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Posts posted by Karukiku

  1. http://imgur.com/zszldMI,NvV85Td#0




    i took my nova cus there is no way that she comes with black as standard..

    so problem is.. thay have stolen my Black and gave me gray in return..

    i have no other option to get black again unless i buy a new palet what im not gonne do

    Saturated color's are slightly lighter than the original, basically it's as it says saturated. Your black may be a lighter tint because it's generally saturated. Purchase the Classic to get a real black, or the Smoke palette.

  2. Yeah, it seems reasonable to guess that the tenno are supposed to be you, like Halo, game devs at first were pretty sketchy on showing master chiefs face because the player's supposed to imagine that you're under the suit.



    The Arbiter's want control, not really just them controlling, they want a world where everything's in balance, and will anything to protect their right to do so. The Tenno are some rampant group of warriors and the Arbiter's don't like that the fact that we can do anything, they want to a higher truth, they hunt for the memories of the past.. They know the Tenno are ancient, so they're willing to ally with us if it means they can find the foretold truth of the universe, the history of our race, and it's downfall. They ally with another faction seeking to discover our old days.


      Overall they want to find the truth, and help our race to reach a peace that we forgot so long ago...


    This is based on my speculation on their propaganda speech, and their dialogue. 

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