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Posts posted by Necromanrius

  1. Those changes!

    I'm really looking forward to test them all out!

    I'd still say Ember needs something done on her third, which is arguably bad compared to the rest of her kit.


    Also, Space mum asking to test those abilities through our frame, displaying and commenting on our interior and fashion frame? YES PLEASE! PC, Europe, IGN Necromanrius. I have all of the listed Frames if you need to test them.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

    Ok, this is going to be a tough post to write.  Tough to write not only because of the content, but because I know what 95% of the kneejerk reactions will be.  Yes, there will be a ton of "Then don't play it" responses.  There will be, of course, the players who think they're cute with the exact "Then don't play it." response.  There will be the players who feel a need to defend WF, as if some anonymous stranger not liking a part of a game somehow reflects on their personal life decisions or Warframe needs defending, but here we go.

    You're a stranger who somehow felt the need to advertise his decision publicly when there was no need to. What's so grave about your decision? You're only stopping to play a game, not having a divorce. But hey, there's always people who think they're cute with their "I'm leaving Warframe" posts and who feel the need to justify their decision as if their personal life can't go on without some validation from the community.

    As for the Operator being here to stay, I'd have thoughts Chains of Harrow made that clear already. Eidolon hunting, fishing, mining, all of it has been sandboxed to Cetus and doesn't affect the rest of the game, so you're free to ignore it and play on the other maps and missions.
    If you cannot, then leave. It's as simple as that. Perhaps a future update will draw you in. Perhaps not. Either way, I'm happy with the update and the Operator gameplay so I'll just keep enjoying it.

  3. Hello!

    Quite a while ago Steve spoke about a ship vs ship mode where clans could build spaceships then man them, either as pilots or Archwing fighter escort or teleport in enemy ships to sabotage them midfight...

    I know PoE is taking up all the attention, but would you be open to implementing this system eventually?

  4. moving Patient Zero to before Second Dream would help, though there's also the issue about the fact newer players don't know about Tubemen of Regor event, which clears up how Alad V got cured, and also why Til Regor hates you for destroying his tubemen when you fight him.

    There will be gaps until DE figures out how to weave those alerts into the lore so new players can find about it.

  5. HOLY *!

    I just saw the video and yeah, that's mindblowing to say the least.

    I mean, yeah, current stuff still needs polishing, and current Archwing lacks stuff still (in my opinion it's mostly missing better Archwing themed missions and bigger enemies to blow up), but I'd be really down for that idea to be implemented into the game.

    Like, if you read this Steve, I gotta say, this is a great idea. I'm so sad I missed that demonstration, though I'd have probably fangasmed so hard I'd have gotten kicked out of the chat or something. Perhaps present it in the Incoming Devstream too?

  6. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Phoenix32778 said:


    I don't mean to bother or knock down, but you could really stand to spread out that giant wall of text into nicely ordered paragraphs to allow those who attempt to read it to follow through and understand your views.

  7. I just got some wild ideas I wanted to present.

    I understand my idea may deviate from the usual style of the game, but some old posts about allowing "inader style pvp" like in Dark Souls got me thinking. I understand, Tenno attacking Tenno and hindering each other's mission is against the spirit of Warframe and its lore.
    But there are bosses who do invade (and who tend to be farmed as soon as they pop). What if they were controlled by players? It would give a better challenge to players, and allow some of that pvp aspect without going against the spirit of the game.

    Another idea spawned from the Ambulas event. How about having this reward system replace the current rng drops? Like, players get points from their assassination missions and redeem them for Warframe parts. They'd need multiple runs to get enough parts, but hopefully it will reduce player grievances caused by bad luck.

    Thank you for your attention.

    P.S. And please, some comment about Steve's idea of crewed ships. I got so excited when I found out about that!

  8. I loved the Sentients. I mean, I needed some enemies that didn't die too quickly so I could test out my new Limbo..:p

    But yeah, the quest itself was pretty awesome. I loved watching Ordis join in the fray in the final mission, then Simaris as well. Hunhow was great too. I mean, it's clear he is quite smart, first striking at our heart, and this time at our intel source (and we know how important information is in war...). And nearly succeeding both times too!

    I hear others faced bugs but I didn't get any. I'd only wish DE added, for the last mission, a marker to point out the last red/white keynote, so I stop running in circles (literally) wondering I missed a note or the mission had bugged.

  9. 11 hours ago, Kerberos-3 said:

    It should be post-TWW. Mainly because you have to fight Sentients solo and trying to do that without your Operator is an absolute hellish experience.

    Bring new Limbo and a weapon with high dmg shots like the Tigris and the bows. Timestop, shoot enough for overkill, resume time and most important, loot corpses. Always loot corpses.

    Alternative, bring Valkyr with Flow. and element mods on your melee. Activate Hysteria, each dead Sentient drops a core which fully heals you and max your energy so loot their corpses.

