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Posts posted by Zykk

  1. 35 minutes ago, Nero.DMC said:

    That's the only thing tragedy does, and if you want big numbers you should just use a weapon, a skill will never have the dps of weapons anyway...

    So let me get this straight. Out of all of the Warframes that we have, out of all of the abilities that we have. You only want one that's useful?

    I highly doubt anybody is going to take you seriously as far as your "feedback" goes.

    • Like 1
  2. 38 minutes ago, Inflictum said:

    There is no skill issue when Dante is locked to a roughly 30 degree cone in front of him that's blocked by jars, benches, and turning slightly to the left or right. This also gets worse when you are not the host. Lag changes LOS interactions HEAVILY. The tick rate of checks with the host is atrocious and can mean that you miss 40-50% of your targets who are in clear LOS while not moving if you are running 150+ ping. Hard capping your ping limit is a must to play LOS frames.

    There's also the fact that LOS checks vertical instances in the tile chunk you are in, not what's in front of you. A ramp behind you drops your hit rate on unobstructed mobs by roughly 20%. The game is somehow checking things that aren't from the ability point of origin and using that to determine LOS success. Still. Slight elevation changes shouldn't make a miss happen. Dante's view cone is apparently more narrow than that of a visible doorway, but since LOS doesn't make sense, you will regularly proc tragedy through a doorway on a mob that never entered the room. Not the rest of the group, just one or two dudes. Out of nowhere. There are Czech game developer studios from the early 2000s who just went "Hot damn at least we aren't Digital Extremes programming Line of Sight." and they are correct. This is jank that is unmitigated in its failed state.

    *edit: spelling and punctuation are hard.

    Ah, actual counter-points. Hello! To start with, we do both agree on the numerous points you bring up.

    The lag issue is definitely a noticeable one, I am aware. Is there even a way to fix this while playing with others though?

    The LoS check not syncing with the ability-start-point is absolutely a valid argument! One I would also like to get fixed.

    Vertical instance check issues I also agree with. I like to aim-glide over a group of enemies and cast aiming down, and sadly come across this issue.


    I don't mind when objects like crates block my shot. I do mind when some nearly invisible bit of geometry blocks what should be hitting the bits of the enemy I can mostly see. Things like a lamp post. I do expect we will see more improvements on this front however with the work that the team is still doing in regards to Line of Sight.

    I do find that most of the people complaining about Dante are just saying that his damage abilities should ignore crates, walls, floors, other enemies, etc. They don't care about any of the other abilities, only the one that does (big slash damage) have you noticed? Funny big number. Nothing else matters. They, unlike you, also do not offer any sort of constructive criticism. They just scream "revert nerf de" over and over. That is not a way to get changes made. You'd think they'd know this.


    So yes, we do need more fixes. I agree.

    • Like 3
  3. Just now, LittleLeoniePrime said:

    are you all "remove LoS people" too incompetent to simply.. y'know... jump up before casting an LoS ability? there's ways to almost counteract LoS as a player that have worked for years we can just stop complaining already and be happy about all the amazing changes DE already did put in place.

    They just want to press one button to win. They should just play a clicker game instead.

    • Like 5
  4. 31 minutes ago, Nero.DMC said:

    LMAO do you think you need skill to spam Tragedy? there is nothing to do about LoS beside spamming, there is no skill involved, you just spam it far more than before, removing the playstyle that would take actual skill to play, spamming has never been hard.

    Line of Sight affects more than just Tragedy. Think of something other than yourself.

    • Like 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, dierubikdie said:

    Now that Gyre Kuvael's skirt is fixed, please do something to fix Gyre's skirt covering the entire screen when aiming up during Rotorswell:


    Yes please. This is not the ONLY offender, but this is possibly the LARGEST offender of reticle blocking. Would love to see some work done on making sure we can aim at enemies no matter what we use or where we aim.

