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Posts posted by Zoid25

  1. I'll go with this. I jsut checked in game and is still working fine, deflects almost everything.

    Narrow Minded seemed to be the cause. Go figure. Must've changed in one of the recent updates. Thanks!


    Edit: Clarification

  2. it doesn't mitigate Damage.


    it deflects Projectiles. 


    the more time it has to deflect, the better it'll deflect. (meaning Range).

    Okay, fair point. What I meant to say was: "Turbulence is broken. It is not functioning at all. Can anyone else confirm this?"

  3. Yup Yup Yup. There is almost no ability to customize warframes or guns. When I really tried to get into melee I used a loadout just for melee and after the needed Redirection, Flow, Continuity and Narrow Minded (to maximize my Ash's smokescreen) there was only 2 slots left for my marathon and reflection. Maybe I could ditch the redirection for another mod like rage or quick thinking to make up for it but still, not much different gameplay style. Not to mention that the elemental resistance mods and so un-useful and mods like acrobat and aviator are so situational that there isnt much point. Gunplay is the same, after serration, crit, multishot, and elementals, that leaves you with 2 mods that usually go to nightmare mods or status. Status is sometimes useful, like viral and radiation but the others have less usefulness on proc. Melee has gotten a lot better in terms of gameplay with channeling options like quickening and true puishment which I like a lot. I hope that some future updates (maybe focus?) will be able to remedy this a bit.

  4. Perdoname que mi espanol es muy malo, pero tengo las respuestas para ti. Para unirse, ponte aqi: "www.twitch.tv/warframe". Cuando llegas alli, solomente nessecitas a inciniar a el sesion. Cuando ellas estan escogendo, ellas usan una cosa que hace una lista de todos los usarios y escoger al azar. No nessecitas hacer comentarios o otro algo.

  5. Frigglish is right, you know. Playing longer than someone shouldn't grant you entitlement to end-all be-all upgrades of weapons that only come iut once or cosmrtics that are the same. Besides, DE only stands to profit from doing so. Anyone who goes against non-exclusivity is clearly doing so out of greed or entitlement.

    EDIT: @Zoid, new players are beta players as well, so by that logic they should get everything you have too. Checkmate.


    Some beta players are more beta than others. 

  6. I'd like to point out that DE has been planning a reputation system for quite some time now.

    They have had discussions about both player and faction reputation systems but nothing substantial. I personally hope they introduce something for faction alliances....you know...when there is more than 2....

  7. I dont think this is a very good idea. The whole idea behind Warframe is being a tactical ninja (or atleast, it was). That means carefully choosing your loadout before each mission. I definitely don't want my synapse/gremlins/jat kittag when I am trying to stealth a Rescue mission. 


    It goes against the nature and spirit of the game.

  8. I love and completely agree with your concept of the new teleport, However I feel like your blade storm concept lacks something. I feel like its too similar to Nova's Null Star. What if he does something similar to shuriken but on a massive scale?


    Idea 1: I was imagining something like a cone-shaped attack where he throws 10-15-20 shurikens in a direction for 3-5-7 seconds. The 'blades" still have homing capabilities and maybe something else to give them that extra edge? Maybe damage increase?


    Idea 2: What if he throws a lot of shurikens in the air, they pause then home in on enemies all round him.

  9. I know a lot of people are complaining about the rare drop rate of stance mods and how weapons didnt come with standard stances but I for one think that the drop rates are right on target and DE did the right thing by hiding the stances. They even helped us out by telling us which stances were for which weapon grips. Just on the course of playing today and trying to get Hydroid I already have 5 or 6 stances and im very happy playing with them.


    Kudos to DE. After an extra week of polish (and 3 minor hotfixes) U13 brought this game to the next level and I for one am beyond impressed. When im in Canada next I owe all of your (especially the animators) drinks!


    P.S. [DE]Rebecca said my name tonight on Prime Time and it made my day.

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