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Posts posted by Senoinya

  1. Just now, IceColdHawk said:

    Hold on a second. Did you try pressing 2 followed by 1 with nekros? 2 makes them flee and 1 makes them stop and stand still as long as they are feared. I personally find nekros extremely effective against bursas. Really overrated because the majority only builds on the 3.

    Huh, I didn't know that. Well, in that case, Hydroid's the only frame that actually can't take on a Bursa. Thanks for the tip!

  2. You can get Tempo Royale and Astral Twilight from killing them, that's a pretty nice reward. But I guess we can't have tough enemies we actually see other than once in a blue moon (like manics).

    Bursas really aren't that hard to kill, you just need to apply a different kind of thinking when it comes to fighting them. I own every frame in the game, so I just went to the Simulacrum and tested each and every frame against level 75 Bursas to see just what ones could beat them. The only frames that couldn't beat a Bursa were Hydroid and Nekros. Hydroid is well known for needing buffs, and Nekros isn't that great either outside of his ability to summon bigger loot.

    The only things I agree with you on is that the missile barrage deals a little too much damage and the knockdown AoE thing needs to be changed because it's kinda BS as it currently is. Otherwise, this is just yet another "Bursas come at me too much rather than be a total rarity, and I don't know how to get behind things or use other tactics other than standing in one spot and spraying my Soma until it dies, fix it DE" topic.

    Seriously, we need more enemy types in this game, but every time they introduce a new enemy type, people whine because it's actually able to kill them. But when they keep it as just the enemies that shoot like a storm trooper and deal 2 damage per hit, everyone complains because the game is too easy. I honestly feel bad for the devs having to deal with it.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    There's no proof that the people doing this are doing it over the slash mods. That is a baseless rumor. It could be anyone for any reason. Stop trying to demonize traders for no reason.

    It's not as baseless as it may seem. It's not proven, you're correct about that, but it's the most plausible explanation. All it takes is one sensitive guy with nothing better to do with the capability to dish out DDoS to find out that the same mods he either bought for a lot of plat or was trying to sell for a lot of plat are now near worthless, and lo and behold, he'll get "revenge".

    It's not demonizing traders, it's stating a very real possibility. What other motive would there have been for a DDoS right as those mods returned? If I walk down the road and see a corpse with tire marks in it and I say a car probably hit it, am I demonizing drivers? No, I'm pointing out what seems to be the most probable cause of the situation.

  4. 2 hours ago, Makuzex said:

    Apologies if this has been discussed before at some point, but something that always erks me in games is when characters are gender locked. Why not have both male and female versions of each frame?

    We almost had male and female versions of each frame a long time ago, but DE scrapped the idea and used the only gender-swap model they made on Nyx (Female Excal) rather than give her a model of her own that would probably suit her theme more.

  5. Aside from the whole "space magic, wow!" explanation we currently have, I fail to see how the interior that is clearly for the Liset manages to fit inside the Mantis, Scimitar, and Xiphos without any changes being necessary to the shape of it. Space magic should be used to explain the powers, not to pretty up "we don't feel like doing that kind of work". Though there's other additions and changes that need to be made to landing crafts too, so maybe we can just get one big update for all of it eventually.

  6. As the title says.

    There is just so much wrong with current PvP that there is no reason why it should have any content exclusive to it other than the mods.

    I like the skins, I love the Syandana, but I'm not willing to torment myself with something this awfully designed just for them. It's not worth it, not at all. Apparently I'm not the only one who feels this way, since more often than not I find absolutely no players in any of the three modes, and I can sit there with an open squad for as long as I like and nobody will join. But this topic isn't just to say "conclave is bad!", there will be proposed solutions to the problems. But first, I want to note what the problems are:

    1: Total lack of dedicated servers - It's practically become a thing now where I already expect the host to leave right after the first match. If the host doesn't, everyone else does anyway so the match can't start. This is a problem, because whenever the host leaves you get stuck with a lovely host migration that nine times out of ten results in a message saying "could not connect to host, returning to main menu." and there goes your entire squad you had! In addition, it's not uncommon to find laggy hosts.

