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Posts posted by Churpy

  1. The problem with sniper rifles is that, yes, you can hit an enemy for more damage than a lot of weapons..but that's ONE enemy. Usually you have at least 10, and sometimes closer to 30 or 40, bearing down on your position. Even the bows at least have innate punch-through/can damage more than one enemy.

    The only sniper I have, and have used, is the Snipetron Vandal. I have tried very hard to make this weapon viable for any kind of content, but it falls down very fast because of how far away you have to be, and the fact that your kill rate is extremely slow.


    Why have 6 bullets with a slow fire rate when you can have 100 Soma bullets with half the damage but 20x the fire rate and improved reload?


    DE say that snipers will be buffed, but I honestly don't see a viable solution.


    The best things I can come up with are:


    -MORE damage (wouldn't really fix the problem)

    -Variable zoom on the scope (No idea how you would control this BUT it might improve the maneuverability of the weapon)

    -Innate punch-through (This would probably help a lot)

    -Faster fire rate/reload speeds, or improved clip sizes (Just generally a bad idea but I seriously can't think of anything else)


    If DE were to implement one or all of the above, snipers may still be unfavorable to use in most situations. You are right OP, they don't really work well in Warframe.

  2. huh? i don't think you really read what i was writing, i don't want people to invite ME

    I read exactly what you wrote, you never specifically mentioned people inviting you. I thought you meant that your host for a mission always randomly invites people that aren't fit for the mission.


    Aren't the invites easy enough to just ignore? You don't even need to accept or decline them.


    Actually, maybe it would be a good idea to have a checkbox in the options to decline invites automatically.

  3. I have never been invited to anything randomly, and I spend a huge amount of time sitting in Recruiting. I'm assuming that's what you're talking about.

    If the host wants to use their Void or Derelict keys in that way, I don't see why they should have to stop. It might be a complete waste, but the key belongs to them and only them. If you don't want "random" people joining for your groups, you should probably farm your own.

  4. I don't actually have the Ignis, I had just heard that the damage did actually change with Accelerant. It's actually on the wiki as well, that's how I initially found out. Hopefully someone can clarify what is happening here because I would really like to make use of that damage boost.

  5. Hmh, it's still broken for me, testing it out right now..what on earth is wrong with this skill -_-


    EDIT: Confirming it is still broken, T2 Void hitting the same dmg non-Accelerant and Accelerant.


    EDIT 2: I'll add that I'm using the regular Ember, noticed you are using Ember Prime.

  6. I tried with and without against Infested and both times I was hitting for 961x2. Now I'm just confused.




    ^Despair that I am using.


    Is it because I have another compound on there?

  7. Just tested Accelerant on T3 Exterminate solo using Ignis with heat damage.


    It works fine. No bugs here.

    It only works with the Ignis Heat damage. You can add Heat damage to other weapons too, you know..

  8. Yeah, exactly what I mean. The Ignis does Heat damage so I have added just fire elemental mods to all of my weapons so that they do Heat damage too, and it does not get buffed whatsoever..it's interesting that it is buffed on a fire status proc. Definitely need some clarification on what it's supposed to be doing.

  9. Ember's Accelerant skill is said to enhance all fire damage on the affected targets. However, this is false. The only enhanced damage is for Ember's own skills. Any fire elemental damage from weapons is not enhanced. I'm not sure if this is working as intended or if it is a bug, but I strongly believe that Heat damage from weapons should be enhanced.


    The weapons I tested this with were the Despair, the Karak, and the Scoliac.


    I have tested this both as the host and as a client.


    I have not tested if the damage is enhanced for others.

  10. Play more Void missions without yourself being the host. I can almost GUARANTEE that you will crash if you do 40 minute survivals regularly, etc.


    All of my clan has huge crashing issues in the Void. The only fix for it is to host the game yourself..and clearly everybody can't do that unless they want to solo.

  11. I hate WoF and fireblast spamming Embers. I currently play Ember with only fireball, accelerant and Ignis and it is just great, even in T4.


    Overheat was meaningless. Ember being a caster frame she is not supposed to be a tank too.


    About the energy costs, it is all the challenge of being a caster : spend your energy well to be as efficient as possible.

    Final point : with a rush mod, ember is fast enough :3

    This. I JUST got Ember and I can already see the potential. Accelerant was my favourite ability within the first few hours, and after modding it, it has become seriously powerful.


