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Posts posted by Senoinya

  1. Yes, they should be. There's no excuse why they shouldn't be. The only one I ever see is "not being able to color them is what makes them special". But if that's the case, I guess my Lato Vandal isn't special, because I can actually color that, limited as the coloring may be.

    Given how Warframe is all about fashion and looking good these days, I'd think it should be less of a question of "why should we" and more of a question of "when can we".

  2. 35 minutes ago, Geraaltix said:

    I came here looking for comments on the Banshee Soprana accent color, because I feel the exact same way. Why such little effect on the accent tinting? It's more than a little disappointing on what's supposed to be a deluxe skin.

    In the end, I suppose this is just an echo chamber and DE have no plans to take this criticism into consideration. I'll still use the skin until default Banshee is PBR'd.

    Considering I posted this back in April and it's now 5 months later and this is still a problem, I don't think it's going to get changed, ever. It's like the arms on the Nova Deluxe Skin - it's going to be there seemingly no matter how much criticism is given to it.

    It's a shame, but I guess it's to be expected. "Don't like it? Don't buy it." as they say. Granted, there's no way to really easily know how little accents actually affects the skin and how hard to color it is until you buy it, but you know, that's beside the point.

  3. 4 hours ago, MadHatHacker said:

    Looking at you, Quanta Vandal.

    Quanta Vandal does have one skin, provided by Baro. I wouldn't say it's very attractive, though. Could just be me however, since I was never a huge fan of the whole "camo" look to begin with.

    But my Snipetron Vandal... It will never have a skin. Its only hope is that a day may come when we can color our Wraiths and Vandals, or use Lanka skins on the Snipetron. As others have said, it's not like it'd lose the whole "Wraith/Vandal" value if you could color them, since:

    1: It'd still keep the Vandal/Wraith skin, so you'd just be customizing the look so it doesn't clash with your other stuff. (Fashionframe is endgame!)

    2: If we can apply a skin to it anyway and color that however we want, is there really a value to be lost here? I mean, if you can ditch the look entirely, then what harm is there in being able to color the default one?

    3: Primes are a more lore-involved thing and yet those were updated so that we could color the gold on them however we wanted, and that was well-received. So I don't think the question here should be "why?" and instead it should be "why not?".

    4: There's nothing to lose, and everything to gain. People who feel Wraiths/Vandals should look as they do by default can just keep the default look. Or if they change the colors and want the old ones back, there's always the convenient "default colors" button. Meanwhile, the ones who want to color them would finally be able to.

    Honestly, I see this same suggestion made so often that I'm surprised it hasn't been done yet. There's clearly a demand. Who knows, maybe if DE did this, people might be a little more interested in spending plat on trade chat to get any wraiths/vandals they missed from Sorties. I know I myself would be a lot more interested in the Latron Wraith if it weren't for the fact that I know I'd just chuck it aside once I got the mastery out of it because the colors clash with the look of my frames.

  4. 3 hours ago, Pendragon1951 said:

    To those of you who did not watch the PaxWest thing apparently Archwing is going to be part of the quest at some point for the War Within, so to those of you who dislike archwing my condolences. 

    Please no, don't do it DE! Almost nobody likes Archwing. Why taint something like this with it?

    Well, my hype for the quest is 100% dead now. Hope the rest of you enjoy it.

  5. 210 Endo for an R3 mod... Ouch. I don't even wanna see R10 then. I'm really hoping the drop rates on Endo are super high if these are the numbers we're looking at.

    Let's see... if it's 210 Endo, that's roughly 3 R5 cores as Maxitotito pointed out, soooo...

    You need 528 R5 cores to max-rank a legendary mod, so if 70 Endo = 1 R5, then that means 528 x 70, so 36,960 Endo. Just to compare to current core farming, you'd need to be able to get 350 - 700 Endo from a single Excavation on Hieracon or something equal to that amount in that amount of time (because you can get 10 R5 cores in just 3 excavs if you're lucky), and you'd need to be able to get 1,750 - 3,500 from Sorties. If the numbers are lower than this, then this is effectively a nerf to fusion.

    I really hope this isn't a nerf, and the Endo gains will be much higher than current core rates to compensate for the much larger number required.

  6. Kinda worried about this, not gonna lie. Relics were supposed to be a simplification of the void, but it's actually more confusing for players than the old system was, on top of being a straight-up nerf. Now it's even worse odds to get the key/relic you need, and now that void survivals/defenses/etc are done away with and you only get one drop per mission, you need to farm one key for every single part, rather than farming up one defense, survival, or interception and getting tons from just one key. With the addition of the fact that now a 4-player key-share lets you choose one item from four rewards, compared to before where you'd have gotten all four of those rewards. The only thing I can confidently say was an improvement is that I don't have to fall asleep playing void defense to wave 60-100 anymore.

