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Posts posted by (XBOX)Scrub8247

  1. Sorry but NO!! You want to get the logins, then "login"......What ur saying is called "entitled"...you want something for nothing......you didn't earn it....but you still want it given to you....

    Sorry you gotta be in it to win it...and you and your friends wasn't in it.....

    Stop being entitled, welcome to the real world....man up.........

  2. 1 hour ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

    And you should try to think before writing. Gosh dude, do you even know how grammar works?

    So first, there is ONE Stalker. He has many Acolytes, but he's the only one named Stalker. 

    Second, how was your Sentinel the problem? It's right on top of you, so if it touches a laser and trigger an alarm, then it is very likely that even without it they would have detected you anyway. 

    Also, Orokin consoles are the same as Corpus consoles. If you are unable to hack them in time, I suggest you should craft Ciphers and/or equip the Intruder Mod to give you an additionnal 6 seconds to hack Corpus consoles (doesn't work with Grineer ones).

    yes i do know grammar, it's just my way of typing it........kinda like internet lingo or on twitter where u are limited on your text...."Gosh Dude" get with it!!!

    Stop being entitled wanting something for nothing and doing bad and failing.......

  3. On ‎2‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 12:49 AM, MerpOfSilence said:


    Sorry about formatting still learning how to do this.

    I play a ton of limbo and he's honestly one of the stronger frames in the game given how many different tasks he can make easier. But god is he awkward to use. You need to know several of his interactions and hope your allies at least know the basics of how he works. And you spend a lot of time not to using your abilities because they'll be in the way.

    The ideas I'm going to list are to try to make him feel less clunky for everyone involved, and give him that caster frame feel I think he's been missing. Any input or other ideas you might have would be appreciated. I really dont want this thread to devolve into limbo hate in the comments.


    One big thing is to give allies more options for entering the rift. 

    When a limbo banishes an enemy and loses track of it or just doesnt know how limbo works your allies can't do anything to kill that enemy except hope they can kill it using their abilities or tell the limbo to do it. My idea is to make the portals left behind when limbo rolls last much longer (1 minute) but only have 4 active at a time. Also to increase how long allies are in the rift from the portals from 15 seconds to 30. It'll still be a pain to go to the portals to kill one weak enemy, but at least thats an option compared to just standing there in frustration that we have now.


    Second idea is to give limbo a way to force everything out of the rift.

    I'd like it if holding down banish while inside the rift kicked everything out of the rift except yourself, costing half the energy cost of banish. Allies and enemies both would get kicked out unless inside cataclysm. This would be useful for moments where people dont know they can roll out of the rift or when you're trying to banish something like a rescue target and accidentally banish some other things too. Or simply if you lose track of banished enemies.

    As things are right now you'll have to roll into the rift and use banish to kick them out or use your cataclysm bubble and cancel it which is a lot for such a minor mistake. This ability to kick things out of the rift is also going to go well with another idea i'll bring up later.


    Third idea is to make it that while limbo is outside of the rift holding banish will cast banish regularly and autobanish limbo as well.

    The way limbo works right now is that he starts off in the rift, rolls out, casts banish, rolls back into the rift with just barely enough time to take advantage of the enemy getting knocked down by banish. All of that wasted time really adds up especially if you have to reload or swap weapons on top of that. Being able to cut down on that 2nd roll back into the rift would really speed him up and make things feel much less awkward.


    Fourth idea rework rift surge.

    Many people dont even know what this ability does so i'll explain that first. When rift surge is activated it'll affect all currently banished enemies. When an affected enemy leaves the rift it will banish nearby enemies in a small aoe including itself, bringing it back into the rift and possibly other nearby enemies. We don't need ways to keep enemies banished after they leave the rift. Banish and Cataclysm can easily last an entire minute and even longer. You will never need to banish an enemy for this long, and if you do you've had plenty of time to regen energy to just recast banish or cataclysm.

    My proposed idea is to make enemies affected by rift surge explode upon leaving the rift or dying (extremely similar to nova's 4 molecular prime explosions). Explosion should scale in damage in some way ( not too much though, maybe weaker similar values to oberon's 1 smite) considering limbo's other abilities deal close to no damage. This would combo extremely well with the proposed change to allow him to unbanish other enemies. You would be able to activate stasis, banish several enemies and do something like hack a console in peace, then cast rift surge and kick everything out of the rift letting them all explode. Allies dont complain about banished enemies if they're dead. It would also give limbo something to do with all of his surplus energy by banishing and using his 3 and unbanishing. And the most important aspect is that because the goal is to unbanish them for the damage to be dealt it would mean you wont have allies staring at banished enemies in frustration because players would actually want to kick them out.

    Also it's a nice reference to the limbo theorem quest and how the original warframe perished by entering/leaving the rift unsafely. 

    Only issue I see is that I might miss the current version of rift surge since it does have some uses here and there but I think overall I'd be able to manage without it.


