's a good idea to have her ready eather way.

    And i mean stealth multipliers on a vectis are cool but melee that's affected by her navigator something else entirely. Have a glaive type weapon or a Zenistar and she's ridiculous.

    She's somewhat of a overseen gem simply because she's somewhat slower then frames in similar roles.

  21. I'd vote for Ash..

    Since he's got Invisibility+ multipliers (potentially from his kit or Arcane Trickery) what's excellent for melee range, Seeking Shuriken, that skyrocket your damage on scaling enemies, Finishers on demand (i recommend against it's augument if you're actually playing melee) and Bladestorm, what in a way compliments your melee prowess too by beeing able to take care of single enemies you pass so you can concentrate on groups.. not the most passive frame (compared to let's say Volt or Saryn) but he's among the strongest who has abilities that go well with melee, the survivability to back it up while also adressing its biggest issue - the range limitation, what gives him a wast advantage over straight up tanks and buffers.


    Oh and Excal and Atlas are also worth a honorable mention... more of exalted weapon user then melee frames but they're pretty darn amazing in theyr own way.

  22. vor 7 Stunden schrieb Pixues:

    .......... maybe you should compare our join dates. 

    Haven't been ultra active for the last year of so eather, been skipping a bunch of frames durung that time and i mean you DO compare passive gameplay with spinning on a ultra specific build here.

    You could literally do the same with any automatic rifle or beam weapon...doesn't mean they're not weapons you aim with does it.

  23. vor 3 Stunden schrieb ZodiacShinryu:


    But most people are also mostly allergic to challenge or anything that might make them think or plan a little... so where to go from there?

    They could probably push it into a mmorpg type direction by defining "roles" and providing not only propper tools (including aggro and propper singletarget damage, rather then just abilities that do less damage for less energy) but also a propper enemy split to use them on (means mini boss kinda enemies that make a certain percentage and carry them hoards... commanders if you will that require tanking and big numbers to beat) or they could just flatten everything out..slowly, leaving waay too much room for new metas to form when others die out, the way they've did until now.

    I'd prefer option 1 since propper balancing this would make ALL frames viable and necessary for runs, no matter if you prefer tanks, supporters, aoe or singletarget frames but i honestly doubt that they'll make such a overhaul. Ever.

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