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Posts posted by thehotsung8701A

  1.   I'm loving this weapon so much, i have 4 formas on it(might go for 5 or 6) and i feel like i'm a little spoiled with it.Yeah there's other weapons that i want to forma like the Braton Prime, Prisma Gorgon, Sybaris, Latron Prime, Rakta Ballistica, Vakyor Marelok, and the Dread.But i'm loving this weapon too much and i don't feel like lettiing it go to work on the other weapons, i need help lol.


    What about you guys, are you in love with a particular weapon so much that you don't let it go or you give that weapon a break and use other guns?


    To me it an ugly weapon so I won't ever use it. 


    Why are all the best weapon in this game so damn ugly?

  2. To be honest i like the looks of Excal a lot but his kit is meh - i mean, his first is very nice and his ult is decent, but the other skills just feel... Meh.

    If the rework goes the direction i think it's going i'm gonna need to grind another two MRs to get a loadout slot for him.

    Excal plus immortal skin amd Pendragon helmet. Such love.

    2 cents from a Volt user.


    Same can be said about Volt Ultimate.  Volt is pretty much a 3 ability warframe.  Though Volt Storm Helmet makes him look slightly better, but it is body, his girly dress, and his ugly high heel boots.  Fix those and Volt would be fun for me.  I bash Volt everytime I get but it because to me he horribly design.  I know a lot of people disagree with me but that how I feel.  Volt helmet is the only part that doesn't need fixing. 

  3. I always wonder why do people love Excalibur so much. Unless you buy immortal skin (and/or syandanas and armour) he looks plain and even if you colour him he just becomes a power ranger.


    His skills are terrible - #1 and #3 are easily replaced by coptering and aerial melee. #2 could be useful but you would be only running around blinding people while there are other CC frames that will also utilise their remaining abilities. #4 deals low damage unless buffed by other frames. Not to mention wonky LoS that might or might not f#@% you up occasionally.


    He fits in with the environment.  You feel like your part of your environment.  He feel like a true Ninja, and you mostly look at his back more than his front when your playing.  His back is awesome, look like a eco skeletonal crysis suit.  He makes you fully use your environment instead of ignoring it.  His #1 skill is fun to use.  He makes you feel like you rather use your sword instead of gun and parkour with him is so much fun.  Also more than any other frame, he feel like a hero and a leader instead of a sidekick.  He just plain awesome, and he awesome even if he did or didn't have his re-work. 


    Excalibur is fun to solo with and role play and feel your part of an existing story.  Other frames feel like your just there to farm void mission. 

  4. If you want him that badly i could help you farm him and throw some extra plat your way for a slot if need be. Just message me on the forums or add me ingame, i'll be on in a couple of hours. Im just glad that someone is enjoying the game :P


    That would be awesome mate and would really make my day!  I added you as a friend in game. 

  5. I always tell my friend to get volt or Excalibur but how i feel about them is excal is a good starter frame since you dont realy have mods and volt is a good frame with the right mods and i am not a fan of mag so i always tell everyone to stay away from her haha


    Volt is better than excalibur but he isn't fun for me.  In fact Volt is my most hated frame and to me the ugliest frame in the game.  I should have started this game before U16.  This is what Volt should have look like https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/251825-alternate-volt/ but instead we get what we have now.  I would have choosen Loki over Excalibur and that been my biggest regret ever since starting this game, that I miss out on Loki, and have to be stuck with Volt for a long period of time before I got my 2nd frame.  Volt Prime helmet should have been default Volt helmet. 


    With Volt, I don't really enjoy Warframe much, I just speed through everything and can't wait for the mission to be over.  I can't see myself ever roleplaying with Volt, he just seem like such a mess.  The stance of an animal and the look of a redcoat while wearing ugly female high boots. 

  6. I play because mowing down waves of idiotic enemies with some friends is far more relaxing than getting yelled at in League.  The older I get, the less strife I want in my gaming, and just some relaxing fun.


    Yeah having to deal with rage quitter, toxic and bad players is not my thing. 

  7. Well, I know it's quite a high level mission but maybe you could try and make your way towards pluto? If you still have a second warframe slot you can get the excalibur parts there and use him on your main account, maybe try finding a good squad to defeat ambulas a few times


    The honeymoon period is over unfortunately.  Excalibur just feel like I'm part of the environment.  I can roleplay, I can take into the sight and sound.  I just never did this with any of my current Warframes.  Just doesn't have that same fresh paint smell (yuck).  I really wish I did not listen to my friend since everyone like different things. 

  8. I made a new account just to try out Excalibur before he get his complete re-work and I have to say...should have trust my instinct.


    I feel like a much fluid and better player as Excalibur then the other starting frame.  I made full use of combat and parkour that I would ignore on other frame. 


    Grant, I know a lot of these knowledge has a lot to do with having 90 hours into the game, but it make me wonder how much more fun I would have gotten out of Warframe had I gotten Excalibur instead of Volt?


    Not to mention Excalibur actually look amazing and not as plain and dry as I have been mistakenly thinking.  The back part of his suit is so detail and amazing and makes me feel like Crysis all over again! 