    2: Camera is a total mess - Conclave made me realize just how bad the camera in this game actually is. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've had situations where I needed to shoot someone below me, or shoot someone while parkouring through the air, or someone above me, and my frame just completely blocks out the view. It's equally bad when trying to actually keep up with the people who fly around at speeds that make me question if this was even a game intended for humans to land hits. Which brings me to my next point:

    3: Parkour detracts from the experience rather than add to it - A game where you fly around at 500 MPH shooting at other people who fly around at 500 MPH may seem like a fun idea on paper, but in execution it's a complete mess. There is nothing entertaining about this. You shoot a guy - nope, not going to kill him because every gun in this game needs to land way more hits than it should to kill, so by the time you get anywhere close to a kill unless the player is bad, they're off like a fly and unless you shift>ctrl>space>space>RMB>double shift>repeat enough times in a row fast enough to keep up, they'll just go to the health pads in no time and behold! Full HP! This turns close quarters fights into little more than two or more people darting back and forth at insane speed spamming bullets until somebody dies.

    4: There are options, yet no options - I have never seen a game that tried so hard to be balanced yet managed to have such little balance ever since I quit CS:GO. You have plenty of options, but most frames and weapons are completely worthless in PvP, either because they were never good ideas for PvP in the first place, or their PvP-specific nerfs made them useless when they would have otherwise been good. Why go for any melee weapon other than the Jat Kittag? Why go for any primary other than the Latron Prime, Daikyu, or Gorgon? Why go for any sidearm other than the Lex Prime or Vaykor Marelok? Why go for any frame other than Excalibur, Nyx, or Oberon? If you choose anything other than the meta, you're probably just going to get destroyed by those who do.

    5: The grind is absolutely awful - PvP isn't a very fun mode as it is, and the grind only makes it worse. The most I've ever seen from a match was 4k affinity, and that was when I was absolutely dominating. Average seems to be around 1.2k - 2.3k. This means that assuming you dominated every single match you ever joined, it'd still take you 60 matches to reach Typhoon. If you got around 2.3k every single match, it'd take you 104-105 matches. If you got 1.2k every single match, it'd take you 200 matches just to get to Typhoon, and that's not even counting the fact that if you're after all the skins + Syandana, that's 1,070,000 more standing you need for a grand total of 1,310,000! Which adds an additional 268 matches if you get 4k every single time, 466 matches if you get 2.3k each match, and 892 matches if you get 1.2 each match. This leads to a grand total of 328 matches at 4k, 571 at 2.3k, or a mind-blowing 1,092 at 1.2k. PvP matches have 15 minute timers, and in my experience, unless it's cephalon capture, the timer runs out before a team wins. That's 82 hours at 4k, 142 at 2.3k, and 273 at 1.2k. However, this isn't even the extent of it, because you can only get X amount of standing each day, so for me, an MR15 player, who has 16,000 daily standing, that's going to take me 82 days assuming I spend 3.5 hours (14 matches with 1.2k each), 1.75 hours (7 matches with 2.3k each), or 1 hour (4 matches at 4k) on PvP alone every single day. And that's for somebody who does good at it and not low MR, if you're actually bad at PvP, these numbers will sound like a dream to you. This also isn't taking into account the standing you may choose to spend on the mods, which brings me to my next point:

    6: The mods give too big of an advantage - You had such a great idea with the common mods for PvP - they improve one thing, but worsen another. This prevents anyone from having any kind of an advantage just because "oh, well, I have this mod, so I win!". But then you have mods that improve your weapon switch speed, others that reload your weapons while they're holstered, and one that increases damage on the Daikyu so that it can one-shot (Daikyu users without it must two-shot, in a game where intentionally landing a hit with this thing is almost impossible most the time as it is). Basically, anyone who has these mods will completely destroy you.

