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(XBOX)GOAT Spartan

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Posts posted by (XBOX)GOAT Spartan

  1. a lot of the invasions that come out, have a serious problem with the last enemy that needs to be killed. he'll get stuck either above the map or under the map, making it impossible to kill him cause all you hear is sound and can't see anything related to their body to just clip them with an arrow or shot to kill them. 


    has anyone encountered this? cause its nearly every time i play a faction based invasion(grineer or corpus), some fool gets glitched out and sent under the map and i can't shoot him.

  2. I've been seeing a lot of posts about choosing a new leader to follow, and this got me thinking a little bit: instead of having someone with no combat experience just sending us out killing people or capturing someone with no idea of what we got out of em, why not have a tenno leader be an option to choose as a new leader? 


    you can put this into a 2-quest type scenario: the lotus finds a very important tenno figure and his guards still in their cyro pods in corpus hands, and she sends you to rescue them. you later find out that this very important tenno figure is actually a high ranking tenno commander that fought during the old war. the tenno commander stays behind once rescued to recover and after a few missions, finds the lotus's ways of doing things too slow and doesn't resemble tenno superiority. 


    in response, he defects and gives you the option to join him to begin the quest to assert tenno superiority over the system. his goal is to wipe out the grineer and corpus by taking out their leaders and forcing them to bow before tenno authority. 


    by choosing his side, his side of quests are more assertive and direct towards the grineer and corpus rather than maintaining balance between two fascist factions by taking out lieutenants and officers or prototypes. 


    I've seen some posts saying that the devs plan to allow us to kill the grineer queens in the near future(possibly a raid) and i think having a more direct and military figure activate that raid/quest rather than the lotus sending us to do it. 


    i dont hate the lotus, i just would like a different option to choose to see a different result to me fighting the factions ya know? and the reason why i think the tenno should be a commander, is because one of the customization capes/zabba dooba zeeba things states that it was once worn by high ranking tenno. so that leads me to believe that the tenno once held a rank during the old war. 


    just a thought and something that i liked. lol thoughts?



  3. i have tried everything to try to fix the game crashing, and i thought switching servers to the east coast would at least do something. the only thing it did was make the game respond and run smoother to my button commands, but made the game crash even more practically. this last sanctuary update has ruined the game for me, cause i never had this problem before until that update launched. i don't even play simaris's crappy quests cause that makes the game crash even more and exactly on point. 


    at this point, I'm dying for an update to fix this. 

  4. I've beaten the stalker 25 times in a row and I'm always fighting more bosses to keep him spawning in(so i can kick his sorry &#!). 


    the best advice i can give is grab the dread and spec it out for crit damage and chance with a shred mod on it. 

    that will wreck him, i swear on that.


    when you start to see him spawn in with his taunts, do not stop moving and always use cover. if you don't know how he spawns in, he always spawns behind you so once you get some good cover and some distance, turn around and just aim for that dinky head of his! 


    trust me when i say this, if you use speed and agility against him, he will die. he can't change momentum, he has to commit to his attacks. use that against him and you'll do fine. also, always make sure you have a good weapon with great critical specs when you go into a mission. never go with your pants down. 

  5. there is a website that offers the prices of everything single prime war frame piece and weapon piece. when i start to trade, i always whip that site out on my phone and I'm always ready just incase some #$&(% is trying to scam me. 


    the site, from what I've been told and seen, is always updated. so you won't have to worry that much if everything isn't monitored cause they do update the prices when things change.

  6. They are fun in groups. Playing solo though, like running syndicate missions, is hell when they show up. Unless you are Limbo, simply being around them is risking instant death since they will bounce whenever they damn well feel like it, regardless of if you are currently facing them or are not staggered, hell, I've been pounced out of riftwalk a few times. They are not fun when playing alone as it resorts to stopping what you are doing, running away from the objective and enemies, and swinging orthos prime with primed reach to stop them from getting close enough to pounce. It's boring and destroys the pace of a solo game.


    i can agree with that man. 

  7. i find the manic a good addition to the game, just wish their jumping slash attacks weren't so freaking powerful. two slashes and boom, dead on the ground. I've only died twice from them and thats because i need a new controller, my A button is all #*($%%@ up and doesn't rely the jumping commands at all sometimes. 


    but can't say the same for the stalker X) he's walked away with such a deflated ego over the past week! sometimes i wonder why he even bothers lol

  8. i would love that. cause i wear the stalker and grustag 3 sigil with pride, and just yesterday the stalker showed up and i swamped him( for the eighth time in a row) and i really wish that he'd spawn more often when i wear his sigil. 


    in reality(just pointing this out), if you wear a certain order's/individual's sigil and your not in the order/partnered with that individual, they usually come after you to kill you in order to get revenge. 

  9. Good guy is a relative term. In American history they make the settlers out to be the good guys and basically they raped and murdered there way across the land to claim what they thought was theirs. In Gears of War the COG, the guys on the surface, are supposed to be the good guys but if you think about they started drilling for imulsion (sp) and it tore up the home of the Locust. The Locust were on the verge of being exterminated and when they fought back to protect themselves from having their land taken from them and being poisoned by the by products of the drilling they were labeled bad guys. You even find out in the 3rd game the human govt knew all about them and kept repressing them and lying to them. So yeah good really is a relative term to your point of view. 


    dude the GOW series was an amazing game! and that makes great sense if you think about it. 

  10. Frost is kind of a bad example, he was the first public prime, followed by Mag, after that every frame has looked very primed, and it wasn't until Rhino that they started getting stat boosts.


    maybe frost is a bad example, but its the only example that i could use ya know? all the other frames look awesome and look like a prime version of the other frames. i just wish frost had looked better. and if ash does get made into a prime, i hope he looks bad &#! and looks/performs like a prime. 

  11. They're the latter. DE during dev streams have said that the tenno and Lotus are the good guys.


    i figured. Its just funny how these guys just insist that the tenno are mislead/the bad guys and the lotus is evil lol 

  12. I've been seeing a lot of posts lately about people thinking the lore is backwards or wrong: for example, some say that the tenno are being mislead(maybe) and that the two warring factions are actually the good guys( really?). 



    so my question is: are the tenno being mislead, or are the people questioning the lore just trying to think outside the box and instead are missing the board completely? 


    cause if i was a tenno and i nearly got my &#! captured after waking up from an untold amount of time in cryostasis and was saved by some oddly attractive woman, id wouldnt question much unless something didnt sit right with me.

  13. i just faced the stalker this morning….. but then he was gone and i won :) somehow i had a feeling he'd show up and i swapped my braton prime over to my paris prime and dropped his &#! in one shot to the head after three weeks of him recovering from the last three times i swamped him one day.


    hes a weird guy, just somehow shows up.

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