    Last idea is a minor complaint about limbo's current damage output and values and the least important thing here.

    Limbo's current damage is for the most part 300 flat impact damage whenever something enters or exits the rift that is not affected by ability strength so -40 strength limbo and +190 strength limbo will both deal 300. It falls off extremely fast. Cataclysm technically scales infinitely with enemy levels but for reasons I wont get into, cataclysm only does a small fraction of its damage unless you let it's full duration end instead of popping it early. 

    I'd like that 300 impact damage to be some small percentage of an enemy's max hp as finisher damage. And since I'm trying to make the goal of limbo be send enemies into the rift and send them back out this would give further incentive to send enemies in and more importantly out of the rift.

    It'll be a nerf to him in lower levels and a much appreciated buff in higher levels. It would be like using trinity's energy vampire to kill stuff, sure it takes her like 5+ casts to kill a low level enemy but it'll also take the same number of casts to kill a level 100 enemy which is pretty nice. Although limbo's would be much weaker since this number won't be affected by ability strength unlike trinity. Any enemy that's stuck in the edge of limbo's cataclysm would then die over time after slowly taking multiple ticks as cataclysm shrinks, or at least be reasonably softened up. I'd like to imagine standing in between planes of existence is ripping you apart and not dealing a bit of impact.


    Okay thats all I have.I was aiming to alter his playstyle without hurting his great usage in things like mobile defense and excavation. Hope you liked it. And hope the ideas I had did an ok job of that. Also thanks for reading this wall of text


  4. I do believe it was completely "your" fault u failed and nothing to do with the game as u stated "due to my Taxon being spotted"......so it's your fault and not the game......

    Think before u go in a mission on wut u need and don't need!! Secondly, u said u was "unfamiliar" with the consoles.....Again, "your fault"...get better with them!!

    So as for wanting to keep your gains for failing...uh, NO!!  

    That's just being entitled......Sorry, no freebies here....

    It's called thinking and strategy....

  5. I hope DE takes Baro out of the game.....I'm sick and tired of these kids saying "Baro's got trash/nothing/this is pathetic".........Maybe if Baro's gone, these kids would appreciate the fact that ur getting items and what not's that's not in the game anymore (somewhat)...

    Wonder what these kids are expecting? If u already have the items, then u save ducats/credits and wait til next time...

    But expecting something new every single Baro time, jokes on u, it isn't happening...Be thankful u have the stuff and that DE brings it back in the game for the noobs....


  6. ...on the xbox 1. Cast Larva, suck up bad guys, recast and........nothing!!! Suppose to explode doing toxin damage...Tried tweeting Steve Sinclair and Rebecca, but as usual, they never say anything.......Hopefully someone at DE will see this and notify the appropriate department......looked for support.....ain't happening apparently.....

    But have u fellow tenno on the xbox 1 tried larva burst yet?? hopefully this gets fixed soon.......


  7. Sorry I vote "NO"......too many scrubs would abuse it for sure......Just do like me, leave the game if u notice a moocher or leech.......problem solved...

    Plus having a kick button, could/would lead to a "whole lot of kids" using it and thus, really disrupting the game and becoming too hard to get in a public match...

    So I vote "NO".....

  8. Doesn't matter who gets the kills, thats why there's a "infinity range"......just be in range when the killing is done and u get the xp........the kids complaining is the kids that need to go back to C.O.D.....Doesn't matter in warframe who gets the kills, its completing the objectives as a team, not just one person.......

  9. uh no sir, ur incorrect, the last one was not 25 may 2017, the last one was right around August, think it was a xp event, maybe a resource, b/c I did play it.......they usually roll around every 3/4 months......

    But trust me, they come more than once a year......it's just that most of these kids, don't play enough warframe and are playing other games when they roll around, then they start playing warframe again and think, why does double events only come once a year.........

    So no, they don't just come once a year, but we are due one.......

  10. Sorry to all u guys that wants it, but DE has stated that there will be "NO" shield gating as to it literally doesn't have any relevant bearing on the game with it....they've tried it at DE and it just isn't worth putting in the game...

    I myself, don't want it either.......it's fine like it is......if u want shield gating, then go play a game that has it.....

  11. lol, a kid that, of course, doesn't want to "earn" it, wants it give to him or changed to benefit him......yes sir, that's wut u call entitled......and no, don't change it...as if it's hurting or hendering the game in any way, shape or form.....Good nite kid, it's a game and a simple login is wut ur crying about.....lol.......makes u look really, really bad!!!

  12. Sounds to me you're trying to get free plat.......#1 Support doesn't tell you to go to the forums and get help, that's why support is there, is to solve you're problems; not to direct you to the forums where no one can help you...# 2, You waited for "4 days" before you reported it!!?? If you messed up with an accidental purchase, you would have reported it when it happened, not days later!!!! Sounds like someone wanting some free plat to me.......

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