    So is this actually a simplification, or just another over-complication + nerf? I want to be optimistic about this, I really do, but the whole void rework has made that difficult. Do we really even need a simplification of mod fusion? Honestly, it's pretty simple once you know how it works. You have a mod you want to rank up, so you get fusion cores, and then you use fusion cores on the mod you want to rank up. If you don't have cores but you want to rank something up, use duplicates, and if the duplicate has a matching polarity, you get more points out of it, same goes for if the mod you're using to rank it up has a higher rank. Ranking up costs credits unless you use a legendary core, which ranks a mod up to max rank instantly. Seems very easy to understand to me, and I'm by no means some kind of genius. All it really needs is a tutorial to make this clear to players from the start.

    So what exactly is being simplified? From the sounds of it, Endo isn't even necessary, as you could just have fusion cores start dropping from enemies and replace the rank-up bar with a number instead that makes things more clear. Given how simple the fusion system is, I don't see how much more simple it can become, but I can definitely see how it could be more needlessly complicated, which seems to be a thing with Warframe lately. When there's a problem that could be fixed with some simple, well-placed adjustments, it gets a total rework instead that throws everything out and brings in a whole new system that brings even worse problems than the ones it was trying to fix, then we hear claims that it's supposed to simplify things when it's actually doing the exact opposite, and then the justification for all that is lore. Unfortunately, when Warframes need reworks to such degrees, they get very minor adjustments, or just straight-up nerfs they didn't need (I'm looking at you, Nekros.).

    I suppose I'll wait until this comes out before I throw my doomsday signals up, but I will admit that I am feeling very concerned about this and I hope more details are shared soon.

  7. In my experience, they pop out of their Warframes and fly into each other for about 10 seconds, screaming at the top of their lungs as they unleash beams and rays of love toward each other before they return to their machines of death (and romance) and slaughter hundreds of Grineer in the name of their everlasting love for each other.


    Tenno romance is a magical thing to behold.

  8. 10 hours ago, -CKY-Ramnus said:

    Ninionniom nionioniom i like this skin ... you don't like it then don't buy it.

    It's that simple. 

    People probably wouldn't care as much as they do if it weren't for the fact that each frame will probably only ever get one deluxe skin. That means that any Nova main out there who wanted to see their favorite frame get a Deluxe Skin has this as their one and only for forever.

    Personally, I don't entirely hate the skin. The body is good as-is save for a few needed fixes to the glitchy areas mentioned in the OP. What I despise is the arms and... Whatever that helmet is supposed to be. The arms just clash so hard with the body, and look so weird and awkward. It doesn't even fit Warframe's theme. I mean, yeah, the other deluxe skins vary from the usual too, but at least they still look like they work. I don't even see how these arms hold together! How do those elbows work? How do those shoulders work? I'd honestly like to see the skin changed to have different arms at the very least. I really don't think anyone would complain, since even those that like the rest of the skin complain about the arms.

    There is a difference between being bad to the majority, and being objectively bad. Those arms are objectively bad. There is nothing aesthetically pleasing about them regardless of what your tastes are.

  9. Pretty disappointing picks to be honest. I know they were going for less-used weapons but... Yeah, these are super meh. Most of them aren't even nice looking. Like, the Lecta is honestly one of the ugliest melee weapons in the game. Sydon is just... Eeeeeeeh. Magistar isn't that great either. Daggers are so small I almost never notice them anyway.

    I guess at least two of them catch my interest (Boltace and Heliocor).

  10. As someone who owns the Lato Vandal, I feel like it should remain exclusive. No, no, not so "I can be special". But because the item itself is special. It was given to you FOR your attendance in the beta. That alone tells me that it should remain exclusive. It's like a little badge saying "you were there". Not really so cool if everybody else was apparently there too, y'know?

    But as for the Braton Vandal... I feel like it should definitely come back. It wasn't really "given" to anyone for being around at the time, it was just available at that time for anyone who wanted to get it. It's not really "special" in the way the Lato Vandal is, and I see no harm in bringing it back.

    So my vote's a yes, but it's more for the Braton than it is for the Lato. I mean, I'm not going to go into a rage if the Lato Vandal comes back, because that just means newbies get their hand at something they can't get right now. But I still don't personally think it should be returned.

  11. We were told before that when Starchart 3.0 came, the changes would rework the void, and that this rework was to resolve the problem that made the vault a reality. The vault was created because of the void being too cluttered, but now we have this whole new system and we still have the vault.

    Now, this isn't meant as a personal complaint topic, so don't take it as one. I have almost every single on of the items that were vaulted, and I have every single Primed Warframe, so I don't care as far as I'm concerned. What I care about is how the new players are taking it. Currently, five Primed Warframes are no longer available, with those being Frost, Mag, Ember, Rhino, and Loki, with Nyx expected to be next. I can't tell you how many new players I've seen that become extremely disappointed when I explain to them that they can't get these frames anymore. In fact, some of them have just immediately lost motivation to play, because they feel like there's just a lot of content being kept from them despite others getting to enjoy it.

    That is not fair.


    So is DE planning on doing like they said they were going to, or is the vault just going to remain as it is, even though they said it'd only be until they finished the void rework?

