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Posts posted by killerpancake

  1. From my understanding your melee can only proc 2 elements per hit. So if your lesion (for example) had the ability to proc 3 elements you would have to have the third element proc on a second hit. 

    For the bleed DoT, the wiki says that the damage is proportional to the 3 physical damage types. So if you have more slash damage from mods then it would change the proportion, making it do more DoT. That's my understanding anyway. I'm not 100% certain but yea...

  2. A legit crossbow would be an awesome addition I think. 

    If this were to be a thing then I'd imagine it would be much like a vectis. Very similar stats except maybe a slightly longer reload time and then maybe a slight boost to physical damage. Critical chance and multiplier would be the same. 

    The crossbow would have a scope on it so you would get the damage bonus for the different zoom levels. 

    The only thing I see being a challenge is the flight time. The vectis is a hit scan so it hits instantly but obviously an arrow would have flight time to it so there may have to be something to make up for that somewhere else in the stats. 

    What do guys think the stats would be?


  3. The name Glaive came from Dark Sector where that was Hayden Tenno's main weapon thing. 

    But the Glaive, (as i like to put it) is a bladed boomerang frisbee. and the primed version is an extendo-bladed boomerang frisbee.

  4. 17 minutes ago, Lugmorius said:

     Rather, the Stalker was more loyal to the Orokin, a direct soldier for them. When the Orokin were slain by the Tenno, as he was loyal to them, he vowed revenge, as in his mind the Tenno were betrayers loyal to an outsider, the Lotus. Fast forward to after the First Dream, and now the Second Dream, he could not kill them because in a way they are similar, him and the Tenno are operators, they use the same technology.

    I think something pretty similar. I feel like the Stalker is an operator (I hadn't considered that he was crippled before, but the idea of him being deformed from void energy seems really neat. ) in control of a warframe and is out to get the Tenno because he was loyal to the Orokin, and because the Tenno killed the Orokin (the creators of the warframes and the way the Tenno got their power (Orokin scientists?) ) Stalker is angry and wants to kill the Tenno. But in the second dream quest he hesitated when given the chance to kill the operator, and that's probably because the Stalker knows that that is what he really is. He couldn't kill his own kind, even though the Tenno, in a way, betrayed the Stalker when they killed the Orokin. 

  5. I didn't know you got the previous dex weapons as well, but that's great news! I missed the dex Dakra last year so that's awesome. 

    The lance skin would probably be for tonfas but it seems like it connects to the character model as a hand so I don't know how that would work in warframe. But I'm sure whatever DE has in store for the third anniversary is gonna be pretty epic. 



  6. I would definitely pay good money if the game wasn't free but the way it is now is much more fun. We're always getting new weapons and frames and tons of other stuff to try out. Sure we're missing out on a finished storyline, but having bits and pieces of the lore revealed in quests keeps the player in anticipation for the next update. 

    Other games get hype for their release and then maybe a few dlcs that are released but after that there's nothing. We look forward and get hyped each time a new update is announced. Its a much more involved and engaging way to develop a game. 

  7. ok, so i had this idea, a huge idea that would add a ton to the gameplay. the idea is external ship gameplay. this may seem sort of game changing, but i think it would be awesome if when you break the glass, you end up flying outside and can do stuff outside the ship. or add another game type where you do missions outside of the enemy ship. there could be another warframe designed for anti-gravity combat. this would be a huge game changer, im not even sure if it's that great of an idea, but, yeah. good or no?

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