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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. With the new sound update, the sound is friggen amazing, but it's like it was amplified x10. I ended up turning down the master volume by 75% because it drowns out voice chat so badly (ps party chat even), but when you launch the game it doesn't recognize your sound preferences until it is loaded, after it blows out your ear drums (at least it sounds good, lol). Is there a way to tone down the volume on the launcher?

  2. Yeah, if you are directly above or below a downed person, you will never know where they are unless they have a mic to tell you up or down. Your personal indicator on the mini map covers up their down indicator, so you spend 7 seconds or more moving from the area just so you can get sight on the indicator to find said team mate, and hope you have enough time to them get to them. All the while, trying not to get 1 hit from a missle.

    that brings up another point though, can we get some kind of notification that we have been locked on to? We are high tech space ninjas but don't have 1980s technology to notify you off a missle lock? Alert sounds, flashing indicator on the HUD, something.

  3. When playing archwing and a team mate goes down, it is almost impossible at times to find the indicator of your fallen allies. Can the down indicator be increased in size with some sort of directional indicator or something?


    Also, can the hit box for the revive be increased as well? It never fails you zoom to your friend's aid, and hit the brakes right as you get with in range while hold square, and end up doing an evasive maneuver that lands you just out of range while you are mashing square and their timer runs out.  (Sorry to the countless randoms this has happened to, I've tried!) 


    It only a problem on the interception missions where the area is so large, and your team mates are such a little target that can be several thousand meters away. 


    Also, when you are sprinting in the archwing and you try to hit L3 to stop sprinting, sometimes there's a large delay/lag, and other times it doesn't work at all. You'll have to hit L3 5+ times to stop sprinting in time, and at times, this makes you and your archwing turn into a tenno pinball in narrow paths. This also makes it difficult to lock on to people that you are trying to revive. 




    Thanks for reading. 

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