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(XBOX)ultamite hero

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Posts posted by (XBOX)ultamite hero

  1. Just now, Joe_Barbarian said:


    You talk about being mature. This isn't a call out thread to the person that did it, all names were wiped from it. If you actually read the OP you'd noticed that I said: 

    "This is the kind of behaviour that the player base should be working on stamping out, not because 'Oh you had 3 people doing things so whats the problem?' It's players believing that this kind of behaviour is acceptable constantly. "

    It's quite clear that you're apart of the problem, not the solution. When you can post without resorting to personal attacks let us know.

    and yet the majority is disagreeing with you...

  2. 1 minute ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    Oh yes. How dare OP have a problem with blatantly toxic behavior.


    The OP is literally going out of his way to post a thread just to show off to the world that this frost is a leecher by casting snowglobe in a *defense mission* keeping the globe up while having 2 other frames that *wipe the map* easily. Not mention in the post he said that he called support or something about this frost. Instead of being a mature adult about this and just report and move on. But no letting DE decide if he is guilty or not was not enough for the OP.


  3. All of who are calling this frost a leecher must be the same type of people who play DPS and get mad at tanks for not getting kills in mmo's, mobas and other genres. It doesn't help the fact that the team composition consisted of 2 frames that can easily wipe the map with their abilities. Especially when them map wiping frames are doing their job too well and preventing other players from getting kills. What else can frost do when the 2 teammate just wipe the map! 

    Anyways calling a frost a leecher for doing his job keeping his globes up on the objective and doing nothing else because 2 teammates with map wiping capabilities are killing everything is just childish.

  4. 12 hours ago, (XB1)CulinaryQuattro said:

    Top tier at what?

    Sorties? No. Endless Survival? No. Spy? No. Capture? No. Exterminate? No. Intercept? No.

    So what is he exactly "Top tier" at?

    I don't understand this overwhelming upsell people push with Rhino his kit is lackluster/average at best.


    As I said before put Quick Thinking + Primed Flow on a Frame. Example  Vauban and hes just as Tanky and has a better CC.





    None of those frames you mentioned are capable of being tankier than rhino with those mods. Rhino when built around iron skin can easily get 100k ferrite armor. The highest iron skin hp that I've seen rhino get so far in a regular mission scenario was around 1 million ferrite armor.

  5. Just now, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    There is also energy siphon and pizza for those who don't want to spend super heavy investment on arcanes and focus.

    i actually ran energy siphon when revanant came out before I was done mastering how his ability costs work. (reave still needs a cut to energy drain though, sure it can steal health, but it doesn't aim well or wind up well.)

    energy siphon and pizzas don't give energy while channeling abilities are active.

  6. 4 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

    So far I haven't played him enough to finalize my opinion on him. I'll say so far that I'm enjoying his gameplay and find him pretty effective, and even with a non-minmaxed loadout I'm not having Energy issues. I use DM as a wipe ability when I have an abundance of thrall around me, in order to create the damaging pillars. While the laser dance of doom is pretty good for damage, the pillars deal 80% of DM's damage in larger areas for longer periods of time, for no energy cost. Therefore, my strategy's been forming around redirecting enemies with Enthrall and focusing on growing these zones of damage while my other abilities enable that. DM is good but expensive, so I only use it when needed. I played him before and after the recent update and the difference in DM's cost, for me, is negligible. I think it's because I don't use it for long periods of time.

    Your title and OP claim that the change in Energy costs forcing DM's uptime lower has made Revenant useless. That he has no use outside of pressing 4 and calling it a day, and when the cost is tweaked to make that afk-ish strat harder, he now has nothing. That developers have ruined a frame just because it can't stay in an afk damage spin forever.

    You are wrong.


    or they could of just decreased the range of his 4th so it can give people the incentive to move around instead of sitting still. But that would be my take on a nerf to afk's

    edit: at least specifically for this ability

  7. 1 minute ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    That and the fact I keep running into energy orbs like crazy playing as revanant for some reason. Like at one point I saw 10 orbs just strewn around the map. Can't figure it out.

    Also As I said, That's my umbral build. Revanant doesn't need the boost in armor or health to that degree, its just my preference so if you want to swap the umbra mods out to counter the drop in energy pool feel free.

    glad to hear somewhat of a work around this dumb nerf. But for everybody that doesn't use zenurek or arcane energize the ability is pretty much nearly unusable unless they dedicate their entire mod set up for his 4th channeling cost.

  8. 1 minute ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Thread is back now for some reason /shrug.

    Here's that image you wanted.


    with a base energy pool of 188 and an energy drain of 8.33 thats pretty bad for anyone who doesn't use zenurek or arcane energize. I assume the zenurek tree was what allowed you to use his 4th without too many issues in terms of energy.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Omega-Shadowblade said:

    Then post your feedback in the feedback thread. The cost was stated as experimental if you feel it is unfair go there and give an intelligent reasoning as to why. Don't mope around.

    Personally though, the cost is manageable. It can be used in bursts more than long enough to clear a room of high level enemies, and currently I'm not using flow in my build soooooo.... whatever you wanna take from that.

    then show us the build that you have.

  10. Just now, Zyneris said:

    Even at max efficiency you drain 5/s. That's quite a bit for the average player who's energy pool is in the 300s without primed flow. That's on top of the fact that your Reave costs 20energy by itself which is the only ability you can use during danse.

    Also wouldn't you be basically sacrificing most of your mod slots just to make his 4th energy drain tolerable?

  11. 1 minute ago, Cook-EN- said:

    He's still perfectly useable. They didn't nerf his damage, did they? DE has said time and time again that they don't like the 'Press 4 and AFK' mentality. That's why they nerfed his energy consumption. You can easily mod around the energy consumption rate.

    yes but at what cost in terms of build diversity?

    • Like 2
  12. 11 hours ago, (PS4)NachoZissou said:

    If you're talking about the gold Iron Skin on the prime did you know that you can pick your own colour by changing the accent?


    No he's talking about an option to toggle between prime iron skin and regular rhino iron skin. rhinos regular iron skin is very different looking compared to rhino primes iron skin in more than just color.

    edit:kinda like how the difference between hydroids ult is that the tentacles are made of water while the prime appears to look be organic.

  13. 12 hours ago, Ocerkin said:

    im very excited for revenant BUT i am very fearful of its actual usability because every time theyve shown him he gets the crap kicked out of him and i cant see it being very viable endgame, it has such a link to that "armor" skill it has but it sounds like it has very small numbers of hits before its burned away, last stream reb said 10? thats not a lot in a defense or survival situation if it is ANY 10 hits, you regularly get plinked by stray shots constantly so unless you are constantly recasting its gonna be worthless...


    Edit: and with the devs saying how "op" he was while getting smashed on, and his severe limitation shown as of last stream of only getting 4 minions? im very concerned, only 4? i consider that pretty well worthless, its like a heavily gimped nekros

    Yeah that part kind of concerned me. If their definition of OP is what they showed then thats really really concerning. Hopefully its just because it was modded terribly.

  14. 11 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    Yeah but they won't because they make decent money off those ransom demands. 


    Yeah any logical company wouldn't go that far as it would taint their image if the issue became widespread. But in DE's case the neative platinum issue seems to be pretty rare, so it seems that they care not to adress this issue. If this issue became widespread or one of DE's popular youtubers gets caught in that trap then it will be a different story...

    edit: this really does need to be looked into as this can backfire horribly in the future if the playerbase continues to grow.

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