    Did I mention looting the corpses?

  10. You sure you did complete it? I mean, I thought game had bugged at some point, then it turned out there was this tinier red note I hadn't spotted.

    I guess DE could spawn markers when you have like, 3 notes or less to find so people don't spend half an hour wondering if the mission is bugged...

  11. Personally I like the idea.

    That said, I actually like the idea of the new eximi for what I think are their future intentions. I do believe they are trying to nerf the stats scaling that happens at higher levels and replace it with other ideas, which I think is great. It's not something I feel should be simply stacked on top of current stats scaling, but part of a system that would nerf or replace stats scaling entirely.

    The only issue I have is 'invulnerability'. Nothing should be straight invulnerable except very rare cases. Valkyr for one, and Grineer Fomorians. Anything else I can't help but disagree. Even the Razorback (hey, your stupidily powerful weapon you forma'ed 6 times is actually crap compared to a Bursa's basic armament! GRRRRRRR....) but that's another story...

    To me, it should be at least like Juggernaut's protection. It doesn't cancel dmg, just reduces it massively, enough that going for the weakpoint is the best strategy. This allows both to see numbers (Because let's be honest, I don't farm and spend so much time getting the best gear and mods just to see a big fat 0 when I shoot something. I feel a lot better shooting Juggy because even if it does pathetic damage, IT STILL DOES SOMETHING!)

    The Sentient Armor also doesn't completely nullifies dmg (or maybe it does? I don't know, I never used a weapon with only 1 or 2 dmg types) so to me it's fine. Plus, your idea doesn't make them immune to all elements, so players with a variety of types would usually have a least one element that's not guarded against.

    And of course, I like the idea of making the Operator more relevant. So far it seems used more to either troll new players or make a mission harder (Kuva farming aside ofc)...

  12. An hour? What? Had to do it with a friend who had not done anything for Sedna, took us half that time.

    Personally I do also hate the Sentient drones, so I enjoyed wiping the floor with them, nothing quite like the feeling when you completely crush that dude that was so OP before.

    And while some of the mods aren't that good, others are pretty good for top builds

  13. oooh, the salt THE SALT!!! I was just getting ready to eat anyways!

    Anyways. To those who want to : A do this event, B have some fun, but are way to lazy to try and solve an actual challenge, one that requires some thinking instead of pure run&gun, here's my 2 cents.

    First, Exilus mods WORK. That mean, get that rush and maglev. it'll be a lot easier to avoid getting caught if you're the effin Flash.
    Also, low hp and no way to increase it. Guess what aura's best for this? That's right! Rejuvenation! and why not add coaction drift for even more sweet hp regen. Otherwise, there's this aura called Infested Impedance? I mean, a perma slow for surrounding infested? What's not to like? Makes you feel even faster with your rush now that those fools are just crawling along.
    Bullet jump is definitely one of your main ways of transportation too, so why not kill two birds with one stone? Ice Spring, Firewalker, Toxic Flight, Or Lightning Dash, boost your bullet jump to go faster, further, and, why not, kill some infested!
    Lastly in the interesting mods, you've got Handspring, to quickly get back when you'll inevitably get knocked down, and Shock Absorbers, to avoid dying the moment you did get knocked down.

    Still not enough? Well, I've done this event, solo, with both Volt and Rhyno. You see, lots of running means Volt gets his passive to stack really fast. When it's full, do a jump slam and enjoy doing a 1000dmg aoe on lvl 10 foes. Can you spell overkill?
    Rhyno doesn't even need to attack, he's got heavy impact so he knocks foes just landing next to them. Add the heavy impact mod as well, and you double the effects!When surrounded, bullet jump straight up, dealing aoe thx to your Ice Spring, Firewalker, Toxic Flight, Or Lightning Dash, then crash down with double Heavy Impact.

    All these make this event a lot easier. Of course, all of this requires actual thinking, and actually PREPARING for this mission! Can you believe it? DE thinks that an elite military force would actually gear up depending on their mission to maximize chances of success!!! That's as stupid as using tactics, right?

    Same tactics like, not going to hack the powercell terminals while surrounded. instead, lure enemies away, preferably towards one of the numerous firey pumpkins to reduce their numbers. then rush back and hack it before they catch up! With mods you can rush fast enough and hack the first one before they even get there, then go with your powercell to the second one and, if no enemies are there, hack it then. Then when you come back you just need to pick the powercell instead of needing to hack it while under attack. Easy as pumpkin pie!


    21 hours ago, plexus_brachialis said:

    and if they allowed weapons you'd be like 'de i obliterate everything with my gaze alone gimme challenge' 

    infested were levels 1-10 ffs. you dont actually need to kill any but juggy. just jump around and avoid damage. 

    foggy screen was actually improved over last year's event, last year i had severe fps drops and lags and now it was much smother experience. 

    fun is subjective, but what rewards do you expect for it? isn't basically a free potato enough? 

