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Posts posted by Karukiku

  1. Two random things that I thought were kool:


      So we know Relays were destroyed, sad time's indeed due to an event that many players didn't really want to partake in because it was Archwing. Setting up a poll on what planet deserves another go with a Relay, with players across the community donating resources to help build it. And if you donate you get a sweet Event Badge!


      Full body Sygils, or the ability to put Sygils on your arm and legs; We all know Sygils are basically holographic tattoo's on our Frame, whats preventing one from being on our arm, or leg, or even our whole body, maybe even shoulders and necks, that act independently from each other like how we can have a back Sygil and front Sygil at the same time! It'll open up way more possibilities for customization amongst our frames, I say all Sygils should be allowed to be equipped on any part of our Frame's maybe even add Sygils kinda meant to be on our arms.


    Link to art stuff:https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/326060-flux-virtus-dragon-full-body-sygil-artwork-included-a-spontaenous-fan-design/


    (Will write more soon.)

  2. When i just started warframe i was totally enjoying rhino in all of his aspects and it made me actually feel like i'm playing a tough rhino suited warframe.


    Fast forward 900 hours later i find his suit in the back of my dusty closet.


    Why? His abilties simply don't scale well enough ( compared to 90% of the other frames ) with the late game content.


    In my opinion he doesn't need a buff but a simple rework on 1 or 2 of his abilities so that he is actually able to be that tough badass rhino that can charge in a large group of enemies and walk out like rambo.


    Why i am saying this is because if you actually want to make use of his rhino charge, wich is extremely usefull, you need to have duration in your build.

    But if you want your iron skin to properly take a few hits, you'll have to go full power strength wich would reduce power efficiency and duration.

    To cover that that efficiency you would have to nerf even more duration.. Pop on a narrow minded for duration.. oh wait.. now his ult has 0 range ..


    See where i am going?

    I agree, a small buff may actually be needed but currently you cut yourself off in your own argument, his abilities do in fact scale (You said if you apply the correct mods) But at the same time you said 90% of other frame's do scale. At that point you sort of contradict yourself; Other frames do in fact scale the same way if you apply the correct mods, and thats just the game, you have to apply mods to any frame for it to last a battle in endgame.  

  3. Wow. Just...just wow. Did you seriously just criticize people who liked Rhino in your FIRST sentence?? I had to stop reading after that because of how unorthodox that statement was: "ome crazy people want him to be buffed". He needs a buff and that's final.

    100% agree. 

    You're a hypocrite


    It's also worth mentioning that many Rhino/Prime mains fall under a certain sort of stereotype with a massive stigma of ignorance, incompetence and immaturity. The forums are generally well and good, but a few days running or trading with random people (on the PS4 at least) will net you solid evidence of said stereotype.


  4.  Rhino is a favorite frame of many, he looks cool, he has the best abilities, and a massive crotch piece.


     Recently more,and more players want him to be nerfed, and some crazy people want him buffed. 


     Of course Rhino dominates all lower level missions, but any frame well modded and lvl 30 can do the same, his highly controversial ability levels out at higher levels, when Iron Skin is barely OP, and more of a heal yourself with a 2nd health bar. Let's all agree, Rhino is a good frame, and many players like him, we shouldn't be concentrating on him, he's the most kinda balanced Frame, useful on all levels; what we should be worrying about is other Frames, some forgotten, like Hydroid, and Zephyr, Trinity, or Banshee, (Misanthroplonker) who needs buffs in stats and abilities, and that's not all of them.


     Rhino is best at a more solo pace, his abilities don't really complement other players; like Oberon, or Vauban, what I'm saying is what if we take a little focus of this Frame? He's good, he can be played at all levels, which makes him unique, and yes I do agree, he kinda pares off of the simple math of Warframe:


    "Some frames have huge powers and hence their stats are low.

    Some frames have weak powers and hence their stats are high.

    Some are just average and some are just bad.

    But rhino boy is out of balance, huge power (ultimate) that comes with an additional stun, and all his stats are top notch, heath, shields and armor are all up there, and his additional powers only enhance his strengths and stats." -7grims


     Yeah, we can all see the problem. I'm saying buffing every other frame that needs it, we won't look at Rhino's perfect chiseled crotch piece in spite anymore, and we can all enjoy our favorite frames, and not have to worry about stats, or crappy abilities.


    Discussing some comments: 


     So some people want his Ironskin to get buffed, it's really hard to explain to some people who don't understand game balancing, 


    "Wow. Just...just wow. Did you seriously just criticize people who liked Rhino in your FIRST sentence?? I had to stop reading after that because of how unorthodox that statement was: "ome crazy people want him to be buffed". He needs a buff and that's final."


    "Rhino is one of the worst Warframes in the game. His abilities are uninspired and boring. His damage buff is inferior to almost every other kind. His ultimate has very poor damage and underwhelming CC. Iron Skin is out-scaled a lot sooner than you'd think. And Rhino Charge is almost useless."


      Sorry to be dissing some certain people, but I feel that most people who've played Rhino need to play him longer before laying down their judgmental ideas, because for some reason people still say his abilities are still good in endgame, and for some reason people say it's terrible in endgame at the higher levels. I literally can't even.


    "rhino is really good in my opinion. I use him primarily for solo, but I can hold my own in a group. Also, I disagree about iron skin being useless past level 30. I have no strength mods and I can do fine upwards to level 60 with it. People need to actually dodge, vault around, and take cover. His iron skin allows for mistakes that would otherwise get you killed. Instead, what I imagine is going on, people are casting it and standing still while every bad guy shoots them in the face and then wondering why they are dying. Know who I do that with? Frost. I throw on a half modded stretch mod to make snow globe wide enough to prevent bombard/napalms from punching through and hitting me. Regardless, I still move around with him and take cover. "


    ​ I'm seeing two completely different arguments, if Iron Skin really does fall off early into the higher levels, why do people still say it does/doesn't?


     And responding to this;


    "It's also worth mentioning that many Rhino/Prime mains fall under a certain sort of stereotype with a massive stigma of ignorance, incompetence and immaturity. The forums are generally well and good, but a few days running or trading with random people (on the PS4 at least) will net you solid evidence of said stereotype." -icysuspect


     Wow, congratulations on dissing everyone mate.

  5. Because the technology to create them has been lost to the ages...

    Yet they can make rail-guns condensed to be portable as a primary weapon, but bow's? One of mans first creations in the art of war? Nope? Ok...


    I agree I'd like to see more bows being brought into the game.

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