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Posts posted by ApplySci

  1. Edit: I just noticed all the experience the weapon said it was getting in the mission actually didn't apply. My Fulmin went form 16 to 19 but is still 16 in the arsenal (screenshot below)


    Enabling Aegis Storm and then Balefire Charger is what caused this both times in the same void survival fissure run. Looks to do this to whatever weapon you are currently using at that moment. I wasn't disarmed by any enemy. By the end, I was only able to melee or use her 1. I was still getting experience on the weapons as toasts came up saying so but after i extracted, the window no longer showed my guns even being equipped visually or able to equip them. cycled all her powers on and off but nothing worked so I extracted.

    Weirder yet, The summary of the mission didnt show those weapons even being equipped. 


    I quickly went to Arsenal to see if the game just decided to remove them completely but they were there and equipped 


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  2. If i turn on Adaptive Exposure, it will make Jupiter beautiful to look at but then make other planets too bright and washed out. I have used the same settings for a long time for lighting and love them. My current work around is managing my lighting settings base don if i am going to Jupiter or not 😞

    Below is example images and my preferred settings. I would really prefer to just keep them the way they are but maybe it's something i can fix temperately making a tweak? Anything that makes me not have to manage lighting all the time but also not make non jupiter tilesets too bright. Hopefully  I am not the only one experiencing this.


    Here are the lighting settings I prefer and have used for as long as i can remember. 



    Here is what it looks like. a little dark but nothing i cant make out



    However, on Jupiter. its this.



    Again, If i turn on Adaptive Exposure on Jupiter it's beautiful and love it. Unfortunately, every other planet then becomes washed out with too much light and annoying.


    Thank you 

  3. i get this leaving caves and buildings a lot. its like the game wants to over brighten you when you exit, like your eyes adjusting to a dark cave to bright light and white snow glowing but doesn't turn off. best part is this bug at least helps with the lighting bug in the buildings. some corpus places are so dark you cant see a damn thing. lighting all around on Orb Vallis is buggy. 

  4. I use TinyWall Firewall and just love its ease of use. The ONLY app that i use that causes problems on launch, even with exceptions in place, is warframe. 


    Do any Devs use Tinywall? Do any users have a workaround to the hassle that is making this game work with it. Every time you launch the game, connections always time out and you get this., even though all the exceptions are in the right settings. You have to close all, relaunch and  Accept the UAC right RIGHT AWAY for it work. if you lack in anyway, it will fail. 


    It's not the end of the world, game breaking and top priority but its just so annoying. Is there anyone at DE working to make Tinywall firewall play nice with the warframce launcher?


    Would love to just have tinywall and warframe work together in harmony like all great applications. 



    much love. 

  5. To me, operator mode ruined focus (obviously) and all future content (look at plains). its like DE wrote themselves into a corner with War within, which was a great story, and took all the positive feedback and went "hey ppl really liked this, lets make 50% of the games content revolve around these angstie void teens!"


    its like when a friend asks you if you like their shirt, you say yes to be polite and the next thing you know they buy you their whole wardrobe to replace your own.


    i dont play warframe to RP as a hot topic teen. the fact focus is destroyed to facilitate minor improvements to operators only shows any bold, future game changing content will be hindered by operator blandness.  

  6. i fished all "night" in plains. when dawn hit, i archwinged ot the sea, meleed out, threw bait, used lumin and was frozen in place, could cycle weapons/inv but could not use. I restarted, went back in, tried again and the same bug happened. 


    i dont know if its archwing and then trying to fish or using baits/luminous (or both). I also had the new 700 day reward equip, Sigma & Octantis, in case it links up with other people who have this repeating bug. 



  7. I even REALLY enjoyed wasting 5k rep on Murkray Bait! Getting the chance to farming OTHER fish for 40 Fish Meat, 20 Goopolla Spleen, 10 Mortus Horn and 10 Tralok Eyes, All for 20 pieces of bait was AWESOME! I then used said 20 pieces of bait to get ONLY Goopolla to come by! YAY!  

    Thank you DE for putting my ability to move on in this game behind the worst idea of "realism" imaginable (a defense a clan mate used. I didn't know people play warframe for "realism")

    I've defended so many directions this game has chosen to go in but this really takes the cake. Literally unable to continue new content unless I spend plat (IF im lucky and she brings it) or fish for hours  just to ascend is beyond stupid.



    Stop it. Now. Bad, DE. Bad. 

  8. beyond ALLLLLL the bugs, the factor that made me stop playing it was the T5 bounty rewards. all i got was wisps and void traces.


    It's no wonder DE wanted drop tables no longer shared with the community. Getting anything good is damn near impossible percentage wise and behind arbitrary time limitations. Just a real shame this is how it happened/is. (and dont even get me started on how spears work) 

  9. just happen to me 3 times in a row. seems to happen if enemies are bombarding the damn thing! PS. do we NEED to have 7 grineer spawn on top of us when we are capturing a target DE? really? 

  10. 25 minutes ago, TARINunit9 said:

    So long as you have the capacity to listen to the game's audio, there's no real difficulty in Find Three Caches. The short version of my tip is, search with your ears as well as your eyes. The long version...

    The Zone of Interest can be divided into two things: the Rim, the bright yellow circumference, and the Center, the dull yellow area. Run a quick lap around the Rim, using your ears to search the Rim and your eyes looking inward to search the Center. This will almost assuredly net you at least two of the caches, leaving you with at least 2 minutes to do a more focused sweep inside the Area

    i have not noticed any sounds for the caches but know past cache hunts had queues. is it the same sound? 

  11. 23 minutes ago, 2old4gamez said:

    I know your pain..

    ''So, you got mugged by a gang of Grineer with artillery and air support while trying to find that last cache? Tough, no bounty for you. You lose everything''

    (It would possibly be less of a chore if matchmaking worked on the plains)


    heh, yeah or when they ALWAYS spawn on top of you while your helpless capping a capture target. 

    but nah, they arent my problem, they are all dead, its just the lighting and locating, even with loot finder. 

  12. I really think they do this just to troll us sometimes. I am over halfway through my chain and lose all progress because i didn't run around the map and locate caches? something that bares NO requirement of gaming skills beyond "spot the thing" 


    I don't know 1 person who requested this, likes it nor enjoys losing their progress because they didn't do it in the allotted time 




  13. Oberon still isnt meta and the community demands Meta or else! /s


    Seriously though, To the people who think this made Oberon worse, you really dont know what you are talking about. To those who just arent happy with it, Im sure you will reply with specific changes that YOU want and oddly enough, involve making Oberon the most powerful/tanky thing in the game. not everything is meant to be god-teir (but this rework is AMZING and im just happy everyone in my mountain clan love it too) 

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