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Posts posted by zz_tophat

  1. On 5/7/2016 at 11:13 PM, chuckdm said:

     nobody will ever mod a Paris Prime with Multishot

    What in the what?!


    On-topic: I've seen this bug but it's never really effected me, since the default paris prime skin is so bad it offends my eyes, I don't use it and the other skins don't have this issue.

  2. 57 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    I haven't tried the weapon yet (I've only seen the stats and a few gameplay videos), but from what I've seen so far, I'd like to see the proc chance increased and the launch distance decreased.

    I mean, what's the point of landing a non-DoT proc on an enemy if you're going to launch them across the map when you do it? It's such a waste. Sibear should be able to land procs more reliably, and it should do so without knocking enemies way out of our reach. Maximum ragdoll mayhem should remain the Jat's territory.

    Yes. If both weapons are going to be so similar in stats then they should be different in effects. Personally, I'd like to see the Iceslapper freezing enemies rather than batting them away with it's slam attacks.

  3. 6 hours ago, Rambit23Z said:

    Azima stacks Corrosive and Slash procs really well. (Slash ignores armour)

    The higher the level, the better the Azima is going to perform.

    Cannot tell if serious...

  4. 7 hours ago, pepsi-tan said:

    out-damages aksomati, and was free. It's good.


    ...you had me going for a second, I actually checking the numbers side-by-side, well played.

  5. Even if warframes are purely machines and lack any biological components; there are countless reasons they could be using oxygen, as it is a key component of many chemical reactions.



    So yes, they breath and there are more reasons for them to be breathing than not.

  6. 17 minutes ago, DALOS said:

    I would say you have a point, but this still goes back to the point I was trying to make: all the mods are for surviability, even the ones that effect powers. They are non negotiable.

    By that logic all mods are for DPS because you do damage while you are alive.


    No, survivability in the context of warframe means your ability to take damage and it is different than just stopping things from damaging you by killing them first. Because it is possible to mod for too much survivability at the cost of other, completely different but equally important things, like DPS or crowd control because in this context they are different things (for the purposes of discussion here). For example it is possible to mod for too much survivability: Zephyr does not need both redirection and vitality, having both of those mods is overkill because your turbulence will block so much incoming fire that you will not be taking enough damage to justify having that much shield, if you are taking damage beyond a fairly low threshold, you are playing zephyr poorly.


  7. http://warframe-builder.com/Warframes/Builder/Mag/t_30_0300030020_4-0-5-5-5-4-6-4-5-7-6-5-21-8-5-55-1-4-411-2-10-498-3-3_4-9-55-5-411-16-498-9-6-11-5-4-7-9-f-f-21-14-f-f_0/en/1-0-10

    Like this build, I left a slot open so you could put in whatever (Redirection, quick thinking, overextended, ect). It trades surviability for the ability to spam it's Crush and Shield Polarize. It does not need as much survivability because spamming said skills tends to crowd control or kill all nearby enemies anyway.

  8. It's called making trade-offs.

    You make sacrifices in one area to be stronger in another, in warframe you usually sacrifice survivability for efficiency and power or duration.

    Also all builds do not need steel fiber, it is good on a handful of high armor frames the rest do not scale well with it.

  9. I think if it stays a bounce it should act as a movement modifier, only instead of bouncing players it should boost the movement speed and bullet jump/aim glide of those that run across it for a short duration (like the truth effect, only much stronger, like a 75% bonus for parkor and 50% bonus to speed). Change the name to acceleration gate or something.

  10. "Volt's speed is better" Is kind of an odd statement considering Nezha can be faster than volt without dumping everything in to power strength.


    Trinity's heal doesn't set things on fire, nova's teleport doesn't heal you, why are you even making this comparison?


    Nezha's shield still gives him a greater damage buffer than most of the frames in the game and the stagger is what makes it ones of the strongest defensive abilities in the game, because when close to melee range, staggering an enemy reduces the damage they can deal to you, to 0. This combined with his speed means you can dive right in to groups of enemies knowing that it is actually safer for you to be right next to them, rather than far way because just being near many enemies renders them helpless.


    His 4th ability is a big AOE stun, it can have a fairly long duration, if you can't see the utility in that then I have no idea what to tell you.


    Nezha is a super fast CC immune frame, and while he may seem like a "jack of all trades" he is actually one of the best speed runners in the game, the CC immunity makes it very easy to speed past things that would normally slow you down and he can finish spy missions by just rushing the console at ridiculous speeds (seriously, you want to farm ivara, get some sprint speed and a nezha and go go go).


    Then there is his strength vs infested, I have never been downed by infested, not once, he is just amazing vs them.


    So he's not a jack of all trades, he's a speed runner, an infested survivalists dream AND he's not bad at everything else.


    Is he the best frame? No. Does he have the CC of a nova? The tankiness of a valkyr? The support potential of a Trinity? No, no and no. Is he bad because of that? Hell no.

  11. welp right now her 3 and 4 are really the only viable tools in her kit the 1 is annoying and in most cases is useless, her 2 had laughable damage, but how do we want to change her 3 and 4, i could see just making the augment for her 2 standard which would make it usable, and her one if some one could mind control more then one person then i think it would be used more.


    The 1 is only useless if you are trying to grab enemies for their DPS, using it on shield ospreys, arctic eximus and ancient healers and the like  (especially at high levels) is very useful.


    That being said, her 3rd ability is so powerful she doesn't really need her other abilities to be good. Although making psychic bolts not totally suck would be nice...

  12. How do Shadow Step and Blood Rush affect Bladestorm?


    They don't directly but there is an interaction.


    Body count keeps your combo count up, and your combo count effects the crits from blood rush, shadow step makes you invisible, thus allowing you to melee like a mad man and at the same time boosts your damage. Your Bladestorm boosts your combo counter and scales off of it as well.


    Basically, when it's all working properly, you are running around, invisible, chopping things up and doing an occasional bladestorm for massive damage.

  13. So far my list is this...



    You want hard enemies? They don't make them anymore:

    This is partly because it makes the game much, much harder to play with a gamepad and partially because despite what they say, people don't actually want to be challenged.
    Yes, aggressive, dodging enemies sounds like it would be awesome to me but can you imagine the salt on the forums when people have to deal with enemies rolling away from tonkor shots, or not lining up for Boltor fire?
    "OMG, every time I stop to reload all the prod crewman start sprinting directly at me"
    Gaming is in large part about empowerment, and in order to appeal to a wider demographic warframe has to cater those players that want to feel super strong compared to slow, dim witted enemies. Yes it sucks but it's not going to change, because if you haven't noticed, games like unreal are not exactly around anymore...
  14. Always figured that at least in the case of power cells: they are really, really heavy. The enemies that normally carry them tend to be massive and that seems to be their only job.


    It reflects well on warframes that they can one-handed carry something that is normally hefted by an abnormally large enemy.

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