    • Like 2
  6. 18 minutes ago, Awaidaqor said:

    A ton of players have been asking for a LoS removal on Tragedy. I understand that you want to stick to your decisions because it is estimated to be the best for the balance, but nobody will ever want LoS on anything. It's a fun killer.
    Reducing Tragedy's range to 25m or 22m and removing LoS would be great and you won't find any player who doesn't want that.

    You are incorrect. I am a player who would very much dislike the change you have suggested. I am fine with LoS affecting abilities. The fact that LoS making it so that you and others are unable to play very well is a skill issue. Not having LoS on abilities would be a fun killer for me, and others like me, who enjoy building our skills.

    • Like 9
  7. Seems to me that there is an unintentional bug where the Zenith's alt-fire mode (disc that hi-lights enemy heads within 20 meters) is bugged with Murmur enemies.

    There's no outline of any kind.

     This makes the gun unusable for its infinite punchthrough purpose.

    That can't be intended.

    At least give me a body outline like we had in ages past. I need to know where to shoot.

  8. Can we get the stats box in the arsenal REMOVED from Appearance screens?
    I don't need to see STATS when I am trying to FASHION. It just blocks my view and makes it really difficult to do APPEARANCE tweaks.

    Also: Please remove the "Recovered Artifacts" on Simaris' Rewards Console from the MISC tab. It has it's own Recovered Artifacts tab.

    • Like 6
  9. Can we keep the "Recovered Artifacts" on the Recovered Artifacts tab and out of the Miscellaneous tab? I just want to see the scanner widgets and Warframe arcane adapter etc that actually belong in the Misc tab. The clutter is obnoxious! It's basically two of the same page.


    New players would SUPER EASILY overlook the items they're trying to get (widgets , sim key) and I feel like this should be fixed.

  10. I'm trying to fashion my weapons.

    Arsenal - Weapon - Appearance

    In the bottom right corner there is a box showing all of my weapons stats.

    I am not in the Upgrade screen. I am in Appearance. Why is this here? Surely this must be a bug.

    Can we please get this removed so I can do proper fashion? I can't color what I can't see.

    This is particularly terrible to have in the way when trying to fashion larger weapons.

  11. 16 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Worthless drop, and a couple decent but otherwise easily obtained drops. How about an umbra forma?

    Umbra Forma is always a pointless drop for me, but I'm not going to complain cuz I'm still getting stuff for free that they don't have to hand out. I appreciate whatever they are in the mood to offer us. With the update coming next week I'd love a few potatoes for the new gear we will be getting. Feels like the right choice for a lot more of the playerbase as well.

    Saying things the way you did makes you sound like a petulant child. Do you not see that? I get it though - everyone has preferences; but when you make the people helping you out feel bad, that's a pretty good incentive for them to stop helping you at all. Why should they give things away if you only make them feel bad about it "because it wasn't the right choice"? That's negative reinforcement. Try to avoid that.

    • Like 2
  12. When I am out in Duviri, earning decrees by playing my Shawzin, I should like it if the sounds produced while I play can be affected by my currently equipped Shawzin.

    I am bad at making up my own songs, and I would like to hear what the other Shawzins sound like when playing songs in Duviri, where I have a note/timing guide to help me.

    I think it would be an amazing change!

  13. Will the cycled abilities that currently don't have colors coded onto them finally be getting the treatment we were told would be given to all cycled abilities?

    Not just Ivara's Quiver and Vauban's Minelayer.

    The color coding for the different aspects of the cycled abilities makes it SO MUCH easier to play!
    I might be going blind, but I still wanna have fun!

  14. I do not understand why you guys made the decoration selection screen... half the size...

    What is the point is letting the other half of the screen be empty? It provides no purpose. It looks bad. It lowers the usability of the selection screen by 50%

    This is a bad change.

    You wanted to improve things for decorators. You added simple and expert modes. But you made it harder to see everything at a glance and make it so we can pick decorations quickly. Just... why?!

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