    Sure, the ability set as a whole is pretty bad, but Ember is still really fun to play.

  12. @RitaVrataski


    Sometimes the truth hurts.  If you run the numbers on how damage is calculated, negating the armor of heavy gunners is more important than increasing your weapon's DPS.  Doing both is still preferred however but if you have to pick one then Corrosive Projection matters far more, especially if your goal is to run as long as possible on a single key.





    Depending on how you define 'end game' then no, every weapon will not work to SOME degree.

    Almost any weapon. There are definitely some that are in need of a little extra love from the developers, yeah. They're pretty easy to avoid though, if players just do research, look at weapon stats, advantages, disadvantages, etc.

  13. Sigh. I'm gonna get flak for this one.


    What the large portion of the Warframe community depicts as end-game "acceptable gear choice" is really, really sad. I'm ashamed to see so many carbon copies of the same gear just because it gives "the best dps" or certain frames because "they're the most OP" or they're "meta" (hate that word), when in fact most of that DPS is really not required until far later than the content that these players can ever manage to play or reach.


    It limits your palette so much more than it ever needs to be limited..yet everybody just tells their friends to get the Boltor Prime or whatever, and leave it at that. Yeah, you can use the most powerful weapons in the game if you desire. But seriously, where's the fun? What about choosing weapons that YOU like, and that YOU think look cool, and trying to build them in a way that makes them kick some serious butt? No? Just going to use what everybody else is using?


    Maybe you have your own reasons for using that gun, but I personally think it's a bit obnoxious if you use a weapon purely for the fact that it gives "the most DPS" or "it's so OP" or "it's the meta" or "it's the ONLY viable end-game gear" when pretty much any other weapon could get you at LEAST through early-end-game. You can scratch up to 40 minutes in T4 with almost ANY gear. It's just all about your builds, and yes I will admit you do have to work hard on those for some gear, but seriously, this Boltor Prime stuff is getting ridiculous. Almost any gear works until super late waves.


    This is something my clan is highly dedicated to. And we have very good success. I can tell you that almost any frame, and almost any weapon, will work, to SOME degree at end game. Maaaybe not everything works in T4. But guess what? T4 is brand new. We'll find a way to crack it. We'll find frame combinations that work. We'll find weapon combinations that work. And you should too.


    We'll do it our own way, because it's more fun than saying "Just use the Boltor." or "Just use the Ogris/Penta/Angstrum" or "Just use this because it's OP".


    OP...everyone, actually. Use the weapons you think look good. Do some research on the weapons before you get them, learn their advantages, disadvantages, mod the weapons out how YOU like, learn how to mod them yourself, have some actual FUN with the game and be badass while doing so. The only reason you'd need a Boltor Prime is if you are going to INSANELY high level content. Most players do NOT do this, there is no need to do this, and you also need a very solid team to do it as well, picking the right gun is just the beginning of that fight.


    I'm sick of all this "meta" stuff. If you have the patience to become awesome in your own way, do not get the Boltor Prime. And if you do get it, get it because you wanted the gun, not because your friend told you to get it.

  14. This is the precise problem with coptering and I have never understood why the devs have not fixed it yet.


    It breaks the mobility aspect of the game almost completely if you get good at it. Every frame will go the same speed no matter what.


    DE, give us U7 coptering back. It was so perfect, you got a very small speed boost and that was it. Not a massive fling across the map.


    If I use Warcry on Valkyr, I can copter across huge areas, 50 - 100m, repeatedly, with no stamina drain. Why? Why is this a feature? You called it a "happy little accident, like the rocket jump". It could be seen as that, yes, but it could also be seen as a huge mechanical flaw in the mobility aspect of the game. It negates the need for frames to have different sprint speeds completely, and it makes a lot of melee weapons "off limits" for anyone wanting to play a slower frame and keep up with a competent team.


    You've said that you're happy with coptering being in the game, but please rethink this. It's causing issues.


    R.I.P. Rhino+Heavy melee users (without vanguard helm), never-reaching-the-extraction-ever.

  15. It's like I just walked into a thread where nobody knows what U14 is..this surreality is oddly refreshing.


    Valkyr's Hysteria is receiving a complete rework in the next big game patch, for anybody who has missed the developer livestreams.


    Now, I'm not saying it will be a perfect rework or anything - but I'd rather hold my tongue until I see what it's like.


    P.S. Hysteria is bad and I avoid using it as often as possible.

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