  12. Very good -- no, no, sorry -- Absolutely perfect post. I believe you perfectly explained all the problems with the current update without ever once sounding like you were "just another angry person". Intelligent and very well thought-out suggestions right along with the very valid points make this some of the best feedback I've seen on the forums.

    +1. The only thing that upsets me with your post is that I can't rate it up more than once. I hope DE sees this and considers all of what you have said.

  13. List of bugs I've found thus far:

    1: Rapier holster positions still have a placeholder in there (which tells me the update was rushed)

    2: Crashes seem to be caused by all manner of things, but I found one to occur while I was messing around with dual sword holster positions, and another occurred while I had the starchart open and I was chatting.

    3: The "mission results" window remains through the loading screen.

    4: If a mission is failed, the mission results window may never go away and will think it's still counting down (which it stops doing), forcing you to shut down the game's process just to exit it.

    5: If you customize a Nikana's holster position and then leave, then go back to customize its position without leaving your liset first, it'll get stuck in the UI and you'll have to either access your dojo, or force-close the game to escape.

    6: If weapons are set to be invisible when holstered, this makes the weapon invisible when you're trying to customize its holstered position as well.

    7: Upon force-closing the game and re-opening it, it seems to default to a set resolution that cannot be changed, and forces itself into windowed mode. It is possible to change the game to fullscreen afterwards, but it will keep the resolution regardless of settings and proceed to default to it afterwards even if you close the game normally and re-open it.

    8: There was an instance in which I saw only tier 1-3 void fissures, yet many of my clan members saw tier 1-4. I believed this may be due to one showing up on a node I didn't yet have unlocked, but this was proven wrong when a fissure was shown on one of the new void nodes I don't have yet.

  14. My concerns:

    1: Solo players being more or less punished with less luminous and less chances at the reward they want sounds very annoying.

    2: Players who don't have a projection can't get any rewards? That sounds very silly and nonsensical to be honest. How can this be called a co-op game if this system encourages people to not do the same missions together unless they all have a projection? Even if it was changed so that it just reduces the number of rewards to be based on how many players have projections, I could still see people being less willing to help others out simply because they'd just be dragging them along for effectively less chances at what they want than if they had brought along someone who had a projection.

    3: While key-sharing is fixed, I see this making Baro way more grindy. Before, I could just do some key-sharing or an endless void mission and get a ton of rewards for Baro, but now I'm going to be getting one reward per mission regardless. Will Baro's ducat costs be lowered, or the ducat value of parts be raised to compensate for this?


    My suggestions, based on these concerns:

    On concern 1: Luminous rewards remain the same regardless of squad size, and the player is always presented with four rewards to choose from.

    On concern 2: As noted in concern 1, each projection gives four rewards to choose from, so in this case, only the person who used a projection would have their projection used up, and everyone in the squad would get to choose one of the four rewards. This does mean key-sharing will still exist, but at the very least, it isn't nearly pointless to bring along friends. I'd take key-sharing risks still existing (which they will anyway because Mesa) over helping friends no longer being a thing in a co-op game.

    On concern 3: If my suggestions for concerns 1 and 2 are used, this concern will no longer be valid.



    But maybe I'm wrong and these concerns have already been considered and resolved, and I'm just misunderstanding something. But from what I'm seeing here, this is what it looks like. While I do like the idea of not having to do the same mission over and over and over again for what I want, I don't like the concerns I have which seem to be shared by others here.

  15. I agree with this wholeheartedly. I've seen it used to kill allies far more than I've seen it used to kill enemies. It does more harm than good as it currently is and makes playing with randoms sometimes be the fun experience of "is this guy going to troll with the lasers or can I feel safe when I go to grab ammo or kill a null?". Wondering if my allies are going to kill me or not is not something I should have to consider.

  16. On 6/20/2016 at 9:45 PM, (XB1)Woofsie said:

    They went for the sound theme, and not the actual theme of A BLOODY BANSHEE FROM FOLKLORE.

    Well, for one, this is a fairly old post. Secondly, this post never said anything about making it match folklore, I was only talking about how the model largely differed from the concept art that I found to be (and still find to be) much better. If you don't agree with my opinion, that's fine, but this is kind of a dead subject anyway, honestly.

  17. Ehhhhhh... I love the game without a doubt. I used to be able to play it every single day for hours on end, but... Yeah, I'm kinda burnt out now. I'll see a new update and think "oh, cool, something new." then I'll log in and plan to do some farming, but then half-way through it something kicks in and it just feels like my brain shuts off completely and I'm doing things on auto-pilot.

    Really hoping U19 really spices up the game a bit and regains my full interest once more, but after the last big update with the Mag and Volt reworks that started with huge hype and ended with mass disappointment, I'm not sure whether to be looking forward to the upcoming content or expecting the worst. Not to sound overly negative or anything, but I have a feeling that my expectation for the worst won't really change until Trin stops being mediocre for anything but EV, and Mag's rework stops being a nerf.

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