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Posts posted by xLordKogax

  1. OP you are letting the ppl reach to your head and so detailing your own thread you wish to be looked at by DE.


    Your assumptions are Incorrect Brother. I could careless what people say, I look for like minded folks, if noone agrees I still stand firm behind My opinions. I speak for Myself not the community, if You feel my ideas we share something in common.

  2. Warframe doesnt leave this Warning but they Should, if You have Epileptic seizures You should consult Your Physician before making Your health issue worse. I believe a Video game isnt worth making Your condition worse. No disrespect to whom may have these seizures but You folks mention this as an Excuse cuz None of You have these Seizures, if so You shouldnt be playing Video Games Period!

  3. This isnt a Job and DE isnt paying none of us here. The time we dedicate to this game should be appreciated, I cant be on all the time like before. I have work and my life.  Lets see  Your Saryn run that Manic Tac Alert again. I ran it with Saryn and she did the Most damage. I dont think she will survive now

  4. P.S Saryn got a buff, not a nerf. gitgudpls. 

    her 4th abil would fall off at lv 60 enemies (i had 248% pstr. 12%duration) 

    now i'm wrecking lv 100's

    and the mesa thing was to prevent Macros


    Aaaah the irrelevant Get Gud remake, that proves alot. Makes a great difference too. Too many arrogant Elitist in this Game to ever get every rework down perfect the first try.


    I assume you think Exalted Blade should be Nerfed a bit to accomodate Your preference?  



    The Beautiful words stated by My favorite DE member [DE]Steve. 

    This is a statement he made in an older stream, when mentioning about warframe reworks and Stalker buff he said this exact Words. The toopic I wish to touch base with is as the Last Topic about NERF Threads and what some of You kids here may not realise. Nerfs are actually a setback in this community, Noone comepletely agrees with it, a portion of You think X ability is too OP and should be NERFED lets vbe real aint No Balance this game is a Power Struggle, one set of Frames get Buffed and another set of Frames get Nerfed.


    My issue with Nerfs are as follows, This Game is a Constant Forever GRIND QUEST, this game to Me npw has become more of a chore then a Game to Me to be completely honest. I use to play Crazy Hours on end and was Obsessed with Warframe, not only an Ash fan I grew to Love all Warframes, except Limbo, He is quiet annoying for Me. I really want to like him I think his design looks cool and the Rift makes me feel like Borderlands 2. There are alot of Warframes which DE should be taking more priority with but they chose Frames which in reality didnt need it.


    Perfect example is MESA & SARYN

    These are two Frames who were great end game contenders, only in low to mid levels were they extremely OP,

    running a Mesa in T4S over 15 minutes she drops alot if You dont play careful. I honestly think Her PM could have been reworked as the idea we have now but allow full movement/parkour she would be alot more effective in Peacemaker, along withher 1-2-3 synergy within PM would be great. DE claimed to want to make her more INTERACTIVE but lets be honest, how the heck is adding a reticle and force Mesa to aim while staying Stationary Interactive? I would say its 50% interactive maybe, not fully Interactive. My problem and observation with DEs reworks and New Frame releases are that they Rush things down our Throats. I figure they work on a deadline and try to get all this content out and all these marketing strategies blah blah blah Fake excuses.



    DE if yall really wanna claim to make some $$$$ why the Hell do yall release Statues and Symbiotes like once every 3-6 months? Like Who really wants a Mag statue? Release a whole set of Statues and of Every Warframe. Symbiotes too. Stop making these Exclusive skins that are later put away to make people feel cocky cuz they are exclusive to whom ever bought them on there anniversary. Your Merch store needs more, the shirts kinda suck. I can imagine cooler shirts and Hoodies. Im a Hoodie fan and I wanted to buy a Hoodie and seen the lack of detail and style in them, My man its 2015 close to 2016. Id like to wear something that looks good and can show off My support for Warframe.

    Dont make excuses about this, we have asked for Stalker skin and helm, No answers (Money Lost DE) We want a Zanuka Pet or atleast a Zanuka skin for our Kubrow (No answers) Bad for business DE. What are yall doing?

    Stop drinking alcohol in them Streams and focus on this money.



    Now we NERF a set of Warframes and abilities, Yay the Cry babies and whiners are now Happy.The rest of us are disappointed and come to the threads in hope to be heard out and rejuvenate a once great Warframe destroyed by our own Peers. Last I recall aint $hiet in this game FREE, if it is You gotta Grind beyond reasoning, some things easier attained then others but to have a well Geared account takes $$$ and Time Grinding, Months, Years even. 