    How DARE you! He's not juggy! He's Jacky! See, now you've hurt his feelings!

    Come on Jacky. Come on boy. Join me right here, next this cute pumpkin tower!
    Come on boy! Jackyyyy?
    Yeeeees, who's a good infested? Who's a gooood infested? It's YOU, Yes it's you!

    Good boy Jacky. Who's a hot Infested? Who's the hottest Inf... Wait.. Jacky? You ok? What's wrong? Don't tell me you burned out? Oooh poor Jacky...


  14. 5 hours ago, 45neo said:

    As we all know Titania was recently released along with her own quest. During the quest I noticed many similarities between The Silver Grove and Sands of Inaros.


    TL;DR - Inaros' and Titania's operators rebelled against the Orokin before the Orokin slaughter and were executed as a result.

    An interesting theory. Very interesting even. Though, I would like to offer an alternative. Chroma's quest, mentioning an empty and silent womb in the sky, could be suggesting that Warframes are alive and merely unable to think independently as long as a Tenno controls them, but could develop a personality of their own if left awake and cut off from the Transference.
    In fact, Second Dream seems to reinforce the idea that there is more to Warframes than mindless proxies.

    Third, in the Silver Grove quest, Silvana mentions she used Transference to link to Titania, so I do not believe there was a Tenno involved. During the link, she did mention feeling a presence, (likely the Warframe's, according to my theory at least). And Titania, the Warframe, then acted on her own, protecting Sylvana until she died, showing that Warframes can feel compassion.

    Not to say all Warframes are nice. They may be like humans, unique in their personalities, or they may become aggressive and hateful for the most part, though judging from Chroma and Titania that seems doubtful.

    If I use this theory, Inaros could have also awoken on his own during the Infested attack. The lack of an operator would have 'nerfed' him enough that he couldn't fully analyse what he did, using too much power and dying in the process... Though your theory for him at least holds pretty well.

    4 hours ago, Technologic141 said:

    Honestly everyone think tenno=good, rest=bad what if it different?

    PS:If you disagree dont be toxic. thx


    Well, I'll disagree heavily for multiple reasons here.

    For one, claiming the Stalker is 'good'. He's the only one who breaks the one unbreakable rule in the system : when the Infested strike, we halt our own conflicts. When dealing with Infested, Tenno do not attack any other side. yet, killing Lephantis can bring the Stalker down on you. Alad V experimented on Warframes to make Zanuka, and the default skin of Valkyr shows he didn't really care about the suffering he inflicted during his tests. Yet somehow attacking him is bad? Vay Hek made Fomorians which attacked us directly, destroying multiple relays (and it's not like there are only Tennos in those relays). Why doesn't Stalker come after them? Why doesn't he see their actions as unjust? (I'm particularly happy when it came to bite him back. He killed me once for defeating Alad V, then the mission to keep him safe from his Acolytes came. Sorry Stalker, but as you said, your crimes against Alad V cannot go unpunished! Hehe!)

    Second, We did not attack Sentients on sight either. Oculysts cannot be harmed anyways. We only scanned one to start that quest. And not Hunhow, not the Grineer, not the Corpus has offered us peace. We woke up under attack from the Grineer. It's funny, I find it hard to believe the other side are the good guys when they go around murdering people in their sleep then dissecting their corpses (both Alad V and captain Vor mentioned in their speech about how they know of a Warframe's insides). He didn't try to discuss or ask us anything, he tried to slap a device to mind rape us.

    It's not like we have Relays where any faction can join, where there are even Corpus and Grineer people. Even the factions who are hunting some Tenno down can have a place in a Relay, just as long as they don't cause trouble. I'm certain in fact if Alad V came and asked us to build Warframe parts and send them to him in exchange for Zanuka Pets he'd have a high customer base. Bet ya even the Stalker could. But hey, our enemies seem the time that shoots first and asks questions never.

    Plus, guess what? we're hunted down from before we woke up, from before we posed a threat to anyone. Thing is, we're warriors, we're skilled. If the world wants to end us, then we'll fight it, and we'll murder our enemies by the billions. (according to DE, 50 billions grineer slain over the course of three years. Not counting the Void corrupted units).

    That said, you are right that there is something wrong with us. We're children that have been kidnapped, experimented upon and turned into soldiers, then woke up without any memory of who we were or even what we were (can you imagine possessing Warframes like a ghost and switching in between them, and only discovering your true identity after the Second Dream?) We're far from sane. Very far. Then again, the world of Warframe seems to be a dystopia where war is the only constant. To adapt to such a twisted world, one must be a twisted being. And there's no doubt us Tenno have fully adapted.

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