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Posts posted by (PSN)TheTinkster

  1. I can't get close enough to, or keep from shooting past a fallen player to revive them. I don't see how we can enable the survival action (whatever it is in space) to make it playable.

    If you try to inch towards a target to activate it or revive someone, then you get killed by the enemy.

    I feel your pain it happens to me a lot when trying to revive people, maybe they could work on the issue?

  2. Hey there im second warlord to a shadow clan, with a friendly community committed to helping people through Raids and other various missions, we have 26 mature members all are welcome to join full details at https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/520229-closing-soon-recruitment-edge-of-aggression-shadow-clan-3-spots-left/page-2#entry6176481

    We have a 100% research complete and do not discriminate on gender, there are some female players in our alliance that have also just started out playing warframe.

    All our players are over the age of 18 with mics and dont spam you with invites we post our mission in clan or alliance chat.

    If you think we are a good fit for you leave us a post or you can send me a psn message. Thank you and have a nice day.

  3. We were originally getting the drac helmet standard but people did not like it and basically forced DE to give him a new helmet. But, after a few days everyone was like the original helmet is better and it's behind a paylock. The community just messed themselves from getting an awesome helmet to kinda mediocre helmet.

    Agreed I love the Drac helmet. #paid.

  4. Do you think we will ever see a primed Seration, I know its possible and if we do we will be probably looking at something like an extra 50% damage increase, not exactly game breaking compared to prime point blank lol

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