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Posts posted by Synthex

  1. Right now, the armor system is just little bits that you glue onto the armor that's already part of the warframe. Something like that would mean a complete reskin of the frame, kind-of like the limited edition excal proto skin.

  2. yes, they are definitely space Nazis... or space Commies. Actually the communist parallel makes more sense because they seem to be fighting against what they deem to be corruption but at the cost of many lives, and probably innocent ones at that. That's pretty much how Stalin felt. Also, there's some "red" symbolism.

  3. I think the factions that are allied with one another (if you chose one, you also gain half rep for the other) are


    Cephalon Suda / Arbiters of Hexis


    Steel Meridian / Red Veil


    The Perrin Sequence / New Loka


    the rep gain and losses are as follows according to the in-game footage of the faction pages that was shown in the livestream


    The Perrin Sequence (100%)

    +50% New Loka

    -50% Arbiters of Hexis

    -100% Steel Meridian


    Arbiters of Hexis (100%)

    +50% Cephalon Suda

    -50% The Perrin Sequence

    -100% Red Veil


    Red Veil (100%)

    +50% Steel Meridian

    -50% Cephalon Suda

    -100% Arbiters of Hexis


    New Loka (100%)

    +50% The Perrin Sequence

    -50% Steel Meridian

    -100% Cephalon Suda


    Cephalon Suda (100%)

    +50% Arbiters of Hexis

    -50% Red Veil

    -100% New Loka


    Steel Meridian (100%)  <---- this one was not shown, but my conjecture is based on relationships between factions in previous data

    +50% Red Veil

    -50% New Loka

    -100% The Perrin Sequence


    This data shows that factions reciprocate each others' attitudes towards one another (which is what helped me figure out the relationships of the steel meridian faction). The maximum amount of factions that a player can choose which do not contradict each others' views is 2. If a player chooses to fight for 3 factions, 2 of the factions are guaranteed to be at odds. Knowing this, players can choose 2 factions that are allied (listed up top) or factions which have no relationship with each other. For example, Cephalon Suda can work with its partner, the Arbiters, to get the most beneficial relationship, or with the factions to which they have no relationship, which are The Perrin Sequence and the Steel Meridian. Every faction has 1 ally and 2 neutrals. Just posted this to help people who are choosing factions.

  4. Also, Ordis is a cephalon, which is some sort of ancient orokin AI. Also, judging by the picture faction leader of Cephalon Suda, they are a blue cephalon AI which is very similar to the appearance of Ordis. This would explain why the Cephalon Suda wants to wants to research the void, seeing that cephalons are of Orokin origin. It would be cool if tons of lore was revealed by going through the game allied with the Cephalon Suda faction because I've always wanted the lore of Orokin, Tenno, and cephalons to be elaborated on.

  5. My primary faction will definitely be Cephalon Suda. Being on a quest for obtaining knowlege and ending violence seems like the most noble thing to do. Also, I may consider joining the Arbiters of Hexis if more information comes out about them. I felt like the description we were given was a bit... contradictory? It says they are dogmatic, meaning they have a very strict code and/or belief system which follows principles that are, to them incontrivably true, but they are also searching for the truth. So, is DE using wrong vocab words or am I missing something? They either follow their own truth, or they seek one. Maybe they meant that they have a strict moral code, which makes sense judging by the titles of the different levels of the faction. Anywho, they still sound like a pretty cool faction because they are basically just a council of ancient tenno who think that the path of the warrior is not the only path for tenno.



    Cephalon Suda and Arbiters of Hexis FTW

  6. Nice idea - it would, however, require a lot of balancing for each of the clan tiers - I think it would be too hard for DE to implement.

    You mean it would be difficult to scale operations by clan tier/size? I didn't think of that. It may be pretty difficult. I think implementing my idea would probably require lots of work. In any case, they won't focus on things like this until most or all of the problems with gameplay and playability are solved.

  7. Also, I do have to say something. If we gain support of one faction through these missions, you're suggesting that they only affect clan missions right? Because if you gain the side of, say, the Grineer, then all the planets they control on the Starchart would suddenly becomes useless as the enemies are your allies XD

    I'm not talking about the support of a whole faction, just members of that faction. We can save tenno sympathizers of each faction, and jave them stay in the dojo. We can harbor refugees from each faction that can help us.

  8. Maybe if you were in a clan (that cares about events) you'd feel differently.


    They could have had more guts with the reward schema, but they didn't want anyone who played enough to miss out on any weapon.

    I'm in a clan, but we're not super concerned about total loyalty. We have players on both sides, and we don't really mind. People are intitled ro their choices, and we aren't kicking them for it.
  9. For as fun as the "Us vs Them" mentality is in the above regard, I never really got the impression we're supposed to ONLY support one faction. I mean, if that was the case then lock us into the faction at the beginning and call it good. But they didn't, they gave us choice, they gave us decisions to make...

    Yes, people can do a 50/50 and then do 1 Grineer Mission and call it good. That's their choice... but some people I know are doing that because it's the closest thing to "Balance" as is possible in this event. The whole point, we've been told, about the Tenno is to maintain balance...