    7: There is still little in the way of dividing the skilled players from the inexperienced - It's great that MR0s-MR2s get their own little conclave, but that's only if they want it on. I still see lots of MR0s, but I also see variations when it comes to people of my own MR. Sometimes I see an MR15 player who completely dominates, other times I see an MR15 player who does terrible and doesn't even get one kill, but no matter what, these people will be pitted against each other. All it does is lead to unfair matches because you have one guy dominating and another guy who is little more than a point farm for the enemy team.


    So with that all laid out, here are my solutions:


    1: Add dedicated servers for PvP, and add a match browser rather than automatic matchmaking. Plenty of other PvP online games achieve this, and I'm sure you can too.

    2: Replace the current camera with a camera that "locks" into a position where the player's character won't be able to cross over into the crosshair. Next, make it so that if the user's frame blocks out an enemy or the crosshair, the frame will lower it's visibility for the player so you can see what you're aiming at.

    3: Reduce parkour enough to where it's still useful for dodging attacks, but not enough to launch you off like a rocket away from someone attacking you. Parkour should be a method of avoiding attacks, not a flashback to Tribes: Ascend that renders most guns and almost all melee weapons useless.

    4: Focus a bit harder on the weapon balances. Run a script that figures out what weapons are getting the most kills each week, then look at those weapons in particular to see if their preference is just because of common playstyle, or because the weapon has unfair stats. Also take a look at any weapons that are never used to see if they're just part of a niche, or actually terrible. Don't listen to people saying X weapon is OP, because no matter what, people are going to say one weapon is OP so long as it can kill them.

    5: Increase daily Conclave standing (or remove the cap altogether), and increase the standing earned per match.

    6: Add a negative side to all PvP mods that currently lack one.

    7: Put together a system that groups players into specific conclave ranks based on their previous performance, then groups those players with that level of performance together. This should significantly reduce the number of matches where inexperienced players face off against those far, far better than they are.


    And that's my thoughts on Conclave. If you have any thoughts on what I posted here, please share them, but try to be respectful about it, I'd rather not see this topic turn into a flamewar.

  7. Just now, EmptyDevil said:

    All i need to answer that is this:




    I'll make an exception to my earlier post for this alone.

    The difference:

    People were asking for Excalibur to be buffed.

    People were crying about Mesa being too OP.

    People are crying about Valkyr being too OP.

    Now then, with that out of the way, this really will be my last response.

  8. Just now, EmptyDevil said:

    What is the point of your post? Do you have some personal issue with me? If so, take it to my inbox or move on. We're having a civil discussion here.

    I have no personal problem with you. Just recognized a repeating pattern and chose to inform people what it is that you do so that this topic doesn't get ruined like the last one.

    This will also be my final response to you, regardless of what you say back.

  9. 26 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    Excuse me for going off point, but why are you debating with me?


    4 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    No, it isn't clear. To me it comes off as if you need invulnerability and is fighting tooth and nail to argue for it's sake.




    Guys, don't argue with him. Read that topic up there all the way through. He's just doing the same thing again. Just ignore him like he wants you to. Let's not have this topic get derailed for ignorance like the last one.

  10. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)Cash201293 said:

    Nah. MR shows dedication to the game. Its shows you been here awhile & knows the game inside & out. MR takes time to get to the highest possible. Plus can you explain what makes "Newbs" Newbs if they are the same rank as Veterans? 

    Step 1: Get slots.

    Step 2: Craft a bunch of random weapons and frames at the same time.

    Step 3: Buy an affinity booster (or just wait for a double affinity weekend, or get one from Baro).

    Step 4: Go to Draco

    Step 5: Reach high MR in just weeks or less.

    MR does not mean you are not a "newb", and it also doesn't mean you're a veteran.

  11. 12 minutes ago, (XB1)EternalDrk Mako said:

    im scared and interested.

    i wasnt happy with the delux renders physique ...

