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Posts posted by DemagorVC

  1. This is a beta, they are going to keep changing things to see what works, just cause you think it works dont mean it really does. Plus this is the time totest out different things BEFORE the game goes out of beta and definelty before the PS4 release.


    Oh, I completely agree and completely understand. However, as a player and a contributor, I think I should be able to share my thoughts on the matter. At the end of the day, they can heed my suggestions and opinion and make the specified changes, or instead print out my post and use it to line the bottom of their bird cage. 


    They can't do everything that people ask, especially when 50 people say YES- keep the [insert random issue here] and 50 people say NO- get rid of  the [insert random issue here]. However, if I don't like something, I'm going to tell them I don't like it, what I think they should do and why I think they should do that.


    What happens next, is anyone's guess. 

  2. I dont know why but my snipertron vandal used to deal 500 damage to level 1 grenier and after this update it deals 74 with the mods that i had before the update its that only me that the snipertron reduced drasctely the damage after the update ?


    It's the sound. At first the bad-&#!-ness of the sound added to the damage. Now it detracts from it.


    - Updated Snipetron & Snipetron Vandal sound FX


    Seriously? Can you not leave a sound as-is? Are you physically allergic to it? You finally get something right and then you go and tweak it? First the Braton, then the Mk1, then the Gorgon, now the Snipertron/Vandal? 


    Just stop. Please. Stop. 


    You got it right with the Furis (sounds like a TEC-9) but.... when you hit the winning numbers, you don't keep playing. Take your money and go home.


    Go home, DE. 

  4. Killed almost 30 in kappa in one mission. Basically I just pop my ultimate when my mini map goes crazy from being in range of the drones. That's how I got most of them. But I have killed some individually, and I just used my fully modded Kunai. I have max fire rate and I get 2-3 hits in and can kill them before they disappear. It doesn't have to be completely one shot, just has to be fast enough fire rate, since they take a second to disappear.


    I'm doing the same, killing them with my Kunai, but they're only at level 23 and I'm still one-hitting them. 

  5. i havent seen one...should i be on grineer maps???


    Yes. It's a Grineer drone, so you'll only find it on Grineer maps. A good clue to know when one is near is that your map goes all blurry and distorted. Note that they like to hover so, in the words of the Jack Horkheimer, the Stargazer, Keep Looking Up.

  6. I like the new setup for the Solar System, but I don't care much for the planet setup. The locations are all way to packed and are overlapping each other.


    Agreed. It's now easier to find and click on a planet (no more waiting until it comes out from behind the sun or from behind another planet), but the arrangement of the missions within the selected planet do seem a bit crowded. Expand them a little and you'll have absolute perfection.

  7. I found a glitch on the Rescue missions, but I don't think it's due to this patch, or if it's due to a patch at all.


    Basically, I noticed that when you find the prisoner in their cell to Lotus' satisfaction, she starts babbling about "Now get them out of here... don't get them killed... have a nice day..." or whatever. At this point, you don't need to free them from their cell. The waypoint changes over to the direction of extraction and you can finish the mission successfully without (1) taking the prisoner out or even (2) threatening their lives by getting them out and into the line of fire. It counts as a completed mission when it really shouldn't.

  8. A tiny hotfix in prep for the Weekend!




    - Polish for the Weekend Event.

    - Improved diagnostic report generated by crash reporter.

    - Improved font legibility.


    I apologize in advance for my stupidity but... Polish as in, to give gleam to... or Polish as in the Nationality?

  9. I noticed that Embers WOF got a new visual. But since the patch stretch doesn't work anymore. I tested it: with and without strech equiped enemeys die once they enter the circle of floating flames. Was that intended? I even made a thread about it, but sadly it seems I'm the only one who cares.


    I can't comment on the "patch stretch" bit, but I can comment on the new visual for Ember's WOF... BRILLIANT. Those swirling fireballs and the accompanying light show is a sight to behold.


    Before, Mag's Crush was my favorite effect graphic, but now... I think WOF might have the lead.