     The point I want to make is these abilities which are considered too OP are infact great, Imagine if we get a Tactical Alert and its Very Difficult Like ALWAYS, what are we gonna rely on a Team full of LOKIs? Every Warframe has its purpose and they all should be OP in there perspective area. No Warframe should be Nerfed like they have been doing lately. Its destroying the game, and I think DE should consider these reworks more and take good time on them instead of spitting them out soo quick.


    My main focus is to Buff up those Warframes who are lacking in there kit and tune up there kits respectively.

    If the Warframe recieves a Full rework and new ability names they should Test it out and experiment more with it. Give the community videos on how it works heck even allow Design Council members try it out In game before release and let us give a review on how it functions before sending it out in game as the final product this way the communitiy knows what to expect and give feed back to what we thinks needs to be done.


    Theres alot of topics I would like to touch Base on like Toggle Stance Drain Ultimates but this isnt the place for it but as most hate these abilities and this is the main Arguement in the Forums. Im all for More Stance Ulti's, It gives the Warframe an ULTIMATE feel. Some Ultis dont feel Ultimate anymore.


    Ultimates should be POWERFUL not Weak and Mediocre.I just dont understand most peoples Logic but I wanted to share My thoughts about Warframe its present status.


    Thank You for Your concern.



  6. Why. Would an enemy. investigate a noise. if they KNOW WHERE YOU ARE?!

    If they are aware of Your presence then the ability needs a different affect on alerted enemies, one guy stated a flash bang style maybe like Men In Blacks flash thingy, makes them blind for a sec and they forget Your presence. Sounds logical. but the ability should have a function for both situations not just stealth lure 

  7. Yes!!!






    Are Great abilities and shouldnt be Nerfed.


    BLADESTORM- No TY DE for the Shuriken Wrist Projected Clone Rework. We need a Better FoV on the Current BSs Cam/Toggle 

    PEACEMAKER- Lower energy Drain, Allow Full movement/parkour, abilities synergize PM, slight Damage Buff, keep the reticle same with shrinkage 

    TORNADO- Damage Buff, Recastable, Tornadoes follow Zephyr within a radius like WoF for CC and Dmg
    RUMBLERS- Damage scale from Melee, I think they already fixed this
    PRIMAL FURY- Damage should scale from Melee, attack speed affected  by melee mods and Arcane Strike, Bigger Knock Down Radius
    SHADOWS OF THE DEAD- Make this his 3 desecrate becomes a passive for the new Ultimate NECROMANCER Nekro becomes the Reaper xD 
    RADIAL DISARM- Is the MOST OP ability in game and needs a slight Nerf, Enemies should reequip there Firearms in X duration.

    Im sorry I had to Mention this, EVERY Warframe is getting Reworks from the looks of it and the ones who have recently have had few Successful reworks and others were Straight up NERFS and I am honestly Disappointed if You ask Me. Im not on Warframe as of Late and My clans sad because I am Clan Creator of Fire Walkers and Warlord in SWORD alliance. The reason being I am tired of Warframe, but I love this game. I am waiting on U18 with Hopes something great happens on DEs behalf, I Love this game and I Love offering My ideas in Threads (Mainly ASHxD) but this community has very little supportivers. There are Bad ideas and there are Good ones, even some of the Good ones dont get real recognition and it has driven me to lose interest in Warframe Forums. Not all of You are ignorant and bypass some of My threads but others state everythings TOO OP!!!


    Last I recall this game is basically INFINITE GRIND! Bra looky here, I dont got time for all them Hours No More! I work now at a new Tattoo Shop and I have a Girlfriend, the little time I have off I try to show love and dedicate it to Warframe. Alotta kids here got none to do all day, and there here 24/7. I been therebut life changes and these OP frames make the Grind alot easier and effective plus familiar to us. Change is great as they did with Excalibur Valkyr Frost Ember Nyx but what has happend to Mesa Saryn and soon to be Ashs Bladestorm have been more like NERFS to Perfectly Great abilities. I cannot fully speak upon the Upcoming Bladestorm rework as it isnt out, but from the Twitter feeds with DE Steve the new idea sounds unappealing and arouses questions like, why are You taking Ash away from the Bladestorm Rampage? Will He Proc Trickery with Finishers? Will Bladestorm not Render Ash Invincible anymore? Those are Key factors to his Playstyle and his Survivability. A Tanky Assassin with a Nuke Ulti that has great scalability and ignores armor. DE Will more then likely ruin then fix this ability.


    As DE Steve said in a later Stream "BECAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR" That response is a death threat to our Favorite Frames and we dont realize that. Look at what we did to Mesa and Saryn -_- I havent Touched Mesa since, I have a few Mesa Fans how still run her but they say shes not bad use Shatter Shield lol come on dog dont use that excuse to cover up DEs mistakes. They made a Great game but they are humans and they make mistakes as we all do. This is why forums exist, but like I said before this community is very unsupportive and negative that the community is at odds with each others preferences. Some like Exalted Blade some dont, some like Hysteria some dont.


