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Posts posted by mhyr1104

  1. According to my Wiki friends, killing him is a bug. You can get drops by defeating him as I had gotten a Hate blueprint by leaving him to a pack of Chargers and 2 Toxic Ancients on Pluto, so you don't have to personally defeat him either.

  2. I just realised that having multi-factions maps, you can simply run through them and the alarm will not be triggered, I ran into a group of Grineers fighting a pack of Chargers and I just ran in, jump attacked then ran out. No alarm. I think some improvements would be good but I can't think of one

  3. I thought Mods were a different entity from resources, they don't overlap with each other (you might have meant useless resources? Something like getting Polymer Bundles from Tyl Regor most of the time?)

  4. Wouldn't it be better if the blue resources were classified as a 'different resource' so that it doesn't effect the 'original resource' drop rate? So if I killed Vor, he could drop a normal resource and a blue resource instead of getting either one of them

  5. I'm a solo stealth player (thanks to the UPnP bug) with a Loki frame and this game does need some boost in the stealth gameplay. I once managed to stealth through War, killed Sgt. Nef. Anyo without being detected and finished the game without getting spotted even once and all I got was a mod and the basic amount of money. I know that this has been repeated again but we seriously do need a boost in the 'reward' part. (btw, if you have a Shade equipped, it's possible to run and slide to an enemy as long as they aren't looking at you in the face, it triggers Ghost and they aren't alerted)

  6. I think it will be useful if common resources were removed from the bosses' drop pool to increase the rate of getting better items. This will make people less frustrated at being unable to farm materials even after an enormous amount of runs while making them willing to farm more mobs if they need the common resources.

  7. I use a DIR-600 router and when I did the port forward, my message changed to 'malfunctioning'. Anyone got any ideas why? Before I did the port forward, the message was 'not detected'

  8. I don't get it. The reason behind taking the Snipertron out was due to the fact it was a Corpus weapon and the Tenno only steals from the Grinner. So why can't the lore be changed slightly and adapt it to 'Grineer and Corpus'? We raid both sides yet only steal from one

  9. Login failed. Check your info
    re-install: Login failed. Could not connect to server
    I tried to re-install twice now and no use, I just keep getting it and I even sent a support ticket with the EE.log file but Devs haven't replied for some time

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