    That being said, the majority of people I play this game with don't care about the "moral implications" in a video game. They're here for the loot... if they get more shiny rewards by supporting one side or the other, that's what they're going to do. Hell, I even have a buddy who did 50-some missions for the Corpus before looking at the conflicts and seeing the light, and he's now grinded the 50-some missions for the Grineer.

    But like the sentiment echoed above... if the majority of people were doing this... maintaining that balance until the end, then we wouldn't be looking at the absolute Grineer domination we are right now.

    I guess you're right.
  10. Im more upset at having to do exterminate 100 times with no variety

    That's also a reason to be upset. I'm pretty used to grinding during events, xo that wasn't the biggest problem. The grind was actually way worse than usual this time. I was playing invasions for 6 hours straight with no break or anything. That was pretty tough. Usually in between games I chat with council or grab some food or something, but 6 hours no break was tough.
  11. in the end you still get what you want - plus or minus a potato and a weapon slot 

    doesn't matter you got enough potatoes from this to last you a couple updates for sure -  honestly I'm fine with how it's working.  All I cared about was seeing the two factions go head to head etc -

    in the end you still get what you want - plus or minus a potato and a weapon slot 

    doesn't matter you got enough potatoes from this to last you a couple updates for sure -  honestly I'm fine with how it's working.  All I cared about was seeing the two factions go head to head etc -

    I guess you're right...
  12. Ok. After reading up on the event, I came to the conclusion that DE wanted the players to pick a sie, and stick to it. This is not what most people are doing, and I think it's because of the way the event was set up. People who have 50 with each faction can just do one mission before the event ends for the faction which is winning, and get the t3 reward built and with a catalyst installed. Having 1 more point for one faction than the other is not what I call loyalty. I think with this event, DE was encouraging opportunism rather than loyalty, or at least that's the way it worked out. I think that there could have been an easy fix for this. They could have said that a player has to have 100 more missions completed for the winning faction in order to get the potatoed reward to encourage loyalty, OR they could give players a potatoed t3 of the side they supported, regardless of victor. This way, at least, they would reward opportunism and loyalty equally, rather than rewarding the players who go half and half until the very end.

  13. I really liked having a bigger dueling room as it felt more spacious and its really a personal choice. It didn't affect my dojo so i would very much like it back, whereas it mucked up yours so you don't want it back.

    Everyone is entitled to have their own preferences, my preference is i don't like small rooms in the dojo.

    You might have a completely different preference but i know several different clans that would prefer the bigger room more than the smaller one.

    The devs do things to cater to the needs of all players, to improve everyone's gaming experience. The majority wanted the dojo to be changed beck to its smaller state because of the glitches it caused. Just because a select few want the bigfer one back doesn't nean that DE will or should cater to their interests. I think it's pointless to have multiple variations of the same room. There's just no reason for it.
  14. thanks for fixing you spelling.

    I guess your right although it would be nice if they gave us an option for which size room we wanted and the whole no decoration cap thing is a great idea and i think it should seriously be taken into consideration.


    I was saying that when thy made the room bigger in one of the more recent updates, it glitched out people's dojos. I had a hallway running behind the room, and when they made it bigger, the geometries were intersecting and it was impossible to acces some parts of the dojo because of this glitch. I don't know if there is a point in giving people an option to choose which size room they want. It makes sense to have one version of a room that's consistent throughout everyone's dojos.

  15. I like it... Trinity should have a life sign bar .... of every frame nearby...


    Gameplay wise:Unless they release "invisible" enemies that work the same way as Loki, this is really pointless.

    It won't be pointless because it will allow the player to see the environment more clearly. Also, maybe some frames can have a vision mode that allows them to see through walls. There can be so many uses for vision modes. Also, cloaking enemies could be really cool. That sounfs like a great idea.
  16. I think they've alluded to the idea that the Infested are sort of a hive mind. The more of them, the smarter they are. I guess sort of like how an individual neuron is about as smart as a skin cell, but lump them up together and bam, you've got someone talking about sentience.

    I do agree that as a group, they are sentient, but it would be hard to gain the loyalty of one tiny piece of the hive mind which can't really function as a separate entity from its group... Anyways, back to the topic. Do you guys think this is plausible and doable? Will it add a lot of depth to the game? What are your thoughts on the idea overall?

  17. It was reverted to its original state. When they changed the model to the one whith the buddha statue, they made the room bigger. Since it changed size, it messed up a lot of people's dojos. It happened to mine, but the clan relocated everything (as it turns out, for no reason) to get rid of the bug. When they increased the size, it was intersecting one of the main hallways, blocking off acces tothe rest of the dojo because of the overlapping geometries. I figure this happened to a lot of people, and they complained about it enough to for the devs to change the dueling room back to the original, smaller variant.

  18. You are forgetting Infested. Other than that, you have my bow, my axe and my support.

    Thanks! I was actually thinking about infested, but I wasn't sure if they were really sentient, and if thy could support the tenno. Aren't they just a hive mind who want to devour everything they come across? Not sure if it's possible to get their support, really.

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