    But lest be real here, if a female is Beautiiful I think no matter Your taste in Women We can all agree she is Beautiful No?

    My Gf


    A Friend and My Tattoo Client 



    Im sure we all agree if Warframe Abilities were this beautiful we would all agree xD lol

  8. Great Logic +1


    Should have 2 purposes, stealth it lures enemies and while alerted it draws aggro to the point of impact.

    I think DE are being abit cloesd minded and rushing ideas out on some Money Hungry Deadline type ish. Not good, look at all the S#&$ ton of Reworks they got in they chest cuz of these Slack methods.


    I feel Ivara will have a ton of threads on all the slackness she will have.

  9. The balance in this is so bad, it should be the only frame in existence.


    Thanks for the feedback it opened My Eyes.




    Lets see Your Great Bladestorm Concept. No Seriously, I would like suggestions instead of meaningless comments, try to add some good ideas to help instead of take a crap in this thread for everyone to smell your Feeces 

  10. True, He needs to be attained easier.


    With tha being said, Manics drop Ash and Bladestorm rework under way makes me wonder.....


    Why doesnt Bladestorm function like the Manics Invincibility mode? Just a thought

  11. we appreciate ur feedback, hopefully most of the balancing would be numbertwisting

    tried to explain it to you many times, to make it short: u cant put anything u like into the kit cause that would be way too op, got it?




    Got what? Why cant I input My ideas? Is that really too OP? -__-

  12. Well still from my side: nope

    u can truly overdo it, we want ash to be a good frame thats viable in team, not even more nuke


    Wait, how is a Choke Cloud a Nuke? Its actually more CC and Team Oriented then anything. I would love for DE to implement all the good ideas for his entire kit but I dont have faith in them trying to please us one bit. I feel that Bladestorm will be destroyed soo I just want atleast one of his abilities to be strong and help him out in game

  13. YES! +1


    Arcane Trickery should be respected and considered from DE to the community although I see not too many who really care about this I will defend it till I DIE. DE should respect the fact that its best suited for Ash, I do hear alot of people yell out that Arcane Trickery shouldnt be relied upon and its a Bandaid but Koga says. 



    Let Me play how I wish, if You dont like it I respect that dont utilize it but dont ruin others from making the choice of Enhancing there Ash with Arcane Trickery because some of You believe Arcane Trickery is a Bandaid it is only a Bandaid for those of You who keep modding Your Ash for Pure Strength Efficiency and Range. Im abit tired of posting My builds and I will not post them anymore unless people really wish to learn the Ways of Kogas Stealth which render My Ash just as Squishy as Loki but grants me Longer Invisibility then the majority of Lokis in the Community


    17 second Smoke Screen and Arcane Trickery to compliment gives Me37 seconds but I can stack them on each other and stay invis for long periods of time and take the least damage in game.


    I thank You for understanding and respecting Ash players and mentioning this very important piece of Enhancement not Bandaid.

  14. I see this thread getting attention.


    What i was observing is that similarity my idea with Assassins Creed Smoke Bomb. Thats exactly what I want for Smoke Screen, as long as the Invisibility function is still added. If You play AC you know how Smoke bombs work and itrs my favorite tool for dispatching a horde in combat without having the actual trouble of fighting.


    Why? All the enemies in the smoke screen are stunned and choking, If Ezio attacks them he performs a Finisher Kill if done in rapid succession You can dispatch of almost every enemy within the cloud. Can Smoke Screen get this?


    I seriously want this you guys can do w.e with the rest of his Kit. I dont needmore duration on smoke screen just a choke cloud and maybe a slight range increase of 5 meters maybe. Id be soo happy with this even if DE destroys the crap outta Bladestorm atleast give us something to look forward to for Ash.

  15. I agree with most but trickery is a bandaid.... Smokescreen should be a good ability on its own it shouldn't require investment in trickery. If smokescreen was good on its own then yes trickery wouldn't be a bandaid


    Its a Bandaid the way the Majority of You use it.


    Check out My screen shot I posted a nicw build that offers 17 second smoke screen and My 2 Maxed Trickerys plays a nice stack invisibility Playstyle that is easy to Surpas any Loki invis, or at least Match in Duration but I have achieved almost 5 minutes straight in one T4Survival with the build

  16. Whoever said Hysteria was Broken? I guess this ability drove You into Hysteria? She is a Melee Berserker and to reach her Targets Im sure You destroyed everything with your Torid/Amprex etc. 


    Noones complaining about Prolonged Paralysis, i guess noone runs Valkyr like I do, I spam it in Hysteria and all enemies will come to Me then I turn into a Blender and make Grineer Juice.

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