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Posts posted by Vulharr

  1. i kind of forget that conclave even is a thing..... the only reason i would ever play it is to get some of the sigils that you buy with standing. don't get me wrong, i don't think that it's a bad game mode, i just feel like it's not as fun as pve. the only thing i detest is when de pushes it onto players like that whole quicksilver event or w/e. i just never played the whole thing really and i feel like i'm gonna suck at it bc i, again, never played it. i do like how there are conclave specific mods though. also teshin is irritating

  2. i relate a lot to the whole anxiety about not helping out enough thing, mental illness sucks! haha! it really makes pubs uncomfy, which sucks. my workaround, which doesn't work for everyone, is to just play solo unless the mission is difficult to manage alone, like a sortie defense. or, since you've got a buddy, just stick to you and your friend. (i feel like a squad of 4 randos just isn't fun to begin with.)


    as for warframes and weapons, sadly, really everything you need to grind for. some more than others. but, for a more casual playstyle, i'd go with frames like excalibur, nekros, valkyr, or zephyr, even. all of these really don't impede other players, save for zephyr a bit, and i find them useful in higher level content. but, 'high level' is definitely subjective, and i am no expert. i would look up different builds and guides on youtube or something, to try to get an idea of what they're good at, and what they aren't. weapons-wise, for primaries i'd go with the classic braton prime, or sybaris prime, or any shotgun. secondaries, i would suggest something like the vaykor marelok or pandero. melees, this especially is up to preference, the broken war or galatine prime do a good job for most scenarios.


    prefacing this by saying i am not an expert. for warframe builds, it again, really depends on preference. for excalibur, i'd focus on strength and efficiency to make the most use out of exalted blade, with vitality and steel fiber for more survivability. nekros depends on what mods you have, but i'd go for more of a 'jack of all trades' build also no one would hate nekros bc extra drops! valkyr is centered around melee, so strength and duration are important. you can ditch range imo. zephyr is maybe a weird choice, but turbulence is a phenomenal defensive ability, build around it! you just gotta be careful about where you're putting tornadoes. i'd say sentinels are best for your companion slot. shield charger, guardian, and medi-ray will make your life so much easier.


    in closing, it really depends on what you like to do, who you like to play. many, many players are just mean people, and it sucks. but, do what you enjoy doing, don't let other players ruin your fun, as hard as that is. it's just a game, and games are meant to be fun. so, try to have as much fun as you can!

  3. my advice which i don't even really follow is to kind of just abandon the idea of being 'up to date', as in putting time into playing the game solely just to get the new stuff and max out your focus. don't get me wrong, if you enjoy doing that then more power to you, but i don't think warframe, or any game, should be making you feel like you have to do x number of things for y amount of time, that's just not fun. a lot of times i get this 'i always have to be leveling gear or working on getting standing or farming focus or doing Something Useful' feeling all the time, and it really makes the game feel restrictive. so, my advice is to just stop worrying about having everything maxed, every build optimized, every focus tree unlocked, and remember that it's a game that's supposed to be fun. thanks for coming to my ted talk


  4. i think i would enjoy fighting infested more if there weren't as many ancients and parasitic eximus. having to pick out the ancients, Especially the healer, out of a big ol conga line really disrupts the whole 'flow of combat' thing. the parasitic eximus just kind of ruin the fun when you can't spam abilities (read: exalted blade) and when theres more than three or so AND a healer AND a disruptor, i'm pretty much in the 'ok this sucks bye' mood. i mean i /guess/ you can pick certain frames to actually be useful but i usually play solo and i only like about 4 or 5 frames

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