    It'll likely still look like the model they showed us originally. I sincerely doubt any of the criticisms on it will have any affect.

    A shame, because I actually really liked the concept art that the model looks nothing like. I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it looked like the art, but with the model... Ehh... This might be the first deluxe skin I pass on unless it comes with some good stuff in the pack.

  12. 1 minute ago, GreyEnneract said:

    That still results in Hysteria being nerfed.

    If it means she gets three other abilities that are actually worth something, that's fine.

    If they just nerf that and leave it at that, then come back maybe next year with improvements to the rest of her kit like they're doing with Mesa, then that's not fine.

  13. 2 minutes ago, GreyEnneract said:

    Until Hysteria is nerfed DE won't tune up her other crap abilities.

    Js kiddos.

    Or, you know, they could always do it all at once with one major rework like Excal and Saryn both got, rather than like Mesa who they just randomly nerfed the ult of and have since left her for months with no changes to the rest of her sub-par kit.

    Just a thought, kiddo.

  14. 3 minutes ago, Stratego89 said:

    Your reply to that guy isn't really cryptic. It's basically outright saying "you can't judge a frame for being OP or not by just a single skill" except for the fact that you can because if that one skill makes EVERY OTHER SKILL completely redundant- it's broken and ruins the frame. *cough* valkyr/excalibur *cough*

    Yep, Valk's immortality makes my Ash's Bladestorm, my Atlas's Landslide spam, my Banshee's Sonar and Sound Quake, my Chroma's Elemental Ward and Effigy, my Ember's Accelerant and World on Fire, my Equinox's... Everything, my Excalibur's Radial Blind and EB, my Frost's Snow Globe and Avalanche, my Inaros's Desiccation and Scarab Swarm, my Limbo's everything, my Loki's Invisibility and Radial Disarm, my Mag's Shield Polarize and Crush, my Mirage's Hall of Mirrors and Prism, my Nekros's Desecrate and Shadows of the Dead, my Nezha's everything, my Nova's Molecular Prime,  my Nyx's Chaos and Absorb, my Rhino's Roar and Rhino Stomp, my Saryn's everything, my Trinity's Energy Vampire and Blessing, my Vauban's Bastille and Vortex, my Volt's Speed and Electric Shield, my Wukong's Defy and Primal Fury, and my Zephyr's Turbulence and Tornado. Hysteria just does everything all of those do and does it better and makes all of it redundant.


    Unless you just being unclear about what you meant and you were trying to say it makes "every other skill she has" redundant, in which case, that's not hard to do when her 1 and 3 are fairly useless abilities regardless of what her 4 is, and Warcry has a huge cost for what it actually does.

  15. Let me summarize Valkyr:

    Valk in defense = you're screwed. (No way to defend the pod)

    Valk in Excavation = you're really screwed. (No way to defend the very fragile excavators)

    Valk in Hijack = you're beyond screwed. (Almost no shields, and no way to recover them other than waiting for them to recharge + can't protect)

    Valk in interception = you're not really screwed, but Valkyr isn't doing anything to make it easier.

    Valk in Mobile Defense = you're screwed. (See defense)

    Valk in spy = Stealthing it is practically screwed unless you can do it completely without powers, and even then, why would you bring Valk for this?


    Valk is only good in Exterminate, Survival, Capture, and Rescue. But she isn't the best frame for any of these.


    Exterminates are better done by Ember unless you're doing really high levels or Sorties (which Valk shines).

    Survivals are better done by Ash or Saryn. (Able to kill enemies in large numbers while tanking, and thus keep LS up)

    Captures are better done by Volt or Nezha. (Fast, able to get it done quickly)

    Rescues are better done by Limbo. (Able to banish the rescue target and trivialize the entire mission)


    So basically, all Valk is good for is revives when allies need it, and doing sorties. Otherwise, you're better off going with a different frame. Until that changes, no, Valkyr is not OP.

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