    His first ability is so fun to use as well even if it not very effective.  I feel like slowing down, getting stealth kill, and checking every container for loot that I would completely ignore on other frame.  Basically Excalibur makes me do all the tiresome chore (but fun on Excalibur) that I would just speed through (Volt) on other frame.  Melee is also fun on Excalibur because he truly feel like a ninja.  On Volt I just shock everyone so there was very little need for melee.   


    The material on Excalibur is amazing as well.  Excalibur is so easy to color and almost every color look so good on him.  Excalibur makes me feel like part of the game, whereas my current main frame Volt (yes more Volt bashing!!!), feel like I'm just trying to rush through the game so I can get every unlockable frames, weapons, and mods.


    Does anyone here feel this way?  It amazing how much fun I am having with Excalibur compare to Volt, though unfortunately I can't switch them around since that another account. 

  9. I have Zeph too,i've to admit that zephyr is a rly fun frame.You can be creative with all of her skills which give you tons of fun.Tail wind + dive bomb,Tail wind + ogris, ..... But now, i like banshee more (probably because its my new frame )


    Remember with parkour 2.0, dev are working on tailwind so hoping we can fly in air for longer. 

  10. hotsung, thanks for the appreciation.  I'm trying to make sure I explain all the key things, but keeping it concise is always a battle.  I try to give hints to my understanding of why things are done a certain way when relevant, but walking too far down that path leads to Epileptic Trees.


    So I try to keep it all relevant, and if not interesting, at least read-able.


    I have ADD and that is readable.   Wikipedia on the other hand, not so much. 

  11. Alternate helmets do a pretty good job of that.



    I believe that success (and therefore retaining your random rewards) is Skill based. However that success occurs before the mission starts through the mods. I wish that I knew what should be done with mods so that our power was based on intelligent use of all of every option at our disposal, rather than out ability to maximize the most broken element in the game that is somehow not an exploit because it has not been fixed (See Vivergate, Blackout lockers, etc).


    also immortal skins.


    I want alternative breast plate as well.


    Immortal skin are just pattern though but Mag immortal skin is awesome!

  12. It sounds to me like you are having issues navigating the menu. Here's a little walk through for you. I hope this helps you out.


    1. Set up a build and save it.

    2. Press "Duplicate"

    3. Change your weapons, mods, Companions and configuration.

    4. Go back to the Loadout screen and click "Rename"

    5. Rename it and click save.

    6. Rinse and Repeat for other Loadouts.



    You are awesome!  Wish it was better explain.

  13. Now as everyone knows, Excalibur is getting a re-work.




    But, there is one problem.

    They.Are.Taking.Away.Super Jump.

    Ok yeah, I know, its pretty much the king of trashy abilities, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?1?!? 


    Now I realize that no matter what I say super jump will never be a ability for Excalibur after the fix, so I propose something new.

    Integrate it with slash dash. Yes. Just make it so when you aim your recticle at a enemy, then you do the slash dash, but if you instead you point up in the air, or anywhere a enemy isn't, you just go there super fast. To be honest I dont really know where I was going with this thread, I just really like super jump. So ummm, I guess just leave you suggestions below to as how they could combine the two abilities or just comment ideas of your own.


    That would be call "Tailwind"

  14. We already have Loadout Slots. They do everything that you are asking for except for the pre-Mission pop-up. All you need to do is set them up and select the one you want for the Mission that you are doing. I have 3 Loadouts(Standard, Boss and Stealth). All of them use Mag as a Warframe, but as you can see, the weapons, mods and Companion change depending on the situation.








    You can use different Warframes in each Loadout, but my main Warframe is Mag and she works very well for me. If you look closely, her stats change in each tab. Did I miss anything aside from the pre-Mission option?


    Woah, is my game bug or something?  The only time I can do those loadout is when I change my warframe appearance?

  15. In terms of damage best against armor, slash is best against flesh, and impact is best against shields. In terms of status procs puncture causes the enemy to do less damage, slash provides an armor ignoring DOT, and impact causes a stun.



    Generally try to avoid Impact, due to it being good against shields (which often are easily removed by cold/magnetic or directly bypassed by toxin and viral procs) and go for Slash (with corrosive if facing plenty of armor) or puncture (which is generally good against everything).


    That was what I was looking for.  Explain why my friend said not to get the Cernos bow cause it impact damage.

  16. İ am a oberon player and no one needs a heal other warframes can heal better than me with some mods...Damage =you serius? its useless against high tier , breeding grounds  wuuuut!!!? this game  not even allow you to stay stand!!! But i low it because i am solo player and it can heal himself you dont need any healt orbs etc but i am very sad about its useless in teamwork  i never read 'looking for oberon' do you? its augments totally bulls... Everyone saying it has radiation it has radiation oh camon! rather than use his skill go and slash down the target yourself! İt can be tanker at some point on mid levels or survivor for mission but in high tier runs you are alone dude you are totaly alone with this warframe i have only 2 warframe and i am mastery rank 6 i get these 5 rank with only oberan i know my warframe but nah... İ  am building rhino p now because it can thank better  it can kill better with MY GAMEPLAY...


    But you still look so cool, and can showoff at the relay!

  17. Slash = Fleshy Targets

    Puncture = Armoured Targets

    Impact = Knockback 


    Yes I know that, but does it matter?  Certain people were saying get this weapon cause it has puncture damage and other don't, so I was wondering if there is one damage that is more important than another. 

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