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(XBOX)x Sevynn x

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Posts posted by (XBOX)x Sevynn x

  1. Hello fellow Tenno, has anyone been experiencing this issue? It doesn't happen a lot but when it does it makes putting together a squad harder than it should be...


    The issue is when say for example I invite person 'A'. Currently besides myself is person 'B' in the squad. If person 'A' accepts the invite, person 'B' gets kicked from the squad and person 'A' gets in. If person 'B' accepts the re-invite, then person 'A' gets kicked from the squad and person 'B' gets in...and it keeps happening...


    Does anyone know how to overcome this? Thanks in advance.

  2. Hello fellow Tenno, Can anyone kindly share their thoughts on what they think is a good Hydroid build that they know can go really well in void missions like defense/survival? Please also feel free to post builds in regards to farming. I'll definitely like to try farming with him in the future. ^^


    Thanks in advance!

  3. It finally happened to me, I literally was only running back toward the Warframe Cryopods in T2 Def after a wave, and "fell" into the map and got kicked from the game. 





    ..gg. -_-

  4. For awhile now it's been happening, when I go to the selected players name in Chat and click to Invite them, the Invite option isn't even there. Sometimes it appears, sometimes it doesn't (which is often). Has this been happening to any one else?

  5. Been happening to me alot to, most of the invites I get end up failing on me. "Failed to Join Session" or I do happen to get in but the player icons at the top go missing for a short time (along with the squad tab being available) before disconnecting like I never got into the squad at all.

  6. Just as the title says, I'm looking for people who play somewhat consistently. I'm having a hard time recruiting people for missions to clear up nodes on planets and when I do it takes a long time to get people together, especially in my region (Oceania)..So any Tenno who wouldn't mind getting invited to go running through missions and a void mission here or there let me know? Cheers! 


    (Unfortunately I don't have a working mic..but hope that's not too much of an issue :S )


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