  10. To me the no cooldown means I get to watch the rest of my team vanish into the distance while my Rhino built for survivability lumbers along having to constantly fight through the ambushes and huge groups of enemies left behind by the formation skaters. Then constantly seeing "why r u slow?" in the chat. Tried fighting past 4 or more scorps all dragging you all over the place while those damn ball things knock you all over. esc->abort mission


    Sounds like you're running with the wrong team...

  11. Actually i love the braton sound, it feels like lost planet's machine gun which is DAMN AMAZING!!!!!


    I respect my colleague's opinion, but before I offer a counterpoint, I must share a recent epiphany.


    Last night after I posted that, I played a few more missions equipped with the Braton and I've come to realize my true feelings on the matter. It's not that I don't like the sound... I just don't like that sound on the Braton. It's like turning on a Vespa and having it sound like a Formula One Ferrari. It's  like finally meeting Kate Upton one day and she sounds like David Letterman. It's the wrong fit. I believe that's my issue; the sound is fine, it just doesn't fit. It doesn't belong on the Braton.


    I know your gears are constantly turning, DE; and I know that you're always thinking of what would be a nice new weapon to drop in to the game every so often. I think that the next time you come in with something like a fully-automatic tuba, or even a frog slingshot with 3-round burst, you should apply this sound to it. As far as the Braton is concerned however, it should have it's proper sound returned to it.

  12. I know that this was an issue "introduced" with Hotfix 8.1.0, but I'm posting it here because I know that typically older update threads tend to go overlooked when new updates happen.


    Seriously, please stop trying to improve things that don't need improvement. It had been a long time since I had equipped and played with the Braton, and I just went on a mission with it tonight.


    Oh. Dear. God. Make. It. Stop.


    Really, you need to return the Sound FX back to where it was before. The Braton seems like a full-auto carbine (something akin to an M4) or even a capable submachinegun (something like an MP5 or MP7), and before this fix, it really sounded like one. 


    Now... it sounds like you're firing a fully-automatic balloon-popping gun stuffed inside a pillow.


    I know that I'm only one person's voice, but I would appreciate a genuine reconsideration on this sound selection. I want to be direct and get my point through, without sounding too abrasive or inappropriate. Reconsider the sound. Please.




  13. On the matter of login rewards, if we're still going to get useless junk like Sniper Ammo Boxes, at least give us the option to SELL such things.


    I currently have 9 and do not foresee ever using them; even getting half-market-value is better than letting them sit in my inventory collecting dust.

  14. I'm posting this again as I last put it in the 8.0.2 thread and we're up to 8.0.3- I'm not deliberately spamming this, I just want to be sure it's in the "current" thread that is being observed by the Admins.



    Anyway, I stumbled across a typo in the description of the Vaporize power on the Dethcube. It reads:


    "Sentinel will deal high damage to target that gets to close."


    ...where I believe it should read...


    "Sentinel will deal high damage to target that gets too close."


    Granted, this is a relatively small issue considering the other concerns, but it doesn't hurt to strive towards perfection. Just my 2 platinum.

  15. Esteemed DE Gods...


    I found a TYPO - The description of the Vaporize power on the Dethcube reads:


    "Sentinel will deal high damage to target that gets to close."


    ...I believe it should read...


    "Sentinel will deal high damage to target that gets too close."



    Just my 2 platinum.

  16. If you need confirmation, you have it- this is happening to me as well, Just this morning, I was heading to extraction and the door I was supposed to take was locked-down, yet no panels were "lit". I had no way to hack and no way to unlock the door. It's the second time this has happened.


    The first time I was able to run around the level for a while until some enemies spawned. I hesitated and didn't kill them right away, hoping that they'd survive long enough to trigger lock-down. They did. The panels "lit" and I was able to hack my way in. At this point, all doors unlocked, including the one that was barring me from continuing (mentioned above). I was able to finish the mission and all was well.


    I am (literally) in a game and this has happened to me a second time. I've tried the same trick as before and it worked. 




    ...now the panels are backwards; the "lit" ones are dark and the off ones are lit. I was able to finish the level, so i'm happy, but this is still a pain in the buttocks.

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